Hello everyone. This is just a story I came up with because I'm stuck on my other ones. Just to warn you, I'm horrible at updating and I don't know if I'll continue this. So, now that you've been warned you can read on. Oh, and the title is inspired by Avril Lavigne's song. This is an obvious AU, where Lily and Snape are Harry's parents.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Slipped Away
Lily watched her son as he played with the boy next door. Harry was laughing at something Joey said and then pushed the other little boy away from him. Joey raced after him and shoved Harry's shoulder.
"You're it!" He yelled out and Harry ran after Joey. It went on like this for another half hour when Lily heard the door bell ring.
"Harry, your dad's here!" Harry said something to Joey and then ran into the house. Lily laughed at her son's excitement. He only got to see his father three weekends out of four. Lily smiled as she opened the door. Her smile quickly dropped. A tall blond haired man with blue eyes looked down at her with a leering smile.
"Hello Mrs Potter." Lily tried shutting the door and reaching for her wand that was on the stand a few feet away.
"Petrificus totalus." She heard him say lazily. Lily could only watch in horror as her son bounded down the stairs and stop in his track in alarm.
"Mum?" He said looking down at her and then he saw the man. Harry turned around and ran up the stairs.
"Stupify!" Harry fell down the stairs. Lily felt helpless. She couldn't even help her son. Lucius Malfoy picked up her precious boy and walked up to her. He looked even more menacing as he looked down at her.
"Tell Severus I say hello." He smiled showing off his teeth. She saw him disappear with her son. Lily's whole world shattered that day. That had been six months ago.
Lily's hair was sticking at odd angles and it had been a week, maybe more, that she had showered. She slept two hours a night at most. She looked like the living dead. Her companion didn't look much better. His clothes were wrinkled, his hair had grown to his shoulders and he was sporting a beard. He had dark bags under his eyes and he slept even less than Lily did. They both looked a decade older than they were and they smelled awful. None of them cared. Lily was looking through a stack of papers, going through every single detail. Severus Snape was drinking firewhiskey straight out of the bottle as he too was going through his own stack of papers.
"We're never going to find anything." He suddenly yelled out angrily, shoving the empty pizza box off the table. The remaining slice fell on the floor with a splat.
"Don't say that." Lily said between clenched teeth.
"We're going to find Harry." Lily got up, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. Severus' eyes softened. Lily walked into the kitchen and grabbed a wash cloth. She picked up the slice of pizza and put it back in the box. She started scrubbing the floor. He watched her for a few minutes then knelt down beside her.
"Lily, stop. The floor's clean." He said softly. Lily kept scrubbing. Severus took her chin into his hands and lifted her face up towards his.
"Look at me, we'll find him. I promise." He told her with a fierce determination.
"He took our son, Severus. He's only eight years old. Merlin knows what that bastards done to him. When we have our son back, I'm going to kill Lucius Malfoy." Her eyes lit up with a burning determination.
"Okay." He said and wrapped his arms around her. She sobbed into his shoulder and he could feel tears falling down his own cheeks. He got out of his crouched position and sat down on the cold linoleum floor, holding the woman he loved in his arms. Finally, after what felt like hours Lily stopped crying. Severus wiped his own tears with the back of his hand. Lily hiccupped, sniffled and then said:
"You stink." He chuckled. They had been performing freshening charms on each other, but that only went so far.
"So do you, my dear." Lily sighed.
"We should shower." Severus' eyebrows shot up.
"Alone." She added with emphasis. "I'll go first." She said as she stood up. She really did look awful. She had pizza stains on her shirt from wiping her hands on it and Merlin knew what else that was on her clothes. As Lily left Severus started to clean the house. He remembered when Lily had bought this place. Harry was two years old and Lily had been recently widowed. Her husband, James Potter, had died protecting her and the boy he had thought was his son. Two months after James had died Lily had gone to see him at Hogwarts, her son in tow. She had dropped the biggest bomb shell on him.
Lily walked through the deserted halls of Hogwarts with her son clinging onto her. It was Christmas break and there were barely any students present. Severus had been walking down the hall, reading a potions magazine. It was odd seeing him dressed in teaching robes, considering he was barely 22, and had been here as a student only 4 years earlier. He looked up from the book and stopped in his tracks.
"Lily." He said her name in surprise.
"Severus, it's been awhile." She said, looking nervous.
"Indeed, two years is a long time." He added.
"Look Severus, we need to talk. Could we go somewhere a little more private?" She asked, her left hand idly rubbing her son's back. Severus narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
"Of course, this way." He said, heading the way he had just come from. Lily silently followed him. They arrived at a door with a portrait of an old man sleeping.
"Lance, wake up." Severus whispered harshly. The man grumbled something inaudible. Severus said the password. Lily didn't hear it. He hoped, anyway.
"You can just sit on the sofa." He said, pointing at a black leather sofa. His quarters were actually quite nice. Lily sat Harry on her knee. Severus had always thought Harry would be a mini clone of his father but he didn't look anything like him, other than the unruly black hair. He couldn't help but smile when he saw Lily's bright green eyes in her son's face and the freckles that were on his nose and cheeks. Severus hated admitting this, even to himself, the boy was absolutely adorable.
