Industrial illusions 4:56am

"Do you understand why I am giving you this task, Kira Thantos?" I stood before the desk of the creator of the card game, duel monsters. His eye's gleamed with pride, even the one covered by his white hair. His snappy red business suit looking as expensive as usual. I wonder why he always wears the same suit everyday…. "Are you listening, Kira Thantos?" I gasped and straightened up with a firm nod. The man before me smiled "Good boy." I HATE that! "Now, despite your age, you are the best card tester we have. Kaiba-boy and I have created many, many new cards. Too many to test at the present time." "This is where I come in, I assume?" I said with a slight smirk. I knew how his mind worked. Especially when it came to duel monsters. The man nodded and clapped his hands twice. A panel opened up in the middle of his desk and a small round table appeared with six decks on top. In front of each deck was a card with a silver border instead of the regular orange or gold border.

"These six cards are the most important cards we have ever created. This is a wonderful opportunity for both you and me. In exchange for giving you these six decks, I ask you to test each and every card in each deck to their limits." I raised an eyebrow as I picked up one of the cards in front of the decks "Stardust dragon." I read aloud.

"Each deck has been specifically tailored to those six cards. They may seem strange, but I feel that we can create a whole new way of dueling with these." Interesting effect…. "One thing sir. How am I to test these decks without any opponents?" The man 'hmphed' and waved some of his hair back "Direct as always Kira Thantos. I think you will find plenty of opponent's….on duel academy island." "I see. The entire student body will be my test subjects…." He sighed and waved his hand around without a care "My dear boy, they are not 'test subjects', they are 'opponent's'. Please do remember to keep that in mind."

I rolled my eyes and nodded "Yes, Mr. Pegasus." I snatched the decks up and turned to leave "One last thing." I stopped "Yes sir?" Pegasus frowned and tossed two folders at me "I also want you to keep an eye on these two students."

"Jaden Yuki…..and Zane Trusdale? Why? One of them isn't even a student there." I said reading the name's while skimming through the rest of their files. I turned and tossed the folders onto the table. Pegasus chuckled and wagged his finger at me mockingly before slapping said finger on Jaden's file "This is the boy that sent in those neo spacians for the card design contest we had a few years ago. What I forgot to add to that contest poster was that the winner got an automatic pass into Slifer red dorms. And this…." He began sliding over a small card "Is to be given to the chancellor upon reach Duel Academy Island."

"What about Zane Trusdale? From what I just read, he's the top of his class in literally every way."

Unfortunately I forgot the number one rule about Maximillion Pegasus, he ALWAYS knows just what to say to piss you off. "You will have to simply wait….and see. Oh by the way, do tell professor Crowler, I said 'hi'." I grabbed the card and nodded

"Yes sir."


"Ugh, I still don't understand that man. Not fully anyway." I was walking to the entrance examination building with Yugi moto, the legendary king of games himself. I don't know why, but he always came with me on my missions. "It's alright, to this day, even I don't understand him ether. It's just something that you have to live with." Yugi was much more carefree these days. He seemed to enjoy 'hanging out' with me on my missions. TORTURING is more like it. "Just so we're clear. If I allow you to accompany me on this mission, I WILL be recommending to the chancellor that you be placed among the Slifer reds?"

Yugi sighed and shrugged "Okay, A) It's not a 'mission'. You're just testing a bunch of new cards. And B) The only reason Kaiba came up with that stupid 'Slifer red is the bottom of the barrel while Obelisk blue is the elite' is because I beat him so many times. Besides, all top duelists' started out at the bottom." I smirked and turned "Fine, but I'm still putting you in- watch it!"

"Darn it! I'm laaaaaaaaaaaaaate!" Bonk.

Some kid, who was appearently running faster than sonic the hedgehog (whoever THAT is….) just collided with Yugi and crashed to the ground. "Are you alright?" Yugi asked holding out a hand to help the- it's Jaden Yuki! Jaden scratched the back of his head….while laughing and picking up his cards "Oi, I'm going on ahead." Yugi simply shooed me away while the kid got up. "So you're a duelist are you?

I entered the building and was instantly greeted by two Ra yellow girls. "Welcome to the duel academy entrance exam. Are you an entrant?" I flashed them my industrial illusion's ID badge and they quickly allowed me to pass with a bow. Appearently such an entrance was not unnoticed. I was stopped by a man…..woman…..geez, how make up is he/she wearing? "You! Who are you? You are not an entrant!" Those two girls from before came speeding up to me and were about to identify me when I quickly stopped them with a hand gesture. This was my first chance to test one of the deck's Pegasus gave me. "Are you one of the examiner's? I am an entrant." And the best card tester in the entire duel monsters franchise, but you didn't hear that from me….. S/he chuckled and looked me over "Well…..I better duel you to make sure. What do you say? Ether way it's win-win." For me that is, but again, you didn't hear that from me.

