So. I guess there's a good thing about your back giving out. Again. I have time to write :) I started this one last time my back gave out, but never finished it. It is therefore set somewhere before 3x24 ("Knockdown"), but definitely after 3x13 ("Knockout"). It's also AU. I have tried to put in a bit H/C, but as much as I love reading it, writing it is a whole different matter. I'm also sorry the chapters are so short, but as it is, I'm happy to get something out at all and at least it's 6 chapters total.

Anyway... on with the story!

Disclaimer: Could really use them to keep me company, but nope, still don't own them.

It was now or never. Castle stood in the back of the hall. He was about three seconds away from watching his life go down the drain. Unless he acted. Now. He wasn´t sure he had the right to ruin her day. To possibly ruin her life. Actually, he was pretty sure he didn´t. Yet, doing nothing would ruin his own life. He was as certain of that as he´d ever been about anything.

Two seconds.

His inability to make the choice was clear on his face. