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Altair Enters The Host Club - Prologue

(Alternate Universe / Crossover / Side Story between Assassin's Creed and The Ouran High School Host Club. Starring Altair.)

Let's recap!

In all fairness I wanted to mention this is a very long sidestory to my story Blast From The Past. (Which is posted here.) It's the first story/fanfic I've ever written so it needs improvement but is still good... In my opinion. This story was suppose to be released when I've written the chapter it's related too lol but because I like to jump to different idea's and stories, it was left undone for a few months now. A few of my friends wanted to read this crossover of mine and because I've been so busy I decided to release the story anyway.

So... For those who haven't read or don't care to read Blast From The

Past, here is the general idea.

Redstriker and her family are the Assassins descendants. Her children found a Piece of Eden in a cave not far from their home. This Piece of Eden has the ability to bring forth their ancestors and due to some random events it's brought Altair, Ezio, Leonardo and Malik to the 21st century. In the story they've roughly been there for 6 months now.

Now the Templars also have Piece of Eden, which has a similar ability. Redstriker's enemy Vin Vinnox has managed to bring Al Mualim, Robert de Sable, Rodrigo Boriga, Ceaser Boriga and Maria to the 21st century over the last few years.

So far the Assassins have just found out the Templars are here in the 21st and now it's a race to find the remaining Pieces of Eden before the Templars do. This is where the Assassins and the Templar clash while trying to retrieve a new Piece of Eden resulting in Altair getting to it first and waking up somewhere he's not used to.

Blast From The Past is fantasy / humour resulting in the Assassins have been caught up in some funny and strange situations caused by her children, modern changes and the Pieces of Eden. This is why a end up referencing my OC and why he knows a bit about 21st century technology.

I don't want to get into my Oc's details to much because it's not what this story is about but to sum Redstriker up. She is the leader of her company Striker National and had no idea she was part of the Assassins until she found Altair trying to kill her children... You could say she's similar to Altair's personality in some ways...

Why is Altair weak...?

I've noticed a few people mention that 'his weak' which was and wasn't my intent at the same time. I wanted to take him out of his normal "I'm a Grandmaster Assassin, I have no emotions, I have no fears, I'm really anti-social and almost never talk to anyone." that everyone writes him in because that not really how Altair is or should be. I hated the way the game portrayed him that way. I quit playing AC1 because of that and it wasn't until I read 'Altair's Secret Crusade' That I fell 'in love' with his character and base him more off the book then the game. so with that being said.

so my question is, how am I portraying him as being weak?

I'd like to know if it's because I'm basing him more off the book, where he has fears and emotions or if it's because I'm really doing something wrong and it's taking away from him being the bad ass he really is? or if it's just really because of the plot line i have that unfortunately making him that way lol.

This is partly what's delaying chapter 5 because I don't want to making him out as being completely helpless but he's been thrown into a situation that would be very hard to adapt to. Plus his not even coming straight from his own era but from the 21st century because I'd imagine he wouldn't be able to adapt at all if he did. With a new area, a language his never heard before and modern technologies, etc. I sadly see him either being extremely afraid or he'd go on a mad killing spree out of his confusion... well something along those lines. Not the 'well i'll be able to adapt to this dispite the fact, these people speak in a forgien tongue and no one looks like an Arab or like a Templar. They speak to themselves while holding a hand to their ear and I have no idea idea what those big moving shiny things are but yeah... I can total handle this and figure out their's a piece of eden and not be shot to death while trying to retrive it.

so I'm trying to stay 'realistic' too lol.

Thanks for reading! And Review, Comments and Questions are always welcome!