Jacob reached out for me again, and pulled me closer. "I love you Bella."

Jacob was asleep within the hour, I kissed the top of his head softly. "I'll be back soon." I murmured, and made my exit swiftly. I didn't know what kind of reception was waiting for back in Forks, the nerves crept in as I climbed into the truck and put the key in the ignition. It rumbled to life loudly, I looked out the windshield at the house praying quietly that Jake hadn't heard the truck rumble to life when I noticed the piece of paper placed underneath the windscreen wiper.

I climbed out the cab and walked round reaching up and pulling the piece of paper out, I stood there and unfolded it gently.


I realize you've made your decision, and I'll accept that. I won't leave I wouldn't do that to you again.

I'll stay away for awhile. You deserve happiness and I know he gives you that. He also gives you the one thing that I never could, a long and happy human life. I always wanted that for you, and now I see it would of never of worked out between us. It was always a compromise, I would of always found a loop hole to keep you human.

Staying human is all I want for you, and I'll have to accept it even if you choose to live it with a werewolf.

Be happy, and most importantly stay safe.
I love you Bella, I always will.

Always yours,

Carlisle must of dropped it off when he came to check on Jake. I'm slightly disappointed that he never handed it to me in person and took the cowards way out, but it was probably Edwards idea. It wasn't the first time he'd make the family leave me be to be human. I hadn't realized how long I had stood there staring at the paper in my hands, the curtains in the house twitched a few times, then the door open slowly and Billy appeared on the porch.

"Are you okay Bella?" He called over.

"Yes Billy," I tried my hardest to sound okay. "I'll be back soon." I waved before climbing back into the truck and pulling away, the piece of paper placed on the passenger seat. The drive to home was a complete blur, the tears were slowly trickling down my face. But I wasn't sure why, was it leaving Edward, was it because Jake was wrapped up in bed on the mend for something that was my fault or was the last two days finally dawning on me. Who knew, but I couldn't seem to stop them flowing.

I pulled up on the driveway and the cruiser was missing, Charlie was still at work. Well at least it gave me some time to think through what I would tell him, What would I tell him? I broke up with my vampire boyfriend to be with a werewolf? I'd been away for two days while my friends, half of which were vampires and the other were werewolves had been fighting off newborns vampires that wanted to kills us all.

I turned off the truck and climbed out making my way towards the house. I opened the door slowly and made my way towards the kitchen, there was a note laid out of the table.


I spoke to Billy. I know you're looking after Jacob but don't forget about your old man. I hope he's okay, I'll pop down to La Push after work, don't worry about dinner I'll bring pizza.

Love you kiddo,

I smiled down at the note through my tears, well at least someone was happy about it. Then again, Charlie would be happy if I was with anyone else other than Edward. I went upstairs and fell onto my bed, screaming into my pillow, why me? why was it always me? why did I always find the monsters and magic as Jacob had kindly put it a few hours earlier. It would never stop for me, Victoria was gone, but I still had the Volturi hanging over my head. They couldn't protect me forever. Yes Jacob was the right choice for me, the choice I would of had If Edward had never returned,the choice I would of had if everyone was human, but was I doing the right thing?

I laid on my bed for a long while, my head buried in the pillows, i finally rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling, I hadn't noticed that it was starting to get dark outside, Jake would be waking up soon, and would surely notice I was gone, Charlie would be finishing work too, I had to pull myself together. I climbed out of bed and pulled my duffle bag off my wardrobe and stuffed some clothes in without even seeing them, when the bag was full I walked back downstairs and sat the kitchen table again.

"Ugh." I groaned rubbing my face roughly.

"Are you okay?" A voice came from behind me.

I jumped up clutching my throat. "Jesus Alice!" I groaned.

"Sorry," She smiled at me. "I just had to come and see you. Are you okay?" She asked again.

"Oh, I'm great Alice," I said sarcastically, sitting at the table again.

"Bella," She sat in across the table from me, reaching out to take my hand, the coldness soothed me a little. "I know this has been a rough twenty-four hours."

"Rough?" I mocked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Okay, terrible." Her lips pulled into a small smile.

"I'm fine Alice," I smiled back. "I just can't help but think I've done this all wrong."

"What do you mean?" She squeezed my hand gently.

"This is never going to stop Alice," I sighed looking down at the table. "I'm like a magnet. Everything that is bad will always find me. James. Victoria. The army of newborns."

"No Bella, that's not true." She whispered.

"What is it then Alice?"

"Okay, maybe you are a magnet," She chuckled her wind chime laugh. "But think about it, all of this has happened since you came into our world."

"So you're happy I chose Jacob?"

