#Part 15

Dr. Pratt: You're what...

Kerry: You heard me everyone. I'm discharging him.

Dr. Pratt: (defeated) You're the boss.

As Dr. Pratt leaves the room, everyone stares at Kerry.

Ashleigh: You are really letting Dave go home.

Kerry: Why not?

Luka: Because he's still too sick to leave the hospital. That's why not?

Kerry: You said it yourself, Luka, there's nothing more we can do for him.

Mark: He still needs treatment.

Kerry: I made some calls and I've spoken with his hospice supervisor and arranged for a dialysis machine, IV's and medication to be brought there. Home health care will treat him, but I agreed to have a doctor stop by everyday to check in on him.

Ashleigh: That sounds good. Dave already has a hospital bed set up in the living room, oxygen and heart monitor. DJ will be thrilled.

Carter: You're forgetting about his Hickman. Who's going to maintain it?

Abby: Ashleigh and DJ will. They've both been fully trained on it, and if they run into any trouble Nancy will be there. She's an RN. Besides, I think they can handle the job.

Carter: That means a lot coming from a nurse.

Abby: I've watched her take care of the catheter and a professional couldn't have done better. Luka saw it to and he agrees, don't you?

Luka: Yes, I do.

Mark: Wait a minute. I think we're jumping the gun here. Dave may not even be up to traveling.

Kerry: Well, Dave, what do you want to do?

Dave: Go home and die.

Kerry: There you have it. I'll see about having an ambulance take you home once you're discharge papers are signed.

Dave: Wait, I don't want to leave here in an ambulance.

Ashleigh: But Dave....

Dave: No, Ashleigh. I want to walk out of here, but...

Ashleigh: Dave, you can't walk out.

Dave: I know that and since I can't I'd rather leave in a wheelchair than on a gurney in an ambulance.

Kerry: Then you shall. You go home and spend time with your family and enjoy that wonderful little grandson of yours. I hope you find what you're looking for Dave.

Dave: Thank you, Chief.

Kerry is taken completely by surprise by the use of her nickname that Dave had for her.

Kerry: It's been so long since I heard anyone call me chief . Your welcome, Dr. Dave.

Kerry orders one more full physical done on Dave, while she gets his discharge papers in order. Luka and Abby check his Hickman, dialysis and vitals while Carter calls down to radiology for some last x-rays. Mark heads up to surgery to find Elizabeth so she can examine his trache. Randi sticks her head in the door.

Randi: Ashleigh, you have a phone call.

Ashleigh goes to take the phone call while Dave lays back in bed and lets the doctors examine him, relaxed that in a couple of hours he will be back home.

After a few minutes, Ashleigh returns to the room with a big smile on her face.

Dave: I know what that smile is for. (winking) But not tonight, honey, I've got a headache.

Ashleigh: Pervert. No, that was DJ's principal on the phone. He just came from a meeting with the school superintendent. It took some convincing but they agreed to let DJ be home-schooled for the remainder of the year.

Dave: Great! Perfect timing, too. With me getting discharged today, we will have plenty of time to do what we need to do before...

Ashleigh: I'm going to call Nancy and have her bring DJ straight home. He will be so surprised.

An hour and a half later, Dave and Ashleigh are flirting with each when Kerry enters Dave's room with good news.

Kerry: Sorry, to interrupt you two, but...

Dave: It's okay. We can pick up where we left off from when we get home.

Ashleigh: Did you arrange everything, Dr. Weaver?

Kerry: Yes, in a few minutes Malik and Luka will be in here to help Dave into his wheelchair and attach him to a portable dialysis machine. I've talked with Nancy over at your house and your dialysis machine should be there when you get home.

I'm sending Jing-Mei and Luka home with you to make sure everything is how it should be. They will be bringing with them some IV bags, meds and necessities for your Hickman.

Dave: Thank you for everything you've done, Chief. And no hard feelings, right.

Kerry: Right. No hard feelings. And thank you, Dave for giving me the chance to make up our past discretions.

Dave: No problem. It was partially my fault, too.

Ashleigh: I can't believe it. The great Dr. Dave has admitted to making a mistake.

Dave: Don't get to excited there, Ashleigh. It's the medication speaking.

