For all those who follow me for my works in the Super Smash Bros and Kirby sections of fanfiction, yes, I have just written and uploaded a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic. For all those within the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic section who are likely not to know me because this is my first MLP:FiM fanfic, hi.

There is much I wish to discuss regarding the nature of this particular fanfic and its origins however as such discussion would spoil the story, or at the moment, this particular chapter, I will leave the greater part of my notes at the end. I will say however that this is a short fanfic of two, maybe three if I get the right inspiration, chapters, and that while this may be my first Friendship is Magic fanfic I do not wish for any readers to hold back when criticising. I appreciate criticism, and it will make me just as happy to receive pointers on how to improve as it would to receive praise for my work. I hope you enjoy reading my fanfic.

Thank You Cider!

Chapter 1: Hug and Bedshy.

All was calm within the cosy cottage, shelter to the animals and home of their yellow pegasus caretaker. This was to be expected though, the time could be considered morning but it was an early morning where only the earliest risers (or insomniacs) were awake, and in the house only the odd animal stirred in their nests and beds, not asleep but not up either. Furthermore the character of the most importance in this scene, the small pony known as Fluttershy, was currently nestled underneath her red butterfly blanket, sleeping soundly.

Her room was both quiet and spacious, despite the open window, left as such for the birds to fly out or in through, and the many bird houses that hung from the ceiling. Once again despite being a place infested with pets and wildlife, the wooden floor was immaculate, with exception to the blue bound book that had fallen from Fluttershy's grasp when she succumbed to sleep.

The book was lent to her by a friend, after one of their weekly trips to the spa revealed a common interest in the romance genre of literature. The book's subject of romance was of a slightly more mature nature than the timid mare was comfortable reading, however, while nestled in beneath a warm blanket she decided to give it a try. Unfortunately the day's activity of caring and nursing took its toll on her mind and body, and the land of dreams beckoned the pony into finally sleeping.

Her romantic dreams inspired by her choice of late night reading were banished when the repeated sound of a hoof knocking at the cottage door travelled all the way up into the bedroom, waking Fluttershy. She sat up, her hooves pulling the covers with her, and let out a yawn.

"Who could that be? It's still dark." She murmured to herself, struggling to keep her teal eyes open.

Her words were spoken without much thought for her mind was trying to keep a grasp on the past, trying to keep the details of her most recent dream within her recollection. It was a peaceful one involving a vast green field, practically empty aside from a nearby tree and bush and of course the two ponies that lay in it. She remembered herself there, her eyes closed in peace but knowing full well that there was a chin rested on her back and knowing full well which of her friends was so close to her. She didn't need to look back to see the fellow pegasus serenely resting with her, nor know of the happiness that she was currently sharing with her, Fluttershy was simply blissful at her crush being there in her dreams in any form. She was content with the act of a cuddle, even though it seemed friendlier than the romantic one she wished to offer her.

The dream went a bit strange then, as a rustling sound came from the bushes behind the blue and yellow pair. Her relaxed companion did not bother to look or even seem to notice but Fluttershy was alerted and twisted her head to try and identify the source of the noise. An all too familiar pink pony popped up from the bushes, munching away at a bag of popcorn she had with her, and shouting out in annoyance, "Cuddling? Get into the action!"

That was about the time when Fluttershy awoke, and while she should have been thinking about the pony at the door her first thought was, "What did Pinkie mean by 'get into the action?'"

She did not have long to dwell on such a topic as much to the pony's surprise, the closed window to her left suddenly burst open, and a speeding pegasus flew into the room, crashing against the wall before her eyes. The sound at least brought Fluttershy's concentration away from the dreamland and to the land of the awake. With a frown of concern spread onto her face, the pony sidled to the edge of her bed, her hoof's firmly clasping her butterfly adorned duvet against her body.

Peering over to see the possibly injured intruder, she was taken aback, and literally leaned back in response, when a rainbow mane pegasus flew up to her face and exclaimed "C'mon Fluttershy! Cider seasons about to start!"

The rapidly spoken words were lost on Fluttershy, and the rapid waving of her friend's forelegs just confused the poor dear. Upon finishing her hurried speaking, Rainbow Dash the intruder forcedly grabbed a hold of the bed covers and tossed them aside. Having the bed cover that covered her removed with excessive speed just made the whole ordeal even more confusing than before, and Fluttershy looked down at her plainly visible, yellow coated body.

