disclaimer i do not own labyrinth so don't sue. this is my first labyrith fic so i hope you like
Shattered Muse
Chapter 1
Sara sits in the park looking at the sky for no particular reason. She taps her pencil on the
elaborate notebook now resting on her knees.
'Writer block, for the last few days nothing but writers block,' she thinks as she continues
staring upward as if waiting for divine inspiration. She had been writing for two years now.
Ever since.. well it was best not to think of that, or was it. Had it not been her inspiration.
The reason she had started writing was to justify that it was reality and she hadn't dreamed it.
She did it to preserve her adventures from the fading of time and memory. Then it became more
then a journal she had started to write about things in the labyrinth that she had never seen or
experienced. She chalked it up to the fact her imagination was running on over drive. Tale
after tale poured into her notebook, the first notebook of many. She soon had volumes filled
with side sketches about the lives and stories of creatures all set in the same place. Lately
though for some reason the tales had been coming to her less and less. Now she couldn't write at
all. Had she simply lost her muse? Or maybe she has finally out grown writing these fairy
tales. She had attempted to write about other things but it was all for not, for simply nothing
else would come to her.
She finally gave up and started to walk home. She was babysitting tonight but she didn't mind so
much it wasn't like she had anything better to do. Her and Toby had become quite close. He was
now five and had an insatiable curiosity about everything. His favorite thing was hearing his
sister tell him stories. He did not to her knowledge know the truth about what had happened
to him when he was two but sometimes he would look at her in away during a story that she
wondered if it had sparked a memory. What memories do people posses of being two though?
It wasn't very likely but anything was possible.
"Sara!" He said gleefully wrapping her leg in a tight hug.
"Hi Toby. So what shall we do tonight? I have a little homework to get done but I'm sure I can
do that after you go to sleep."
"I want a story." He says looking up through a fringe light brown hair.
"I haven't written anything new, I'm sorry." She says leading him back into the living room.
"That's ok Sara read me an old one I don't mind," he says smiling brightly at her.
She smiles back at him and remembers how childish she use to be, a teenage prima donna. Her mom
had taken off to pursue her career as an actress. She had hated her stepmother for taking her
mom's place and her dad for letting her mom go. After her adventure in the labyrinth she had
grown up tremendously and learned how to cope with her stepmother even though things weren't
perfect between them they got along much better.
"All right Toby which one do you want to hear?"
"How about one of the ones about the Goblin King?" He said eyes shining.
"Sure thing." She goes get one of her earlier notebooks when she runs into her father.
"Sara we'll be out kind of late I hope you don't mind." He said patting her on the arm.
"Oh that's ok I was just going to read to Toby and then do some homework."
"Ok honey we'll see you later." He said and walked to the door with her stepmother.
She grabs a well-worn book from the shelf. She surprisingly had not only written stories about
Jareth but he was not always the bad guy in them. After all he had put her through she could
not bring herself to hate him. The look in his eyes when she had spoken the ill-fated words
"you have no power over me" still haunted her. The depth of sadness and loneliness under the
hardness that he had shown her made her wonder. But after all they where only stories she had
written about him it's not like they where real. Who knew what he was really like? She walked
back downstairs and sit on the couch next to Toby.
"Ok how about the one of him when he was your age?" she said turning the pages in the book.
"Cool I haven't heard that one in forever." He snuggles next to her and leans over to look at her
She laughs lightly and begins to read.
Shattered Muse
Chapter 1
Sara sits in the park looking at the sky for no particular reason. She taps her pencil on the
elaborate notebook now resting on her knees.
'Writer block, for the last few days nothing but writers block,' she thinks as she continues
staring upward as if waiting for divine inspiration. She had been writing for two years now.
Ever since.. well it was best not to think of that, or was it. Had it not been her inspiration.
The reason she had started writing was to justify that it was reality and she hadn't dreamed it.
She did it to preserve her adventures from the fading of time and memory. Then it became more
then a journal she had started to write about things in the labyrinth that she had never seen or
experienced. She chalked it up to the fact her imagination was running on over drive. Tale
after tale poured into her notebook, the first notebook of many. She soon had volumes filled
with side sketches about the lives and stories of creatures all set in the same place. Lately
though for some reason the tales had been coming to her less and less. Now she couldn't write at
all. Had she simply lost her muse? Or maybe she has finally out grown writing these fairy
tales. She had attempted to write about other things but it was all for not, for simply nothing
else would come to her.
She finally gave up and started to walk home. She was babysitting tonight but she didn't mind so
much it wasn't like she had anything better to do. Her and Toby had become quite close. He was
now five and had an insatiable curiosity about everything. His favorite thing was hearing his
sister tell him stories. He did not to her knowledge know the truth about what had happened
to him when he was two but sometimes he would look at her in away during a story that she
wondered if it had sparked a memory. What memories do people posses of being two though?
It wasn't very likely but anything was possible.
"Sara!" He said gleefully wrapping her leg in a tight hug.
"Hi Toby. So what shall we do tonight? I have a little homework to get done but I'm sure I can
do that after you go to sleep."
"I want a story." He says looking up through a fringe light brown hair.
"I haven't written anything new, I'm sorry." She says leading him back into the living room.
"That's ok Sara read me an old one I don't mind," he says smiling brightly at her.
She smiles back at him and remembers how childish she use to be, a teenage prima donna. Her mom
had taken off to pursue her career as an actress. She had hated her stepmother for taking her
mom's place and her dad for letting her mom go. After her adventure in the labyrinth she had
grown up tremendously and learned how to cope with her stepmother even though things weren't
perfect between them they got along much better.
"All right Toby which one do you want to hear?"
"How about one of the ones about the Goblin King?" He said eyes shining.
"Sure thing." She goes get one of her earlier notebooks when she runs into her father.
"Sara we'll be out kind of late I hope you don't mind." He said patting her on the arm.
"Oh that's ok I was just going to read to Toby and then do some homework."
"Ok honey we'll see you later." He said and walked to the door with her stepmother.
She grabs a well-worn book from the shelf. She surprisingly had not only written stories about
Jareth but he was not always the bad guy in them. After all he had put her through she could
not bring herself to hate him. The look in his eyes when she had spoken the ill-fated words
"you have no power over me" still haunted her. The depth of sadness and loneliness under the
hardness that he had shown her made her wonder. But after all they where only stories she had
written about him it's not like they where real. Who knew what he was really like? She walked
back downstairs and sit on the couch next to Toby.
"Ok how about the one of him when he was your age?" she said turning the pages in the book.
"Cool I haven't heard that one in forever." He snuggles next to her and leans over to look at her
She laughs lightly and begins to read.