Declaimer I do not own Inuyasha or any of the songs I use in this story.

The song I am using here is Djobi Djaba by the Gipsy Kings.

"You're blind!" Stated Sesshomaru. He didn't mean to blurted out, but he was in shock. The women who has had him on the verge of insanity, is blind.

"DADDY!" yelled Rin, yanking her hand away from his. "That's so rude. How can you just say something like that to Ms. Higurashi." she said making her way towards Kagome.

"I am so sorry Ms Higurashi." said Rin as she hugged her and started to cry.

"It's okay Rin, I am used to it. He isn't the first, nor is he going to be the last to state the obvious." she replied hugging her back tenderly.

"My apologies, Ms. Higurashi. I didn't mean to offend you." said Sesshomaru. Kagome didn't reply, she just stood there motionless, trying to find the right words to say. She was far beyond angry. What exactly has she done to this guy, for him to keep offending her. She wanted to know.

"Rin can you leave us alone for a moment please?" asked Kagome tenderly.

"Sure Ms. Higurashi." replied Rin.

She turned around and gave Sesshomaru a death glare. His eyes widened, he felt so guilty. He knew Rin was not going to speak to him for a while, and that bothered him.

"I want to..."Save it Mr. Taisho. I don't need your pity. What exactly have I done to deserve all this negativity from you?"

"What do you mean Ms. Higurashi?"

Don't play dumb with me. Do you actually think I forgot about what happened at Shikon Palace? You made a bet to get in my pants."

"I am truly sorry for that, I did not have any involvement in that bet. I was just as shocked and angry as you were. But he payed for his stupidity." he explained. But Kagome was to pissed to hear him out.

"Do you really think I have no self-respect? I may be blind, but I have morals and I would never sleep with a filthy demon like you." she venomously spat.

Sesshomaru was now pissed. How dare she insult the great Sesshomaru.

"How exactly would you know it was me? You're blind." he stated. Kagome was shocked, but she wasn't going to back down.

"That putrid aura you carry around. I can recognize it from a mile away, and it sickens me."

"You didn't seem to feel sick while you let me fondle you on the dance floor."

"Fondle me? Ha! You're funny, I was giving you the satisfaction of dancing with me."

"I am going to admit it Ms. Higurashi, I wanted you, I wanted to dance with you since the first time I saw you, you intrigued me, and when you kissed me, I was in nirvana. I haven't been able to get you out my mind, but now "THIS" changes everything." He didn't have to say it, for her to know what he meant. Kagome wasn't as hurt by his words. She has gotten use the rejection, but she had actually felt something different towards him. She couldn't blame him for the disappointment.

Sesshomaru was mad indeed, but when he saw her face after the words left he's mouth, he felt bad. It's like a defense mechanism. He hurts you before you hurt him.. He has always been like that. Grew up with that mentality. He always has his guards up, so he won't get hurt.

"You kissed me" she mumbled.

"Come again."

"YOU KISSED ME!" she said a bit louder. "You said I kissed you, but it was you."

"I clearly remember it was you."

"It was you"





"You kissed me end of story."

"You kiss me, lets be adults about it."

"Fine!" she pouted, crossing her arms. Sesshomaru smiled. "Maybe I did kiss you, but you kissed me back."

"I did."he replied.

"Well it was a mistake I will never commit again. I prefer licking the ground, than have your lips touch me." She said and Sesshomaru laughed, making her blush. He leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"Well Ms Higurashi since you kissed me with out my permission, which to my knowledge it is considered sexual harassment. I should press charges."

Kagome was shocked. The nerve of this guy. By this time their angered had dissipated.

Smiling she replied "Do it!"

"Since a man of my stature don't want a scandal, I suggest we come to an agreement."

"Agreement?" she asked. "What type of agreement?"

"Since you Ms Higurashi, stole a kissed from me, I want it back."

Kagome blushed and covered her face with her hands.

"So?" He asked.

"I thought I turned it you off?"

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to actually say it, your words painted a clear pictured for me to see." She blushed at her words and he smiled.

"I apologized, but you had it coming."

"What did I do?"

"You insulted me first."

"Real mature Mr. Taisho. Isn't that a bit childish of your part?"


"Lets be adults about it." she threw his words back at him.

"I am sorry."


"So whats your decision?"

"Sue me."

"You're sure? I can also press chargers for emotional distresses."

"I doubt that. A mule has emotions, something you lack Mr. Taisho." she replied.

"Slander, defamation of character, Ms Higurashi you just keep adding charges to the list."

"Do you enjoy being a bully to the disable?."