Ashleigh: Well, Dr. Weaver, we have taken up enough of your time. Just tell me what I can do for Dave.

Kerry: Just make him as comfortable as possible and enjoy having him home.

Ashleigh: I will.

Malik comes in pushing a wheelchair. Luka follows him holding Dave's discharge papers.

Malik: Well are you ready to hit the road, Dr. Dave.

Dave: More than ever.

Haleh walks in with a present for Dave.

Haleh: We couldn't let you go home in just in a hospital gown. It's not much, but from everyone in the ER, here's an old friend.

Haleh tosses a pair of Dave's trademark blue scrubs on the bed.

Dave: I forgot about them. Thank you, everyone.

Haleh: Consider it just a little going away present... (Haleh realizes what she said and clasps her hand over mouth) I didn't mean that, Dave. I'm sorry.

Dave: It's okay Haleh, it was funny.

Luka: Only Dave's weird sense of humor would find that funny.

Malik: Well, if everyone will excuse us now, we'll get Dave changed.

Dave: No offense, Malik, but I'd rather Ashleigh did that.

Kerry: Alright, we will be right outside. When you're ready, just give a holler.

Kerry, Luka, Haleh and Malik leave the room as Ashleigh removes Dave's hospital gown.

Forty five minutes pass, when Ashleigh calls for Malik and Luka. They enter the room, to see the remains of a familiar Dr. Malucci looking back at them.

Luka: Now, that looks like our Dr. Dave, the way I remember.

Jing-Mei:(who walked up behind Malik) Still a little on the thin side, though. Are you ready to go.

Dave: I hope you mean home, Jing-Mei.

Jing-Mei: Of course, I did.

Malik and Luka lift Dave into his wheelchair with no effort. Jing-Mei removes Dave from the main dialysis machine and attaches him to the portable, temporary one. Then Malik moves Dave's oxygen tank on to the back of the chair while Luka hangs his IV's on the chair's hooks. Ashleigh insists on pushing Dave's wheelchair.

Dave: You guys know I must be sick to let a woman push me around.

The room breaks into a roar of laughter as they exit. Outside, Dave is greeted by the entire ER. The staff stands in lines on both sides of the hall, clearing a path for Dave to get by. They all start clapping.

Dave: What's this all about?

Abby: When you were brought in here three days ago, none of us expected you to be leaving this way. We thought..

Dave: I know what you thought. It's okay. I didn't expect to be going home ever again, either. But then again I never thought when I walked out of here 2 years ago, the next time I would leave this place it would be in a wheelchair.

As Ashleigh pushed by everyone, they patted Dave on the back and head. He heard a chorus from his former co-workers of goodbyes and We Love You Dr. Dave. Dave, who up to now hid his feelings, couldn't do it any longer. The ER staff couldn't help but notice the tears in his eyes and down his cheeks.

Dave: Ashleigh, lift up my mask, please?

Ashleigh lifted the oxygen mask from Dave's face and he flashed them the famous Malucci smile and mouthed the words "Thank you" before Ashleigh replaced the mask over Dave's face. This was the first time they saw Dave actually smile the entire time he's been a patient there.

Once at Dave's house, Ashleigh pushed Dave inside where he was greeted by Marianna, Colin and Jaime. Luka and Colin lifted Dave from his wheelchair into his bed. Luka hooked the dialysis and heart monitor to Dave, while Jing-Mei checked his vitals.

Ashleigh: Marianna, what are you guys doing here?

Marianna: Colin was working on his project when we heard that Dave was coming home.

Ashleigh: Thank you, guys.

The front door opened and DJ came in, arguing with Nancy.

DJ: It's not fair, Nancy. Why can't I go to the hospital today.

Nancy: I've got my reasons.

She pointed DJ into the living room. He saw a lot of people there and wondered what was going on, then he saw.

DJ: Poppy!!! You're home. Oh poppy, I love you.

DJ runs over to Dave and gives him a big hug.

Dave: Now this is a happy family reunion.

Luka and Jing-Mei, finished their business, decide to tip-toe out. They didn't want to interrupt such a happy family moment.