I nodded "Alright, but don't blame me if you find yourself in an embarrassing moment." I said with a shrug. I then turned, and headed down to the duel arena. On my way down, I heard a blonde girl, an Obelisk blue I quickly noted, say "He's up against Crowler? Yikes." I would have been nervous when she said that, but I already finished my research on all the teachers on the island. He's nothing special, even with a PH.D in dueling.

I suddenly found myself in a boxed-in arena minute's later. Crowler was across from me setting up his duel pad. "You seem mighty confident boy! But I'll fix that slacker attitude of your's! I, the great professor Crowler, have a PH.D in dueling!"

I activated my duel disk and smirked "Tell me teach….are you synced with your deck?" "What the hell is he talking about?" I heard him mutter as we both drew the customary 5 cards.


Crowler: 8000

Kira Thantos: 8000

"I'll show you! I draw!" Crowler snarled snapping up a card. "I'll set two cards and end my turn." Two face downs mean's he's already got something set up…. fine. "I draw." And now for absolutely no reason….and with luck, will confuse them greatly….."Take a monster's life as nourishment….a garden in full bloom, from a world of magic!" Crowler, and many of the student's were staring at me as if I were insane…oh if only I had such an excuse. I then slapped the card onto my disk "The field spell, Black Garden!" Thorns began shooting up everywhere until they surrounded me and Crowler, forming a cage of thorns. I noticed Crowler looking around confused so I sighed and explained quickly. "In my garden of thorns. Any monster that is normal summoned or special summoned, other than by the effect of Black Garden, get's it's attack cut in half!" Gasp's erupted around the arena "Further more, whenever one of us summons a monster, ether one of us, their opponent gets a rose token summoned to their side of the field!"

"Ridiculous! I have never heard of such a card!" Oh yeah, this was gonna be fun. "Next I'll summon the plant monster Botanical Lion!" Flowers sprang up in front of me and a wooden lion with a mane made of rose petals emerged.

Botanical Lion

Atk: 1600

Def: 2000

"But the fun doesn't stop there!" I yelled gesturing to Botanical Lion "You see, for each face up plant monster I control, including itself, it gains 300 attack points!" Botanical Lion went back down into the flowery patch and ate one of the flowers around it.

Botanical Lion

Atk: 1900

Def: 2000

"Don't feel bad Crowler. Here, have a rose token." A crack suddenly appeared in the ground and a small rose with leaves for arms sprouted.

Rose token

Atk: 800

Def: 800

Crowler began laughing and pointed at the rose token "So every time you summon a monster, I get a monster too? Ridiculous! Simply Ridiculous! This just sets me up for summoning stronger monsters!" "Be careful Crowler…a rose has thorns." I said before picking up another card "Which I'll prove right now by using another spell! The continuous spell known as The World Tree!" A LAAAAAAAARGE tree suddenly sprang up behind me and broke through the thorn cage. Geez Pegasus, when did you have time to come up with cards like this? "Every time a plant type monster is destroyed, be it by effect or by battle, this card gets a flower counter. Which I'll put to good use later on. I'll set a card and it's your move."

Crowler growled as he drew. "This brat is not too bad. A powerful defense and offense in one turn…but I'll smash it next turn…" He mentally snarled "I'll set another card and end my turn."

"Wow! He's got Crowler of all people on the rope's and the duels just begun!" The blonde haired girl exclaimed to the blue haired boy standing next to him. "A monster's whose strength increases with each plant monster, and a card that summons a plant token every time a monster is summoned….not bad at all." The blue haired boy smirked.

"Draw." I snapped up a card and threw it down on my duel disk "I activate another spell called Fragrance storm! With it I can destroy one plant monster on the field…" A petal storm erupted around Botanical lion and sliced it to shreds. A faded card floated up from the flower patch as it disappeared. "In exchange for drawing a card. If it's a plant…" I drew and grinned "I can reveal it to draw once more! I'll reveal my Black Rose Witch allowing me to draw again!" Another card later…. "I'll summon another Botanical Lion and end my turn." Another wooden lion emerged from ANOTHER flower patch. "Meanwhile, I get another token of course." Crowler said chuckling as another rose token popped out of the ground.

"I'll draw and tribute both rose token's to tribute summon Ancient Gear Golem!" Two HUGE feet suddenly crushed both rose tokens, I glanced up and found a VERY big skeletal warrior…..replace the skeletal bit with gears and you get Ancient Gear Golem. A rose quickly sprouted next to Botanical Lion.