Sesshomaru started to laugh, to really laugh. Mean while Kagome wanted to pull her hair out.


He put a finder underneath her chin and lifted her face towards his. He leaned in..."We'll leave this for another time." She sighed, he smiled and walked away.

Two Weeks Later

Sesshomaru laid back in bed and thought about his last encounter with Kagome. He had to admit it, he acted like a jerk. He should of never said what he said to Kagome, but she insulted him first. He knew his logic was childish, but he was hurt. He was shocked to learn the women who he had been dreaming about constantly was blind. He could not be involve with her. Sesshomaru was perfect. He could not be seen with her. They were going to criticize him and think he was weak. He kept telling himself that, trying to convince himself. But yet all he kept thinking about was her. Did he really care that she was blind? She was loving, beautiful, sweet, and feisty. Is she worth it? He thought.

Walking out his room, he walked towards the kitchen where he smelled Rin's scent.


"Yes daddy"

"I need to speak to you"

"What ever it is I didn't do it."

"I need your help."

"My help?" she asked.



"A women"

"You like her"


"You like someone? Oh my god daddy, who is it?"

"Your teacher."

"Eww Ms Hikaku is fat and old. I guess if she rocks yo..."not her" he interrupted.

"Then who?"


"Ms Higurashi?"


"I knew it"

"You did?"

"Yes. You made it so obvious at the festival."

"I did?"

"Yes you did."

"Well then?"

"Of course I will. Operation Conquer Kagome is now active."


"Ok class that's it for today. See you all on Wednesday."

"Bye Ms Higurashi, bye Mr Ito" said all the students as they got their stuff and exited the room.

"Rin what are you still doing here?" asked Jakotsu

"I want to ask Ms Higurashi something." She replied.

"What is it sweetie?" asked Kagome.

"Well a few girls from my school, including me. Got chosen to try out for the role of The Swan Queen. So Iwantyoutohelpmepracticed" she quickly mumbled.

"Huh?" asked Kagome.

"I want you to help me practiced."

"Rin, I don't think I can help you because of my condition. I am sorry."

"Yes you can I have seen you dance ballet before, I know you can. Please Ms Higurashi, you are my only chance. I really want to get the part." begged Rin.

"Alright Rin I will, but every once in a while Jakotsu will help us too. He is able to see, that way he can see your improvement. Ok?"

"Ok" replied Rin.

"When do you want to begin?" asked Kagome

"As soon as possible"

"I am free today Rin, you want to start now?"

"I was wondering if you would want to come to my house. The driver is waiting for me outside. I left my book back at home and I got to finish my homework. I promise he will drop you off at home."

"It's not that Rin." replied Kagome.

"Then what it is? My dad? He isn't going to be home. He always comes late."

"Are you sure he won't mind?" asked Kagome.

"Yes. I promise."

"Alright then, let me just get Shippo and we can go."

As much as Kagome tried to stay mad at Sesshomaru, she couldn't. Every time she thought about him she got butterflies in her stomach. Yes he is arrogant, self-centered and a bit cocky, But she kinda had a small teenage crush on him. She new her feelings would get her no where. From what she heard about him he was rich, powerful and beautiful. While she was blind. No matter how much everyone complimented her beauty, it did not matter to her. She couldn't see after all. She wasn't always blind.

She was so small when it happened. All she remembers are brilliant gray eyes. Eyes she inherited from her dad, so she was told. She lost her eye sight in a car accident. One that claimed her fathers life.

Pulling up to the drive way, she heard Shippo complimenting Rin's house or should I say mansion. How she wish she could see it too.

They all got out the car and went inside.

"Would you like anything to drink?" asked Rin once inside.

"No thank you sweetie." replied Kagome.

"How about you Shippo?"

"You got any juice?" he asked.

"Sure do."


"Yes Ms. Higurashi"

"Where can I sit? I need to put on my ballet shoes."

"Right this way" She walked Kagome to the living room, then she went to get Shippo's juice.

"This place is enormous" said Shippo.

"I bet it is. I can hear my echo"

Kagome was finishing wrapping her shoes around her ankle when Rin came back.

"Alright Rin I am ready when you are." said Kagome.

"Ready" she announced.

"Where are we gonna practiced"

"I was thinking on my daddy's dojo"

"He got a dojo?"


"Awesome" said Kagome.

"Indeed Ms Higurashi. He has an Indoor and outdoor one"

"Lets practiced outside, the weather is perfect"

"Sure we still got a few hours of sunshine left."

