AN: *Whew* It's finished. Now to tie up loose ends and all. Thanks to everybody who reviewed. It was great hearing from you. Thanks also to everybody who read it, but didn't review. I know you're just shy. :) Anyway, feedback is still lovely, love it or hate it.

Mission accomplished, Wufei thought as he filed away his report of this latest...incident, for lack of a better word. He gave a small smile as he looked out the window, glad to see that things were back the way they were before this thing had broken out.

Sally came down, sitting in the chair beside him. She rested her elbow on his shoulder and peered at his computer screen.

"Done with your report?" She asked. He nodded. "Good. I've been doing some work, myself."

"Oh? What have you been doing?" He asked.

"Recruiting. I thought you might be interested as to who I've picked up as Preventer's agents."

Wufei turned and smiled at her. He had a pretty good idea what she was going to say, "Who?"

"Noin and Zechs joined back up. I also got Duo and Heero to join. That wasn't too difficult. Trowa took some convincing, though." She smiled. "And I also managed to snatch Quatre."

"Quatre? How'd you do that?"

"It wasn't too hard once I talked to him."


Trowa sat at the table in the small cafe and read his book in relative silence. He hadn't hesitated to accept Sally's offer to join the Preventers. It was an area where Trowa knew he could help people. Plus, he was sure it wouldn't be difficult to arrange things so that he was assigned to the L4 colonies. Hopefully on a base next to a certain Quatre Winner.

He felt somebody place a hand on his shoulder, and he turned slightly to see Quatre sitting down next to him. He didn't let his puzzlement show, but he did wonder why Quatre was wearing a Preventer's uniform.

"Quatre?" He questioned, placing the book down on the table.

Quatre smiled at him, "I gave it up. Gave ownership of the Winner estate to my sisters. I know it's kind of unorthodox, but that business really didn't suit me." He smiled. "Besides, there were some things here on Earth that I really didn't want to give up."

Trowa knew without asking what Quatre meant. He smiled and took Quatre's hand, pulling him close for a small hug. "I'm glad that you decided to stay."

Quatre put his arms around Trowa, sitting up so that they were nose-to-nose. He smiled, "Me, too. We're partners now, Trowa!"


Duo slapped a hand on Hilde's shoulder, "So. Gonna be my roomie here on Earth? I'm sure you can find a new job."

Hilde smiled. "Actually, Duo," she held up her hand, showing off a ring on her finger. "Jeb proposed to me. I'm going to live on L2 with him."

After a few seconds, Duo reminded himself to pick his jaw off the floor. He threw his arms around Hilde and gave her a hug. "Congrats, Hilde! You're getting married!" Then he pulled away, holding her at arm's length. "Wait, you're marrying Mr. Personality?"

Hilde laughed, "He's a nice guy, Duo! Just cause somebody isn't as loud as you are doesn't mean they're boring." She smiled slyly, "So...wanna be my Maid of Honor?"


"Just kidding!" Hilde laughed. "I hate to leave you like this, though. Are you going to be okay rooming by yourself?"

"By myself? Like hell. I'm finding a roomie even if it kills me!"


"I would think the Preventers would go against your pacifist ideals," Heero said. Relena was laying back in the overstuffed armchair, her eyes closed. She'd been taking a vacation to get some much-needed rest. However, she never strayed far from the capitol.

"I think I've lost a lot of my idealistic nature. I must think practically. No matter how many speeches I make, or how many rebellions we stop, there will always be a need for the Preventers." She opened her eyes and smiled. "I just hope that the next time won't be quite as major as this one."

Heero nodded. Relena stood up, still a bit shaky, Heero noticed. She pulled Heero into a hug. "You always show up to save the day," she commented.

Heero didn't say anything, but returned the hug. She released him and sat back down. "You're tired. I'll go now." He said, turning.

"Heero," she called. He paused. "You're going to be living in the capitol now. I expect to be able to get together for lunch now and then."

Having no objection to this, Heero nodded slightly before walking out.

He walked slowly to the Preventer's HQ. No use walking quickly now. He had a some time off for his work in the latest "incident". They were calling it an "incident".

"Heero! Just the guy I wanted to see!" Heero turned to see Duo run up and latch a firm arm around his shoulders. Duo already had his Preventer's uniform on. "Listen, since you and I have been assigned as partners in the Preventers and all, I thought it might make sense for us to share an apartment. You know, split the costs and everything."

Heero knew that Duo didn't have that much money. Hilde must have decided to stay on L2 for some reason. Living with Duo...could be interesting. Heero just nodded.

Duo smiled, "Great! I've already got a place picked out..."