Ancient Gear Golem



Crowler began laughing manically as the Golem stood up "This is my strongest monster! The only card that could defeat such a monster would be the legendary Blue Eye's White Dragon! And THAT card's owner is retired!" I groaned and facepalmmed. "Kaiba….it seems no one knows your back into dueling yet…."

"What was that slacker? Was that an 'I surrender' I heard?" Crowler said in a sing-song tone. I rolled my eyes "Don't make me laugh. Just hurry up and finish your turn!" "Hmph! I attack with Ancient Gear Golem! Crush his Botanical Lion with gear crusher!" Ancient Gear Golem reared back and punched through Botanical Lion with ease, destroying the lion in a shower of dust.

Kira Thantos: 7200

Crowler: 8000

"Wh-What? Why did it only inflict 800 points?" Many groans erupted followed by the sounds of hands slapping foreheads. "When you summoned Ancient Gear Golem, a rose token sprouted onto my side of the field, increasing Botanical Lion's attack by another 300, thus bringing it up to 2200. We ARE still bound by the laws of Black Garden." Crowler growled and set a card. "I'll lay down another face down and end my turn." Three face downs…..mean's nothing to me. "I'll draw."

Just as I drew, loud gasp's echoed again. Crowler and I looked to the source and found Yugi watching us, smiling and waving like the idiot he was. "T-T-T-The king of games? HERE?" Crowler nearly squealed. I groaned and facepalmmed again. "You idiot! You're late!" "I know!" He yelled over the squealing of the fangirls "I was just explaining that card design contest to young Jaden here!" Sure enough, there was Jaden. Watching our duel with growing interest. Jaden laughed and gave me the 'peace' sign.

"Idiot…" I muttered. "I summon Twilight Rose Knight!" A tiny armored not-warrior jumped down from the world tree.

Twilight Rose Knight

Atk: 1000

Def: 1000

Twilight Rose quickly thrust his arms into the flower patch he sat in "I activate his effect! When he's summoned, I can special summon one level 4 or lower plant monster in my hand! Come on! Botanical Lion!" Twilight Rose gasped as he was suddenly thrown into the air. Botanical Lion emerged again from the flower patch and caught Rose Knight in it's mouth before setting it down next to it. "So He's going to summon it…." Yugi said with a grin. The blonde girl came over and tapped Yugi's shoulder "Excuse me, king of games, but what is he going to summon?" Yugi frowned at the girl "Please, call me Yugi. You are….." The blonde girl blushed and bowed "I am Alexis Rhodes….Yugi." She finished with a giggle. Yugi switched to a smile and turned back to the duel "That examiner made a mistake…..or Kira tricked him.….." Alexis tilted her head in confusion "Tricked? Crowler? Who is that kid? He looks

Yugi seemed to love telling people my secret…..He always loved seeing they're reactions. "His name is Kira Thantos. He's 16 and Industrial Illusions best card tester." "You're a bloody idiot!" I shouted from the boxed-in arena below "I'm not 16, I'm 17!" Alexis gasped and jabbed a finger at me "I-Industrial Illusions? The company that makes duel monsters? HE'S A CARD TESTER?" Yugi nodded and pointed at me "Kira! Show that examiner the power of Synchro summoning!"

"SYNCHRO SUMMONING?" Was what virtually everyone in the arena yelled. I simply smirked and nodded. "Twilight Rose Warrior! Let's burn it up!" Twilight Rose warrior nodded and jumped skyward. He suddenly turned green and split into three green rings. Botanical Lion jumped into the middle of the ring trio and with a flash, a pillar of light appeared on the ground with the silhouette of a dragon inside. I raised my hand to the sky and closed my eyes.

"Cold flames shall engulf the world. Pitch-black flower, now is your time to bloom!"

Well there you have it! Kira has just stepped into the world of GX and already he's kicking ass. I forgot to add DP up for TFA so I'll do it now.

DP awards. (GX)

Hottest female character: Alexis Rhodes hands down.

Most used OC by Overlord prinny: Kira Thantos.

Most broken card effect in the entire GX card list: Dark world cards.

Most clueless character: Jaden Yuki.

That's 1200 DP to no one in particular. Anyone who want's it is free to take it. First come, first serve and all that.

Special award for Wild Fang for help with the TFA plot. Another 1000 not-real DP for you. You may spend the DP you gather at any non-real shop. However we cannot guarantee that results will be as expected. Yes, we ARE using Synchro summons in GX. YES, the DP isn't real. YES, the shops aren't real ether. YES, we are rather silly. NO, we don't care. Have a nice day.

Thank you. Read and review.