Hii! Now, i just want to say thank you for sooo many reviews! You guys are great! And you, Shovel of Doom, are crazy. LOL. Sadly, this is the last chapter :( But it's a happy ending! I swear! OH! And again, Shovel of Doom, there is some things in this chapter that i had told you. It's about a certain language. :P So, now,
Chapter 13
Max P.O.V.
I stared out my window and sighed happily, thinking about Fang. It's been a month since we kissed. I guess now you could say we were dating. We held hands, hugged, even kissed (mostly on the cheek though. My parents would freak if they found out that I was having a make out fest with him.
Ella and Nudge were the first ones to find out. That was definitely predictable. They had told Angel, who accidentally told everyone while we were having dinner together one night. Fang's Mom and DAD didn't really car. They just said to not do anything crazy. We were thirteen, not thirty. Mom was ecstatic. I finally had a boyfriend, which is what she's wanted me to get for so long. Dad….ehh. At first I could tell that he was upset. But after a very emotional Kodak moment, he said he was happy for me.
I looked back at my French book, not wanting to do any homework. I loved French class, but I was so not in the mood to do homework. We went back to school two weeks ago. I know what you're thinking, But Fang will distract from your work! No, he actually made it better. He said that he didn't want out parents to break us up just because I got a bad grade, so he made me do my homework all the time. It got a bit annoying at times. But it still works.
"Max!" I heard someone say. I turned to see Fang grinning at me from his bedroom. I smiled brightly.
"Whatcha doing?" He looked up and tried to see my textbook.
"Homework." I said gloomily.
"Do it."
"But Fang," I whined. He shook his head. "It's hard!"
"I'll help you. What do you have?"
"Oh! That's easy."
"But Fang," I whined again. "You're too far away. Come through your window." Yep, our houses were so close that we could easily go into each other's house. It was good and bad. He nodded and I jumped out of the way. He hopped onto my window seat and sat down, patting the seat next to him. I smiled and sat down.
"Now, lemme see the book." I handed him the textbook to him. He slowly began to read.
"Do we have to do it? I have time, it's only 4 o'clock." I put my head on his shoulder. He looked up and smirked.
"Fine, you can do it later." I cheered. "But, you have to say something in French. And it better be good." I groaned.
"Fine! Umm…." I looked up and thought. Suddenly, I found the words I was looking for.
I looked at Fang and smiled. "Je t'aime."
He smiled back. "I love you too." He said before giving me a peck on the lips.
The End! :)
OMG! Beautiful huh? HUH? Now, sadly, that was the last chapter. AWW! I know! I miss it too!
I'm sorry i took so long to update, today's my Mom's birthday. So, i couldn't post because we went to Olive Garden (Which was sooo good by the way).
Okay, i don't have a question for you, but i need you guys to do me a favor. I need some of you (even all of you) to private message me with ANY ideas for my next story. I have a few ideas, but i want to know what you want. You're the readers after all.
So please review and Private message me! Fly on! 3