"Perfect lets go"

It was now 7:00 aclock when they finally finished practicing. Rin and Shippo were tired. Kagome was still dancing around to random music Rin and Shippo would play for her, from her iTouch which was connected to a set of portable speakers.

"Now this one Kagome, I like when you dance this one." said Shippo. Pressing play Kagome started to dance.

Ay Niña
Yo te encuentro
Solita por la calle
Yo me siento amorado
Yo me siento triste solo

Kagome started to sway her hips and tap her feet on the floor.

Djobi Djoba
Cada dia te quiero mas
Djobi djobi djobi djoba
Cada dia te quiero mas
Djobi djobi djobi djoba
Cada dia te quiero mas

She spun around and started clapping her hands while stomping her feet. She extended her arms towards Rin and Shippo. Soon they all three were dancing.

Que no me importa
Que la distancia
Ya nos separe
Yo me contento me retir
Y no me diga ay
para paraguay

They all three spun around. Rin and Kagome swaying their hips and giggling because Shippo refuse to swing his hips in that fashion.

Djobi Djoba
Cada dia te quiero mas
Djobi djobi djobi djoba
Cada dia te quiero mas
Djobi djobi djobi djoba
Cada dia te quiero mas

And That's how Sesshomaru found them. Dancing, laughing and enjoying the day. He couldn't help but smile too. Rin seemed to really care for Kagome. She was the mother figure that Rin needed.

The song finished and Rin pulled Kagome towards the edge of the cliff. Overlooking the huge lake.

"Come, it is almost sunset"


The three of them spun around at the sound of the males baritone voice.

"Sesshomaru-sama" squealed Rin as she lunge herself at him. "You're here early, why?"

"I got everything done early, so I decided to spend the afternoon with you, but I see you are busy."

"It's ok daddy, we are finished practicing. Ms Higurashi is helping me practice for the Role of The Swan Queen."

He nodded his approval and focus his attention on Kagome who seemed to be fidgeting with her tank top.

"Good evening Ms Higurashi" he greeted with a bow.

"Good evening Mr Taisho" she bowed back.

"How have you been?"

"Fine, you?"

"Now that I see you, I am doing fantastic."

She blushed and the kids started to giggle.


"Yes daddy"

"Did you do your homework?"


Sesshomaru raised a delicate eyebrow at her.

"I am sorry, I forgot. I get to it right now"


"Kagome" Shippo whispered.

"Yes, sweetie"

"I got to pee"

"You can go Rin" answered Sesshomaru.

"Thanx" replied Shippo as he ran to catch up with Rin.

The silence was killing Kagome, so she turned back around towards where she felt the suns heat.

"I better go, do you mind escorting me back to the house?" asked Kagome.

"Not just yet. Rin wanted you to experienced the sunset."

"I doubt I can experienced it Mr Taisho. I am blind." she mumbled. He didn't say anything. He was at lost for words.

"Can you describe it for me then." she said

"Indeed. But first let your hair out."

"Why?" she asked.

"I want to see your hair dance with the wind."

She let it out, and Sesshomaru gasped when the wind started to play with it. He walked up next to her. Taking in all her beauty.

"What is it she asked?"

"You are beautiful" He said and she blushed.

"Are you going to explain it now?"

He didn't reply. They stood in silence for a moment. Sesshomaru was trying to find the right words to say.

He broke the silence when he whispered loud enough for her to hear.

"Its as if the colors and intensity of the light is just enough to calm you. The sun is like a great big romantic, inspirational fire in the sky. It would be as if a powerful symphony was quieting down, becoming more emotional and beautiful as it dies down. Its rays seem friendly. They remind me of an old friend, waving good bye to you, you know they are leaving but you are filled with the confidence that you will see them again."

By the time he finished explaining he was looking at her intently. Her head was tilted back, her eyes were closed and her hair was dancing in the wind. She was breathtaking.

"Sesshomaru" she whispered angelically.

"Yes" he managed to say.

"Explain beautiful"

He walked in front of her and gently grabbed both her hands and lifted them to touch her own face.

"This is beautiful" he whispered.

The wind picked up and both of their hair started dancing together in unison. She opened her eyes. Two beautiful brilliant eyes looked back at him, and through him. His heart started to beat rapidly. She was all he ever wanted. She was the one he had been waiting for, His mate, the mother of their pups, the mother Rin wanted. She was what he been waiting for a thousand years. He leaned in and captured her lips tenderly. He loved her.

Awww! So sweet right? But guess what this isn't the end. There has to be drama in this. We need a villain don't we? Please Read and Review if you like it. I love you all for the reviews this story has received. I am truly grateful and happy..