Usually the shy young mare would have thought nothing of her much bolder, much bluer friend, coming crashing into her bedroom at daybreak and pulling aside her bed covers, but her recent reading material and delightful dreams lead her thoughts down a different path. Fluttershy's forelegs went to cover her body, as a strange giddiness caused her to blush, grin, and squeak.

"Oh...Oh my. Are we going to, to...?" Such thoughts caused Fluttershy to look up at her un-amused friend, and both her blush and her grin deepened in anticipation "...Snuggle?"

Rainbow Dash moved in towards the still pony curled up on the bed, whose bright red face matched her pounding heart beat. As Rainbow Dash drew nearer, her hoofs outstretched, Fluttershy's mind could not help but utter a single, gleeful word, "Yay!"

The sun had only just began to rise, it's beaming orange rays commencing its takeover of the territory the night stars had claimed for their own, giving the air a hazy purple colour overall. Few clouds were in the sky and with a lack of breeze they travelled as lazily as they could, as lazily as anyone (or anypony) else going about their day before the day had truly even begun.

There was of course the exception, even in the sky, as awake and alert Rainbow Dash zipped by, her close pony friend Fluttershy being pushed along for the ride.

"Up and at' em! It's cider time!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed with excitement as she pressed a hoof against Fluttershy's flank, forcing the pegasus to advance further on to the destination of Sweet Apple Acres.

Meanwhile Fluttershy's face bore an expression of disappointment, as she imagined the scenario that crept into her mind when Rainbow Dash had pulled off the covers. She pictured Rainbow gripping the bed covers within her mouth and setting them aside in order to step forth onto the bare bed Fluttershy was sat upon, the cyan mare making her way to her with a caring and playful smile. She would softly nuzzle her muzzle in greeting and then they would embrace, tenderly and lovingly. Hugging one another, the two ponies would rest upon the bed, taking delight in the joys of harmonious sleep, snuggled up as close as could be.

This was not what happened though; instead Rainbow Dash had clutched Fluttershy, turned her round to face the window, and then rushed her out said window. Instead of quietly sitting down to sleep with her dear friends company, she screamed at the sudden speed she was flung forth by her dear friend. Instead of having their hoofs wrapped round one another within her dainty room, they were speeding through the sky with only the dim lights of disappearing stars and sluggishly given sunlight to be able to see.

As Rainbow Dash continued her cider talk, a cider talk Fluttershy had not been listening to (she made a mental note to apologise later for her rudeness), she couldn't help but muse aloud, "Umm...This isn't quite what I imagined would happen when somepony pulled my blanket off in the middle of the night..."

I do not - nor do I claim to - own any characters I use in this story - they belong to their respective series and owners.

As I was saying in the beginning author notes, and something you may have noticed while reading this first chapter, there is something different in the nature and origins of this fanfic than most stories. For you see, the idea behind this fanfic was to piece together various fan art depicting the FlutterDash pairing, and interpret from the various artwork a story. As such certain aspects of this story have been drawn from various fan arts and fan comics, and while it is not an exact replica of these fan arts and more of an interpretation I feel it is only right that I should give credit to the respective artists.

In this first chapter the artwork 'Rainbow Dash n Fluttershy hug' by DiegoTan and the comic 'Bedshy' by Strebiskunk were both utilised in the creation of this fanfic. This is not something I have asked permission for as it is not an exact replica but interpretation/reinterpretation and I do not have the means to contact them anyway. I did however feel it was only right to give them a shout out due to utilising their works for artistic inspiration.

So there you go folks, the first chapter. It is not a very long chapter but then again this is not a very long fanfic. It is more of a means to test out something I have always wished to try (to write a story based on a piece of fan art and to also connect various fan arts into a connected narrative), and to be able to write something short, simple and enjoyable. The next chapter, which will be up next week, also uses two pieces of fan art as inspiration for the writing and I will also credit the respective artists for the next chapter.

So, I hope to bring you the next chapter soon, hope you'll review, and most of all I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of Thank You Cider! Cheerio!