only one way up
by: MakatoMai

Authors Note: Its been a while my dears, but in honor of the TWC episode; I was inspired to write- well this. Enjoy the prologue. R&R

The harsh contrast of red on white causes her to gasp. Her first of many, many mistakes.


The silence is maddening and if there were a clock present all you would hear was its tedious tick. Cat wishes desperately for there to be sound as she watches a long stream of red blood roll down Jade's pale arm. Jade does not look alarmed, in fact, she looks completely calm. Cat wishes she was completely calm.

Jade merely rises to a stand and slides the razor into her back pocket- and all of a sudden there is sound in Hollywood Arts Bathroom. It's the echo of Jades black combat boots crossing the bathroom floor in their normal flawlessly calm stride.

Than black nails are digging into Cats jaw as Jade forces her brown eyes to meet her blue ones. "This will be our little secret wont it Cat?"

Cat tries to nod in Jades tight grip but can barely manage to do so, instead she forces her vocal chords to choke out a very stammered, very nervous. "Kk"

Jade smirks before gently removing her hand and patting her on the cheek, in an odd sort of gesture of what Cat thinks may be affection. "Good girl." And she's gone leaving Cat alone to stare at the now red covered tiles of the bathroom floor.


Cat watches Jade a lot to try and understand. She doesn't not really.

But she notices whenever Becks arm ghosts overs her own red ones, she leaves, and whenever his hands touch Tori for even a mili-second, Shes gone. And whenever she comes back, the corners of her sleeves are stained red.


Jade watches Cat watching her, because she knows its only a matter of time before Cat goes to tattle. She knows there is going to have to be ground rules, and blackmail and compromises.

Its not that Jade's weak, she's not. She doesn't need to slice her arms to pieces. But its easier to stay composed this way. And why struggle for something that use to be so easy to maintain?

"People don't change Jadey, they only become more themselves."

Jades mother hadn't left her with much, but she thinks its one of the most honest things she's ever said.
