Thad had never worn a school uniform before. The cut on his arm didn't help matters. Thankfully the blazer covered all his bruises and battle scars. It was Monday morning, and his dorm would be ready to move in Friday after class. His roommate was Jeff Sterling, the blonde Warbler who knew ASL. Apparently he had been rooming alone and after meeting Thad, decided to request him as a roommate.

All weekend he'd been texting Flint. So far, Thad knew more about him than anyone else he had ever met. He knew Flint's favourite colour (orange), favourite ice cream flavour (mint cookies and cream), favourite book (the Harry Potter series), and even Flint's favourite word (finagle). Flint had a vast knowledge of Thad to compensate (purple, mango, Angels and Demons, hippopotamus).

Walking into Dalton's hallowed halls, Thad pulled out his phone to text Flint, who had promised to help him find his classes.


To: Flint

From: Thad

Hey, I just got here. Meet me?


To: Thad

From: Flint

Yeah, give me like 30 seconds. I'm bringing Niff and Blaine.

True to his word, Flint walked up to Thad 30 seconds later with 4 other boys following close behind. Over the weekend, Thad had been informed of the "it" couple at Dalton. Niff (Nick and Jeff) were so nauseatingly cute that it was surprising that no one had diabetes. Blaine was the latest emergency transfer and was the lead soloist of the Warblers. Also, he was incredibly single. As was Flint.

And that's all Thad really cared about; Flint's availability.

Although it was ridiculous to think so. No one would ever want to date Thad, who was too chickenshit to stay at Thurston. No one would want to deal with the physical and emotional baggage of dating a deaf boy. Thad's world of silence was to endured alone, never truly sharing it with anyone else.

Especially a boy who was a singer.


His first class was an art class. He had the class with Nick, who was guaranteed to be extremely helpful by Jeff. Thad always wanted to take an art class but was afraid. At Thurston, all of the cool kids took art and they all hated Thad. Dalton was his chance to break into something new and do whatever he wanted.

Thad ended up loving art class and enjoying Nick's company. Having friends was something Thad couldn't understand. He knew eventually he'd fuck it up and be friendless.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder, causing Thad to jump out of skin. He skitted forward and started whimpering. He felt himself tear up, and the boys who had come to talk to him looked around worriedly. Nick and Jeff immediately knew what was up. Nick had been the same way when he first got to Dalton. Some people did not look kindly on homosexuality. The boys could only imagine what the world would do to a gay, deaf boy.

"Guys, give him room." Jeff started pushing the boys while Flint, after being pushed forward by Nick, tried to muster up enough courage to touch the panicking boy. Flint finally got a hold on himself and reached out to stroke Thad's arm, with the utmost care. Thad whipped his head around and stared wide-eyed at Flint, wondering what the fuck was going on.

I'm sorry, Thad signed and quickly ran away. The Warblers looked around in a frenzy, trying to figure out what to do. Thad ran to the senior commons and leaned up against one of the walls. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to his mother asking her to pick him up. Nothing could stop the embarrassment that was coursing through his body, causing a mild adrenalin rush. Thad didn't even notice that he was crying silently until his phone vibrated.


To: Thad

From: Mum


Thad typed back a vague but demanding response to which his mum quickly responded, giving him 30 more minutes at Dalton before she arrived.

Little did Thad know, all of the Warblers were out looking for him. The boys were shooting texts at him left and right, hoping he would respond to someone. No one got a response. They decided to split up and search for him.

Flint walked around the arts building, knowing that Thad wouldn't have run to an unknown place. He walked through the halls, coming up with nothing, finally arriving in the senior commons. Thad was sitting on the floor behind the counsel desk crying. Flint panicked, not wanting to see such an innocent, beautiful boy in distress.

Thad must of seen Flint from the corner of his eye because he immediately lifted his head up and started signing something. He must have realised that Flint didn't know ASL because he facepalmed himself and looked deep in thought.

Thad started mouthing words. So you found me. You can leave now. You don't need to stay with the Dalton charity case.

Flint immediately started shaking his head, "Thad stop. I don't see you as a charity case. I see you as a boy who needs help. And I want to help."

Thad just stared at Flint, gaping slightly. You're serious aren't you? Thad seemed incredulous.

Flint nodded. He would gladly be here for the long run. Any boy this beautiful deserves all the love and help he can get. "You can talk to me about anything Thad."

I'm sorry. I just can't tell you. Thad didn't want to admit that the real reason he wouldn't tell Flint was because he hardly knew this attractive boy in front of him. He just didn't want to let Flint down or have Flint freak the fuck out when he realised that Thad was a weak, pathetic little boy who couldn't handle himself.

Flint just wanted Thad to be honest and trust him. He did understand that he only knew the shorter boy for 4 days. And they hadn't had a face-to-face conversation about anything serious. But Flint wanted to. So bad.

"All right Thad. Whenever you need to talk, I'm here. A text away. And on Friday, I'll be right down the hallway." Flint just wanted to reassure Thad that he had true friends.

Thad's phone vibrated and his face fell. My mum is here Flint. I'll text you tonight? Hopefully Flint would want to know more about him.

Flint nodded and Thad got up to leave. Somehow the Warblers were all surrounding the door, watching the conversation between the boys. Some were smiling and others were talking. Thad blushed and quickly left the building to find his mum.

Flint just sat where they had been sitting, staring at the wall where Thad was just sitting. He had a faint smile on his face, thinking about how heartbreaking it was, thinking about how bad life at his old school must have been. He personally never faced homophobia, unless you count his dad walking out on his family. He couldn't imagine being disabled and gay in today's society. He had always gone to private school, and made it his mission to make Thad Harwood's life amazing from here on in.


To: Flint

From: Thad

Thank you for talking to me. I appreciate it.

This boy was going to steal his heart and stomp on it.