"Sev." Lily said, breaking him out of his trance.
"Er... Wh-what did you want to talk about?" He hated the way she made him feel. He always transformed into a stuttering fool around her. If his students saw him now he would never have the same control over them. Lily fidgeted nervously.
"I don't know how to tell you this Sev. Promise me you'll forgive me?" She asked with a pleading tone.
"Forgive you for what?" He asked confused. Shouldn't he be the one pleading for forgiveness?
"Just promise me." She insisted.
"Of course." He said without hesitation.
"I, um, have been keeping something from you." Severus' eye brow raised in a silent question.
"I just, I don't know how to tell you this. It's hard." Harry looked up at his mother, sensing her unease. She smiled back down at him.
"He's beautiful, isn't he?" Severus was slightly taken aback by her change of subject. Though, really as he thought back to it, it had only been a change of tactics. Severus looked again at the little boy. He really was beautiful and for some reason Severus felt his heart beat painfully against his chest. He had an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Yes, he is." He said softly. Lily looked back up at him; a new sort of courage could be seen in her face.
"He's ours." She said finally. Severus' stomach dipped painfully. He had only ever felt this feeling once before; when he had gone to an amusement park with Lily when they were younger. Lily had lured him (yes lured him, the evil little manipulator) to a roller coaster; the tallest and steepest one in fact. When they had gotten to the top of the roller coaster and they had gone down his breath had been knocked out of him and his stomach felt like it had gone into his throat. He'd never gone on a roller coaster since then.
"Wh-what did you just say?" He asked in shock.
"Harry is our son. I even did a paternity test to confirm it." Severus could only stare at her in shock.
They had only been together once. It had been the morning after Halloween. Lily had been at a Halloween party with her husband. She had found a drunken James snogging another woman. She had arrived at his home at Spinner's End in tears. It had been years since they had actually talked. Severus had been confused as to why she would go to him. She didn't say anything; she just threw herself at him. He had protested and told her she was drunk. But, it was Lily and she was snogging him, it had been a dream come true. It didn't take much to convince him that this was right. He woke up alone late that morning and Lily was gone. He realized later on that she had used him to get back at James. He had been a pawn in her game of revenge. She had never loved him nor would she ever. When he found out she was pregnant he never once thought that the baby could be his.
"Wha?" Severus said, still in shock. He looked down at Harry who was staring at him with big, round green eyes. His heart melted and all he wanted to do was embrace him.
"Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked, a hurt expression on his face. Lily brushed away a stray tear.
"I couldn't hurt James."
"But you could hurt me." He said in resignation.
"You have to understand. That night was a mistake. I was hurt and slightly drunk. I just... I wanted to hurt him. I wanted him to feel the way I had. Who better then the person he hated the most?" Severus' face hardened.
"I'm sorry. I really am." Severus shook his head, trying to get rid of the cold feeling that was taking a hold of him.
"I just wish that I had never done that... to the both of you. It was cruel."
"So what? Do you regret having Harry? Do you wish he was your husband's? Would you love him even more if he wasn't mine?" His voice got louder for each question. Lily's eyes widened as he asked her the last one. Next thing she knew, her hand had connected with Severus' cheek. The loud smack startled Harry and she felt him jump in her arms. Her eyes widened and her hand flew to her mouth.
"Oh, Severus, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I know I deserved those questions. I'm sorry. I'm such a fool." Lily quickly got up and left the room. Severus stared at the empty doorway in shock. His cheek was burning. Sense caught up to him and he ran out of his quarters.
"Lily, wait." He yelled out. Lily stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him. Tears streamed down her cheeks and Harry was also crying because of his mother's distress.
"Will I get to see him?" He asked desperately.
"Of course. Just give me some time and I'll owl you." She told him and left.
Severus and Lily still had many issues, but they had worked on some of them. It was on Harry's fifth birthday that they had become amicable towards each other again and another few months before they were friends again. When Harry was six, they had decided to change his name to Harry Evans Snape, though Severus always pestered Lily about the name she had given their son. Harry Snape really sounded weird and Severus feared he would be picked on because of his name. At least it wasn't Harry Ball she would tell him.
Severus finished cleaning the living room and saw a picture on the mantle of the fireplace. He loved this picture. It was a picture of Harry's eighth birthday. Severus marvelled at how much he had grown. He looked very much like his mother, though no one could mistake the resemblance between father and son. Harry had a party hat on and was smiling at the camera. Severus and Lily on either side of him. They all looked very happy. Severus in the picture dipped his hand in Harry`s cake and rubbed it on the boy's face. Harry, outraged, threw the rest of it in his father's face. Lily laughed at them. He felt like it had been years since that happy moment. Severus felt a familiar sadness tear at his insides. Would Harry ever have another birthday?
"Your turn." He heard Lily yell from up the stairs. He quickly wiped his tears and headed upstairs to take his shower.
Please review! :) Let me know if this story is good or not and if I should continue it. I love feedback but please no flames. Again, just so you know I'm horrible at updating.