Cancer. It doesn't care if you're tall or short, ugly or pretty. Young or old. Now it had grabbed a hold of me, and I was struggling for my life. And who knows? Maybe I'll make it. Because I, Nina Martin, am a fighter.

I don't own House of Anubis.

"Hello, Nina," Dr. Calvin smiled at me. He was a kind, elderly doctor.

You see, I was in the local children's care office, even though I wasn't a kid anymore. I'd been having a headache, and nothing was helping- sleep, food, and even Tylonel or Advil did absolutely nothing. And I was struggling with my weight.

No, it's not what you probably think. A while ago, I'd suddenly lost ten pounds, and I wasn't able to gain it back. Oh, and my back was starting to hurt.

"Hi," I responded.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, I've been having a headache, and it won't go away for anything. My back is starting to hurt, and I lost ten pounds for no reason whatsoever."

Dr. Calvin looked up from his file at me, clicking his pen a few times. "Hmm... those are some interesting symptoms. I'll go talk to one of the other doctors, and we'll run some tests." He got up and walked out of the door.

"Nina?" I looked up to see Dr. Calvin. He sat down and made a huge effort to give me a small smile. I'd been in this place for an hour and counting, so I didn't notice at the time. "I'm extremely sorry to say this, but you have... lung cancer."

"What?" I gasped. "You're sure?"

"I'm certain, Nina. You have all of the symptoms, and we detected it on the x-ray."

I didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. How could a sixteen-year-old have lung cancer? It was unheard of. What if I died? I probably would. This wasn't a movie, where the character always survived and became even stronger. This was reality, and fairytales didn't last very long.

My eyes watered in shock and horror. A few tears spilled over, and my eyes clamped tightly shut.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked gently.

"Can I be alone, to call my Gran?" I asked in a whisper.

With an "Of course," he left.

I sat there for a second, swallowing up my saddness and then pulling out my blue cell phone. I flipped it open, and the screen came to life. I didn't bother looking at the time, and simply pressed Contacts, before scrolling through and calling my old house number.

Gran picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" My grandmother said politely into the phone.

"Gran. It's me, Nina," I said in a slighty squeacky voice.

"Nina! How have you been? Is everything fine? Your housemates are all being friendly?" She sounded slightly worried, but mostly happy and relieved.

"Yes, they're fine. And Patricia and I are good friends now! Anyway, Gran I have some news."

"What is it, dear?" asked her worried old voice, so fragile I was scared that any bad news would make it break.

"Gran, I have lung cancer." And with that, the tears started streaming again.

I don't deal with self pity. Every day I woke up, my usual sunshine-y self. Sometimes it was a little forced. But today was differant. This was the day I'd finally decided to tell Amber my horrible news. We were up in our room, me reading a huge Science book and Amber a magazine.

"Amber?" I said, feeling a tad uncomfortable.

"Yeah, Neens?" She looked over at me and smiled. When she saw my expression, though, she put down her magazine and sat next to me. "What is it? Fabian? Oh, is he talking about Joy? Should I have a word with him? He likes yo-"

"No. This has nothing to do with him. It's just," I took a shaky breath while Amber's smile dropped completely off of her face and eyes. "Amber, I have cancer."

5 reviews, please?

Awww. This is sad, and strict Fabina (or do you want a few other couples?).
