If you found yourself in another world, an impossible world you would recognize from a virtual setting, a world in which you knew who would live and die, how and when… what would you do? Who would you try to save first? Where would you go to? However, most important of all… who would ultimately believe you?
The General and his team just got back from their mission in Wutai… and yet, the strangest occurrence just happened. Held captive, there is an unknown young woman claiming to have classified information about the General and his subordinates. Who is this woman… and how her words will change everyone's destiny?
This story includes real world-FF7 world travelling. The time frame is set after The General's team just arrived from Wutai and everyone from FF7 world is living their lives as normally as it can get.
The sudden and inconspicuous arrival of a young woman – Elie – entails a change in everything that surrounds Shinra and those working for the company. Once Elie is found wandering around in some random training area, she is brought inside the heart of the company and it is then – that everything starts to change. General Sephiroth and Zack Fair are responsible for the case, once the questioning begins.
However… her words confuse them. Her speech makes no sense.
And she knows things that no one could possibly know.
This is a suspense/adventure story. Rated M for further chapters. Pairing may vary: Zack/OC, Sephiroth/OC, depending on how the story progresses. This is NOT a Sephiroth/Zack pairing.
The story will be told according to different perspectives. Events of FF7 will change and the outcome of the happenings won't be the same (as in the games). FF7 reality will be another – completely transfigured: the characters (mainly the villains) won't act the same, their doings and goals will vary and we'll see the result of it.
Welcome to Portal, the new FF7 fanfic starting… very soon.
Disclaimer: All characters and settings (the whole FF7 world) belong to Square Enix. Only Elie (OC) is a product of my imagination.
A/N - As I previously mentioned in my other ffics, you - readers - are always welcome to review and suggest. The idea isn't innovative (time traveling and similars) have been very explored in FF7 fics but I would like to give it a try. This idea came up once, I was driving (2h long travel) and I thought that maybe I could explore the possibilities here.
I can only hope you'll enjoy reading it.
Kind regards... and see you soon*