Here is the final part of Come Back to Me. Thanks for reading!

Violet didn't get to finish her sentence because a loud crash from downstairs interrupted her words. She and Tate got worried looks on their faces, threw on their clothes, and ran downstairs.

"Julia?" Violet screamed as she was running down the stairs. She rounded the corner and saw Julia standing next to Nora by the basement door. Violet ran up to her daughter and wrapped her tightly in her arms. "Are you okay?"

Julia giggled. "Yes, mommy, but you're squeezing too tight."

Violet smiled and released her grip. She picked Julia up in her arms and looked at Nora. "What was that loud noise?"

Nora chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, the twins broke something again. Nothing to worry about. They do that constantly."

Tate was now standing behind Violet. He rested his hand on the small of her back, and his fingers gently thumped against her backbone.

"You three make such a beautiful family." Nora smiled. "I do hope you decide to stay here." Nora nodded her head before walking through the basement door.

Julia turned her head toward Violet. "Mommy, could we really stay here? I love it here."

Violet took a deep breath and pursed her lips together. "How about I make you a picnic in the kitchen so that mommy and daddy can talk about that, okay?"

"Yea! I'm hungry!" Julia clapped her hands together. Violet smiled and carried her into the kitchen, setting her down on the floor and pulling out the food that she had packed in her bag. Once Julia was eating, Violet and Tate walked outside into the backyard, standing by the window so that Violet could keep an eye on Julia.

"She wants to be here, Vi. And you can't tell me that you don't want to be with me. Not after what just happened upstairs." Tate took Violet's hand in his.

Violet pulled her hand back and crossed her arms over her chest. "If I could choose, I would spend forever with you, doing that everyday, but I can't think of only myself anymore."

Tate pointed to the window. "She's happy here!"

"She has been here for a day. What about when she has been here for 15 years, and is an adult stuck in a child's body?"

Tate shook his head. "It doesn't work like that. She would always be just a happy, little girl."

Violet shook her head and felt a tear roll down her cheek before looking at Julia through the window. Julia was playing with her food and laughing. "I can't do that to my sweet little girl. I can't kill her, Tate. I just…. Can't."

Tate turned to watch Julia. She was such a happy child. Tate wanted to spend forever with her and Violet.

"Could you kill her? Could you watch as the life drained out of those big brown eyes?" Violet's voice shook.

Tate thought about the question as he watched Julia laugh at her food. He finally shook his head. "No. I couldn't do that, not to her."

Violet turned away from the window and took a few steps away. "Well that's it then. This, today, is all we can ever have."

"What? No!" Tate walked over to Violet and took her arms in his hands. "You can't come back into my life and give me so much happiness and then take it away."

Violet was crying now, not trying to hide her tears. "What am I supposed to do?"

Tate pulled Violet close to him and held her as the sobs wracked through her small frame. He was trying his best to hold in his tears. "We'll figure something out. I promise."

"I want to be with you, Tate." Violet mumbled against his chest. "I just… I can't leave Julia."

"Mommy?" Julia called from the doorway. "I'm tired."

Tate let go of Violet so that they could walk over to Julia. Violet picked her up in her arms, cradling Julia's head against her shoulder. Julia closed her eyes as soon as she was in her mother's arms. "We should probably go back to our place so that she can go to bed."

Tate's eyes saddened at the thought of them leaving, but he had no where for Julia to sleep. "Yea, okay. Will you come back tomorrow?"

Violet nodded and leaned forward, pressing a light kiss on Tate's lips. "Tomorrow."

Violet sat down on her desk chair and took a deep breath. Getting Julia settled in bed was always a chore, and Violet was just happy to be able to sit down. She looked around the apartment and made a mental note to find time to clean. She checked the messages on her phone and her email. Her parents always called about 10 times a day to see what she was doing. They meant well, but they still hadn't accepted the fact that she was an adult. She had been an adult for a long time.

The last email caught her eye. She opened it and read over it before gasping loudly. "This can't be happening."

Violet and Julia were at the Murder House bright and early the next morning. Tate had been waiting by the front door for hours.

Julia ran into Tate's arms as soon as Violet let her out of the car. "Daddy! You won't believe what mommy is going to do."

Tate laughed at how excited Julia was. "Oh?" He looked up at Violet. She had a bright smile on her face. "What are you going to do?"

"Well it's more like what have I done…" Violet teased. Tate looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "As of today, I now own this house."

Tate's eyes grew wide. "What?"

"Let's go inside, and I will explain everything."

Violet told Tate that she had written a novel while she was taking classes and taking care of Julia. She had sent it to a publisher about a year ago, and they had decided to publish it. She got an email last night saying that the book was going to be sold in stores around the country and that she would be making a lot of money soon. Violet had gotten her first cut deposited in her bank account this morning, and she had gone straight to the realtor, making an offer on the house that the woman couldn't refuse since it had been on the market for so long.

"And here we are. The movers are coming tomorrow to move in all of our stuff."

A bright smile broke across Tate's face as he pulled Violet's lips to his.

"Ew, gross!" Julia cried and placed her hands over her eyes and giggled.

Tate and Violet broke apart, laughing.

Violet and Julia had been living in the house for almost a week. Julia was happier than ever. She loved meeting all of the spirits in the house, and she loved spending time with Nora and the girls. Violet was happy too. She always had a smile on her face whenever she was around Tate. It was paradise.

Violet hung up the phone and sighed as Tate's arms wrapped around her middle. His lips moved gently against the back of her neck. "Who was that?" He murmured against Violet's skin.

