I don't own How To Rock. I have recently started watching this show and i definetly like this couple, if it ever happens. i hope you enjoy. review please!
Stevie's POV
'Another stupid party' I thought as Kacey rambled on and on about how we just had to go. I glanced over to see if anyone else was paying attention Nelson and Kevin were playing their stupid video game and just replied with a 'uh huh' every time they thought Kacey expected an answer. And Zander was just staring off into space probably thinking about how he could pick up another girl he liked.' Which was never going to be me, Well, I think I like him but it's all a little complicated'. 'No, I can't like him I don't', I thought glaring at the wall.
"Um, earth to Stevie!" Kacey said as she waved a hand in front of my face, "You okay?"
"What?" I said suddenly breaking trance, "Yea, just thinking."
"Okay…" Kacey said skeptically, "All you other idiots, be on time. We are going to this party tonight." She glanced at Kevin and Nelson gaming deceives still in hand. She stormed over to them are pried the games out of there hands. "You two." She said pointing at them, "You better be on time." She ordered putting the games in her purse.
"Wait!" cried Nelson, "what about our pigeons?"
"After you come on time or you don't get then back. 7:00 O'clock sharp."
At 6:55 Zander's POV
'Look who's early I thought' walking into our band room to meet up with the rest of the gang. I wasn't the first one there; Kacey and Kevin were there. "Where's Nelson?" I asked. Him and Kevin were usually together.
"Bathroom" Kevin replied directing his hand to the path of the Men's Room, "Bad burrito."
"And Stevie?" I tried to sound nonchalant about it, as if I was just talking about my friend. But, I like Stevie more than a friend. As if she'd ever like me.
"She's in the bathroom too," replied Kacey, "I told her what she was wearing was not up to standards for this party so I told her to change into something I brought for her."
"She did it willingly?" I said surprised.
"Not exactly." Said Kacey knowingly. And as if on cue Stevie walked into the room, even though she didn't like it I thought she looked gorgeous. She was wearing a snug dark purple dress that went to about mid thigh.
"Happy now," said Stevie trudging into the room, " I look ridiculous!"
"No you look great!" I chimed in.
"Yeah, Stevie your stunning." Complimented Kacey, " Now here ware these shoes." She tossed some purple small heels towards her.
"Ouch!" said Nelson who just walked in the room.
"Sorry, Nelson" apologized Kacey, "it slipped."
"Whatever lets just go." Said Kevin getting up.
At the party
No one's POV
"Okay guys, go have fun!" ordered Kacey, "But don't embarrass me."
"Like we could do that." Said Kevin as he tripped through the door. The rest of the gang followed suit (not tripping of course). They were surrounded with tons of kids, music and blaring lights.
"How can you see anything in here?" Stevie questioned over the load music.
"I don't know." Replied Zander
"You'll get use to it." said Kacey who was now in front of the group, "Lets go up here." She said pointing the stairs. With Kacey leading she was followed by Kevin, Nelson, Stevie, then Zander at the back. Stevie tripped on the stairs and fell on top of Zander.
"Oh my gosh, Zander I am so sorry." Stevie said sheepishly quickly getting off of Zander and offering a hand for him to get up. "You okay?"
He took her hand. A jolt of electricity went through both there hands as there skin touched. "Yeah, thanks." He said quickly as they both pulled away.
"We should catch up to the others." When they got up the rest of the stairs the other three were in a room of a couple other kids and were playing spin the bottle.
"Come on." Kacey ushered them to join the circle. And they did. Stevie next to Kacey and Zander went next to Kevin.
"Your turn Zander" said Nelson.
"Okay." Zander spun the bottle and it landed on who he thought he would never kiss. But he always hoped he would. Stevie.
R/R :) thanks!