Over the next couple days, Dave spent as much time as he could with Ashleigh, Marianna, Colin, Jaime and DJ as his condition continued to deteriorate. Dave's seizures and muscle spasms came more frequent, but he refused any kind of medication especially painkillers. Ashleigh managed to get some medicine into him when the ER doctors took turns visiting Dave and bringing him his medicine and supplies from the hospital. Dave remained as lucid as possible, despite the medication and he continued to play with DJ as much as he could.

A week after Dave was discharged from the hospital, Ashleigh and DJ stopped by the ER. Elizabeth was the first to notice them as the other ER staff gathered.

Elizabeth: Ashleigh, DJ how are you?

Ashleigh: We're fine.

DJ: I'm thirsty, Nana.

Ashleigh: You know where the water fountain is.

As DJ runs over to the fountain, the others chat with Ashleigh.

Jing-Mei: Sorry, we haven't been able to get over to see you guys in the last 2 days, but, flu season hit us hard. It's been a madhouse around here.

Ashleigh: It's okay. We understand.

Mark: How is Dave doing?

Ashleigh: He's better than he's been in a long time.

Kerry: That's good.

Peter: Are you here to pick up some meds for him. Why didn't you call. We could have had someone drop them off for you.

Ashleigh: No. DJ's pediatrician is working out of the hospital and he needed a check up and to get his shots before we go to Italy.

Cleo: Oh, you guys are going to take the trip.

Ashleigh: Yes.

Malik: Ashleigh, I was thinking. If Dave is up to it, maybe some us will drop by later and fill him in on what's been going on around County since he left.

Ashleigh: Thanks Malik. I think Malucci would have liked that.

Malik: Sure he would have! He was always into some hot ER gos...sip.(pause) Would have?

Ashleigh:(nods) Yes everyone. Dave died last night.

Everyone stood stunned. They didn't know what to say or do while the tears ran down their faces.

Haleh: Oh god! We are so sorry, Ashleigh.

Ashleigh: Thank you everyone for everything you've done for us. You really did make Dave's last days happy.

Cleo: Was he in any pain?

Ashleigh: No. Dave lapsed into a coma the morning before.

As Ashleigh begins to tell them about Dave's last moments we see it in flashback form.


Ashleigh sat by Dave's bedside. Jaime and DJ slept upstairs and Colin and Marianna were in the dining room. Colin had just finished his biggest project. DJ came running down the stairs.

DJ: Nana, can I sit with you?

Ashleigh: DJ, what are you doing up?

DJ: I couldn't sleep. There was a ghost in my room.

Ashleigh: What? I think you were imagining it.

DJ: Uh, uh. It was poppy. He was standing in my doorway. Then he walked over to me, the same way he use to when he did walk. He told me he wasn't going to be in pain anymore and that it was time for him to go up to be with mommy, daddy and god and that he loved me. Then he kissed me on the head.

Ashleigh: I've been here with him the whole time. I think you were just dreaming. Now, just sit on Nana's lap and rest.

About 5 minutes later, Dave's body jerked or spasmed out. It was the first time he moved since he went into the coma.

Ashleigh: Colin, Marianna get in here NOW!!!

Colin and Marianna ran into the living room just as Dave's heart monitor flatlined.

Ashleigh: Dave, are you in the tunnel? Can you see the light? Walk towards it, Dave. Keep walking, baby.

Colin, Marianna and Ashleigh: We love you, Dave.

DJ: I love you, poppy. Say hello to mommy and daddy for me.

Within the next hour or so, the ambulance came by and picked Dave up. We tried to get some rest but it seemed impossible. All of our heads were so filled with Dave. When Ashleigh came down in the morning, a sight met her tear-filled eyes.

She saw DJ in Dave's hospital bed, cuddled up with his teddy bear and fast asleep.

She didn't want to wake him up, but, she didn't think it was right for him to be in the bed. She tried to carefully lift him up, but he woke up anyway. As she tried to move a groggy, half-asleep DJ to his own bed, she banged against the night stand next to Dave's bed. She and DJ saw Dave's glasses sitting on it and they both broke up.


Kerry: How is DJ taken it?

Ashleigh: He's trying to be strong, just like Dave, but...it's hard on him. Very hard. His best friend is gone. He doesn't know what to do.

