A/N- Hi all. Thanks for the reviews to the last chapter THIRTEEN MONTHS AGO! I heartily apologise for taking so long to update. I explained the reason for my absence in my recent update of Accidentally In Love.

I am trying to update these stories a lot quicker, at least once a month for each story. Hopefully I will be able to do that :P. Anyway, this chap started off a bit hard to write, so hopefully it turned out okay. Enjoy and please review.


Chad was in an accident, he lost a lot of blood, had surgery and got better. Sonny and Chad admitted they loved each other, Chad asked Sonny out, and she accepted."

Chad POV

We woke up the next morning, I was feeling a bit better. I nearly couldn't feel the pain from the surgery. I got out of bed and had a quick shower and got ready, when Mr Cooper came and gave us some news.

"The hospital just rang me and the doctor wants to see you quickly this morning to do a check up." He nervously said.

We then got a taxi down to the hospital.

"Chad Dylan Cooper here to see Doctor Shapiro." Mr. Munroe told the secretary once we arrived. She was a kind of pretty girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, in her 20s with a professional white top and black skirt.

"Doctor Shapiro is expecting you. Please take a seat, help yourself to some food or drinks provided and he will be with you shortly." The secretary told us.

We took our seat in the waiting room and Mr. Munroe made himself and Sonny a cup of coffee, but I didn't want to have one.

Sonny POV

I gave Chad a little hug and wished him the best as he went into the examination room. The hospital was surprisingly comfortable actually; it was a private hospital, not a public one, so it was quite a bit nicer.

It still had the hospital feel to an extent though, babies crying and mom's trying to get them to stop, kids running around and playing in a designated play area, people in wheelchairs, and with various other little aides to help them around.

I looked around and couldn't help notice this poor older guy, sitting there, clearly in a lot of pain. I hoped he would be okay.

Waiting for the doctor, I wondered what was going to happen, if Chad was going to be all right. I even irrationally hoped that the doctor wouldn't hurt Chad.

I hoped that everything was starting to get better. It so worrying to think about what was going to happen; Chad, after all, came to just inches of his life. He seriously would've been dead now if we hadn't got the blood transfusion done.

I was so thankful that I was compatible and could help him.

I just hoped that it'd be good news when he finally came out.

Chad POV

After a few minutes, the doctor called me into his office. I was wondering what was going to happen, why he needed to see me, after all, we told him that if there was any complications we'd let him know. Oh well, he was the doctor, so he must've known what he was doing. I just hoped that everything would be okay.

"Okay Chad, the reason I called you here this morning was because I just wanted to double check how everything was going. First of all, I'd need you to remove your shirt so I can inspect the wound." He started.

Oh good, he just wanted to make sure it was all good. He sounded like he didn't think there would be any problems.

I did as he asked, and he removed the dressings that covered the wound and took a look at how it was healing.

"Okay Mr Cooper. Good news. The wound has been healing quite nicely. In a few days we should be able to remove the stitches, as the wound should be fairly well healed. Now, I need to check your heart rate next."

Thank goodness everything was healing well, I thought to myself. I still can't believe how close I was to dying, it makes you appreciate how precious life is and how easily it can be taken away. First we were heading to a hotel for part of our vacation, then suddenly, next minute I'm in hospital, just inches away from death. With no warning.

I would be forever indebted to Sonny for saving my life, which she did by offering her blood. This from the girl who, a few months ago hated my guts. Life is funny.

As the doctor was getting the machine ready, the nurse placed a clean dressing over my wound and I put my shirt back on.

The doctor then told me that my heart was beating at 80 beats per minute, which he said was right in the middle of the 60-100 beats per minute range they recommended.

It was wonderful to hear. I was so glad that I was getting better.

He continued a range of other tests and finally, after about half an hour, all the checks were done and I was given the all clear.

"Come back in about three days and I'll do another check of your wound. We should be able to remove the stitches then." He concluded.

Sonny POV

I was really worried about Chad while he was in, but finally, after about a half hour or so, he came back out. I was really happy to see him, so I got up and ran up and gave him a really big hug.

"How did it go Chaddy?" I quizzed him, concerned.

"Very well Sonshine. Very well. The doctor said that the wound was healing nicely and in a few days it should be all good. Everything is back to normal, my body accepted the blood you donated, so now, all that happens is we keep an eye out and in a few days I come back to get the stitches removed." He told me, very calmly. Clearly he was used to the news now.

I was very glad to hear that everything was nearly good again. After all that time of hating Chad, I didn't want to lose him.

Again, I gave him another big hug.

"I love you Chad. I don't want to lose you." I told him, relieved that he was getting better.

Chad POV

We then left the hospital and decided to go sight seeing. Sonny and I love animals, so we decided to go to this place that I hear is really great, a place called Taronga Zoo. Taronga Zoo is apparently considered one of the best zoos in Australia, so we went down to the zoo and had a look around at the cool animals they had there.

"First off we'll be seeing the ostriches which are just here to my right." The tour guide told us, sounding bored, as you probably would if you did this every day.

"Wow, what funny looking animals." Sonny started off, nearly laughing.

We had a good look, for like a couple of minutes, then we moved on to the next section.

"Now, to my left," The guide started, looking as though she wished she was anywhere else, "you will see the tiger pen. Now, be careful around these beasts, they can weigh up to 300 kilograms, and since I know there are some Americans here, that is about 600 pounds, for you Yanks."

"Oh my gosh! How cute!" Sonny started excitedly.

"They are pretty cute." I agreed.

And the guide continued showing us through the bears, the chimpanzees, the frogs, crocodiles – they scared Sonny a bit, those crocodiles. She didn't think those ones were cute.

"Crocodiles are like the alligators, aren't they?" Sonny, showing her nerdy side asked the guide.

"They are rather similar animals, they come from the same general reptilian order, except their families of animals are slightly different. Currently the two types of alligators in existence are only American and Chinese, meanwhile crocodiles are found in other places, such as Australia." The guide told us.

"Cool. I was right." Sonny said really excitedly.

We then continued looking at some turtles, otters (which Sonny thought were extremely cute), fishing cats (again, really cute), seals (will the cuteness ever end?), pelicans (eh, not as cute), echidnas, wallabies, platypuses (which Sonny and I both sung the Agent P song from Phineas and Ferb, to which we were greeted with strange looks from the rest of the group and onlookers)and finally, we saw the kangaroos.

"Wow, what cute animals." Sonny noticed really happily, quite often.

"They are so cute, but often, very dangerous." Her dad warned us.

"That's right Sir! Australia is full of cute animals, but they are very dangerous." The guide told us, very sternly.

After about 4 hours of touring the zoo, we finished checking everything out and decided to go back to the hotel for a little bit. Yeah, I know, boring.

"So Sonny, what did you think of all that?" I asked her.

"Well Chaddy, most of those animals are so, so cute, as I'm sure you gathered." She said, and stuck her tongue out.

"Yeah… I did get that…" I said sarcastically to her.

"Which was your favourite animal?" I asked her.

"Hmm. That's a tough one. The otters, cats, tigers, seals and stuff were all really, really cute, but I can't decide which of them I like the most, and on the other hand, you've got ones that aren't cute, but are really fascinating like the crocodiles, pelicans, and such…. Just to be cliché, I'm going to say kangaroo." She said, and poked her tongue out again.

"Yeah, I'd tend to agree with that assessment. The kangaroos were pretty dang cool." I agreed.

A/N - Well, thanks for reading. Hope you all enjoyed that. Please let me know by reviewing.