Calliegh Duquesne sat out by the water, and she was sad. Not even three hours ago, she was laughing and talking with her friend...and now he was gone. Eric came up from behind her then. She knew he was there, but said nothing at first.
"I made plans to have a drink with him if we broke this case.", Eric said. "We were going to go and have a drink. And now..." His voice broke. Calleigh turned to look at him. He was so beautiful, even now in his grief.
"He looked up to you. Since you've been back, that's all he's done. God...I miss him.", she said. Jesse Cardoza. She didn't want to like him, knowing full well he was Eric's replacement. But his smile, and his personality...they were infectious.
"I feel so guilty. H and I knew. We knew, Calliegh. We tried to get there in time, and we just couldn't. I tried to get to you. And when I saw you lying there on the floor, I just...I...I..." He was crying now, and she turned him to face her.
"You did, Eric. You did. You saved me, Eric."
"Oh, I thought I lost you, Calleigh. Even now, it feels like you're so far away. And I feel like I can't get back to where we were, that day, that beautiful day."
"You're right. We can't get that day back. We can make new days. Eric...I...I love you.", she said, blushing. She grabbed his face and turned him to look at her.
"I love you." He looked at her for a second, and a piece of him died inside in the best way possible. The words he had been waiting three years to hear had finally come. Now he could lose himself in her. His best friend.
"Oh, baby. I love you so much. So much, Calleigh." She laughed and they kissed, long and deep. And despite all the tragedy and the loss they'd had today, they both felt they were going to be okay.