Jing-Mei: Why not read to him. I bet he would like that.

Ashleigh: I'm a little embarrassed here. The truth is I don't even know what DJ's favorite stories are. Dave always knew. Dave died the way he wanted to, at home with his family around him. It was very quick and quiet. Just the passing that Dave deserved.

DJ comes running over towards the staff and starts tugging at Ashleigh.

DJ: Can we get something to eat now. You promised we could after I saw the doctor. And a promise is sacred for a Malucci.

Abby: DJ, we are all very sorry about your poppy.

DJ: Thank you everyone. Can we go now, Nana?

Ashleigh: I guess I have to go now. I'll be seeing you again when I bring DJ over to visit. Dave said that it was okay.

Kerry: Dave was right.

Jing Mei: DJ, remember we have a date to make Sicilian pizza. You promised to teach us.

DJ: I will. After all a promise is sacred to a Malucci and so is pizza.

As Ashleigh and DJ head out of the ER, Ashleigh turns back to the others.

Ashleigh: Dave's funeral is on Friday, if you're interested. It's going to be a small ceremony, just the immediate family, some of his co-workers from the clinic, his hockey buddies and you guys.

Mark: We will try to make it, but if we can't we will send at least one representative from the hospital there.

Ashleigh: Thank you. You know Dave wasn't really a bad guy--he was just a guy who had a bad life.

On Friday, at the funeral, most of the ER staff did attend. Dave was dressed in his famous blue scrubs as he laid in the casket made by Colin. The casket was solid maple wood, painted a glossy navy blue with a gold trim.

Kerry: Colin, did an excellent job on Dave's casket.

Ashleigh: Dave knew he would. That's why he had him build it. The "DR. DAVE" that is carved on top was Colin's idea.

DJ walked up to Dave's casket and looked in.

DJ: I want to give you something poppy. It's teddy. He needs to look over you some more so you won't be alone. When you see mommy and daddy tell them I love and miss them. I'll get teddy back when I see you again someday.

DJ kissed teddy and laid him in the casket next to Dave. He put Dave's arm around teddy and then kissed him goodbye. too.

Several of the ER staff said a few words, DJ played Dave's favorite classical song by Beethoven on the piano and Haleh sang, " Let It Be"

Back at the house, the ER staff were admiring all the pictures around, especially the large one over the fireplace. It was of Max, Angela, Ashleigh and Dave holding baby DJ in a christening gown. Everyone thought that they did make a nice looking family. DJ came over to Reese to show him his new laptop computer that his poppy left him. It still had some of Dave's sentences programmed in it. DJ insisted on keeping them in there.

Four days after the funeral, DJ and Ashleigh were in Italy.

DJ: I wish poppy could have made the trip.

Ashleigh: So do I. DJ, you know poppy is still with us in our hearts and he's watching over us.

DJ and Ashleigh toured all parts of Italy, everywhere Dave was going to show DJ.

While they were touring, they noticed a white dove with a dark spot on his head. That same dove seemed to appear to them everywhere they went. They never saw him arrive but he was always there.

DJ: Nana, do you believe in reincarnation?

Ashleigh: Maybe. Why?

DJ: That dove. What if that was poppy? He came back as a dove. He once told me that doves meant freedom and peace.

Ashleigh: That's a nice thought, but...

Then a fruit cart went by them and a bell rang. Just at that moment, the dove flew up and started to circle Ashleigh and DJ's heads.

DJ: (excitedly)Nana, nana! I'm right. That dove is poppy.

Ashleigh: What are talking about, DJ?

DJ: That's the first time we saw that dove fly.

Ashleigh: So what?

DJ: The bell on the fruit cart. Don't you remember that story "It's A Wonderful Life", every time a bell rings an angel gets their wings. Well, the bell just rang that means poppy got his wings and that's why the dove finally flew. And look he's flying above us, looking and watching over us. Poppy did make the trip after all.

Ashleigh: I guess you are right, DJ. We love you, Dave!

Then Ashleigh and DJ embraced each other in a tight hug and cried, realizing it was just the two of them now with their own private guardian angel and whenever they saw a dove, they would remember that special moment in Italy.