"A nanny." Violet turned around in Tate's embrace.

"A nanny?"

Violet nodded as her fingers tangled in Tate's hair. "Well I'm going to need someone that can take Julia to places outside of the house if I won't be able to leave."

"Really?" Tate asked in disbelief. "But I thought…"

"Shh…" Violet placed a finger against Tate's lips. "I want Julia to grow up, get married, have kids, and be happy. But I've already grown up. I have a beautiful daughter, and I have you. I'm happy, and I want to stay here with you. For always."

Tate pressed his lips against Violet's finger that still covered his lips. Violet smiled and replaced her finger with her lips, pulling Tate close to her. Tate's hands moved up Violet's back until they were resting against her sides, near the edges of her breasts.

"Are you sure about this?" Tate whispered against Violet's lips.

"I've never been more sure of anything. I'm also sure that I'm going to explode if you don't make love to me soon." Violet smirked and winked at Tate.

"Well we wouldn't want you to explode." Tate winked back and picked Violet up in his arms, making her squeal and laugh.

6 YEARS LATER – Julia is 12.

"It's bullshit that you can't come to the play!" Julia yelled and stomped her foot.

"Don't talk to your mother that way! You know that we would be there if we could." Tate scolded Julia.

Julia rolled her eyes. "Whatever…" She mumbled under her breath as she turned and walked out of the living room.

"Julia!" Violet called out after her and moved to follow her. Tate's hand on her arm stopped her.

"Let her cool down, Vi. This is hard for her."

Violet turned toward Tate. "Well it's hard for me too! It's hard for me to see her so upset and know that I'm the reason why. I never thought that this would be so hard…"

Tate wrapped his arms around Violet. "It's going to be okay. Do you remember being that age? It was hell for me, and I had parents that could leave the house. Just give her time."

Violet looked up at Tate and stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. Tate chuckled and leaned forward, taking her bottom lip between his and pulling on it with his teeth. Violet giggled and pushed her lips harder against Tate's. She wanted to lose herself in his arms, but she knew that she needed to make sure that Julia was okay.

"I need to go be a mom." Violet whispered against Tate's lips. Tate groaned.

"Being parents is a tough gig." Tate kissed Violet once more before letting her go.

4 YEARS LATER – Julia is 16.

"Absolutely not! No. No!" Violet shook her head and looked at Julia as if she was crazy. "Are you insane? That boy is nothing but trouble!"

Julia laughed angrily. "Like you can talk! Have you met dad? Oh please, you think that I have no idea what he's done in the past."

Violet gaped, at a loss for words. "That… That is completely different!"

"You are such a hypocrite!" Julia screamed.

"No, I'm your mother, and I only want what's best for you. And that boy is not it."

Julia smirked. "And how are you going to stop me?" She opened the front door and slammed it behind her. Violet moved to follow her but was stopped by arms wrapping around her waist.

"Let me go. I'm going to kill that ungrateful child!" Violet yelled and tried to squirm out of Tate's grasp.

"Like mother like daughter." Tate kidded.

"Excuse me?" Violet asked angrily.

Tate laughed. "Calm down, momma. She is a strong girl. She'll be okay."

Violet shook her head. "How can she like a boy like that?"

"You liked me." Tate whispered against Violet's ear, causing her eyelids to flutter from the sound of his low voice.

"That… That was completely different." Violet stammered.

"Oh, was it?" Tate murmured. "I distinctly remember trying to scare the shit out of you on multiple occasions just to get a rise out of you. I also remember having my way with you on the beach the night of our first date. Do you remember that night?" Tate's hands were moving over Violet's clothes, pressing against points on her body that he knew drove her crazy.

"Mmm… Fondly." Violet moaned, having completely forgotten about being upset with Julia.

"Want to relive it? We have a few hours alone."

Violet nodded and turned around in Tate's embrace. "I'm loving this idea."


"I'm going to miss you so much." Julia wrapped her arms tightly around Violet. Violet hugged her daughter tightly, feeling tears well up in her eyes.

"I knew this was going to happen, but you grew up too fast." Violet hugged tighter.

"I love you, mommy." Julia whispered.

"I love you too, baby girl. And I'll always be here. Always."

Julia pulled back and nodded, smiling with tears in her eyes. She turned to look at Tate.

"My little girl is going to college." Tate smiled.

Julia laughed. "Little? I'm technically a year old than you now." She joked. Tate laughed and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm still bigger than you, little one."

"I love you, daddy." Julia murmured against Tate's chest. He hugged her tighter.

"I love you, too."

Julia pulled away and smiled at her parents before walking to the car.

"Be safe!" Tate called out.

"Call us when you get there! And email us pictures and videos! Love you!" Violet called out and waved when Julia drove away.

Tate wrapped an arm around Violet's shoulders, and she rested her head against his chest.

"You doing okay?" Tate asked.

Violet nodded. "I'll be okay. This is what I wanted for her."

"Me too."


"He's so cute!" Violet cooed over the picture on the computer screen. She and Tate were sitting by the computer looking at pictures and videos that Julia had sent them of their grandson, Oliver.

"He's perfect." Tate smiled.

Violet turned in her chair to face Tate. "I'm so happy that Julia has such an amazing life."

"Me too." Tate leaned forward and pressed his lips to Violet's. "So did you make the right decision all those years ago when you decided to stay with me?"

"No regrets." Violet smiled.

"Good." Tate kissed Violet again, pulling her into his lap. "I love you."

"I love you, too."