"No, Bella. Not at all. What I'm saying is if we'd fought Edward more and told him to stay away. You'd be a normal human, you'd be off living your life, not looking over your shoulder everyday looking for the next vampire who wants to kill you."

"He would of always found me," I sighed. "You know what he's like, once his mind was set. You know what my blood does to him. It's me Alice, always has should of all just let me die when James tried to kill me last spring."

"You wouldn't of died Bella, you would of been one of us right now. You would still be like Bree."

"But I wouldn't have gone to Jacob for comfort when you all left, I wouldn't be in this situation, I wouldn't have to hurt one of them." I mumbled, letting go of Alice's hand.

"No, you wouldn't, but look at it now. You've decided Bella. You don't want to be one of us anymore. Your future has completely disappeared to me." She grimaced.

"What?" I asked, shock clear in my voice. "You can't see me?"

"No," She was looking out the back window now, off in the trees. "I've got to go." She stood up, and smiled at me.

"Please stay." I asked quietly.

"I will always be here Bella. You're my best friend." She smiled pulling me into a gentle hug. "You just need to be human, even if it is with a bunch of juvenile werewolves."

"You sound like him."

"I'll always be here." And she was gone.

So my future had disappeared to Alice, did that mean I'd be with Jake always, did it mean he'd never imprint? The whole conversation brought up more questions that it had actually answered. I drove back to La Push slowly, hoping that my red puffy eyes would be gone the time I got there.

Seth and Embry were outside when I pulled up. "Hello." Seth welcomed me excitedly.

"Hi Seth, Embry.

"Bella," Embry nodded at me. "We were just on our way out."

"You don't have to leave."

"Oh, no we have patrol." Seth said quietly.

"Oh, why? The newborns are gone."

"Sam doesn't want us to let the guard down in case there's still something out there." I shivered.

"Embry, don't scare her!" Seth punched him in the arm.

"I'm fine Seth. I suppose there's always something out there." I was right earlier. It would never stop. "I haven't thanked you yet. Thank you for yesterday, both of you."

"Protecting the rez and all that." Embry teased. "No, honestly, it was our honor. You're a wolf girl now." He winked at me and my cheeks flushed a deep red I'm sure.

"You're welcome," Seth pulled me into a gentle hug. "I still can't believe I got the best fight." I scowled at him making him laugh. "Seriously Bella, when are you going to learn that it's our job?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "I don't think I'll ever get used to it, but hopefully there isn't any more vampires." It was there turn to roll their eyes at me.

"We better go," Seth squeezed me again before letting me go. "Don't want to upset Sam, we're already one down."

"See ya later!" Embry called over his shoulder as the jogged round the side of the house and into the forest.

I walked onto the house, and Billy was snoozing in front of the television I thought it best to leave him where he was and made my way towards Jacobs room. I pushed the door open gently and his eyes where on me immediately. "Bella," He breathed his arm reaching out for me. "I missed you."

"You was asleep, you didn't even know I was gone."

"Was asleep, those two morons came and woke me." I was still stood by the door and his arm was still extended towards me. "Come here?"

I walked towards him, suddenly nervous. "Those morons are your brothers, be nice." I smiled at him perching on the edge of the bed.

He looked at me closely, the back of this fingers stroking my cheek gently. "You've been crying."

"I'm fine," I tried my hardest to smile, laying down on his good side like I had the night before.

"Bella," He scolded. "Talk to me." He murmured kissing the top of my head.

"Honestly, I'm fine. I think I just had a moment. As Alice put it, it's been a rough few days."

"I thought you smelt funky." He teased. "Seth with a hint of bloodsucker."

I poked him in the ribs gently. "Alice."

He laughed. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. When did you go see Alice?"

"Oh I didn't." I looked up at his face to Gage his expression. He was looking at me with eyes that couldn't say much more than 'go on'. "She was at my house when I got there." He pulled me closer with his good arm.

"What did she want?"

"I don't really know, to see if I'm okay I suppose."

"Are you?"

"I'm okay," I breathed looking into his eyes again. "You could say more than okay." He smiled my smile. "I've just been thinking."

"Want to talk about it?" He asked softly.

"No," He grimaced. "Not yet. But when I do you'll be the first to know."

"I'm always here."

"I know Jacob. My Jacob."

"My Bella," He breathed. Leaning forward and kissing my lips softly. "Are you staying again?" He asked.

"I'm here until you are fixed again. Just think of me as nurse Bella." He winked at me making me blush furiously.

"Be good," I whined laying my head on his chest. "Charlie will be here soon and I don't need to be all flustered. What would he think?"

"I'm glad I can still make you blush."

"I think you always will Jacob Black."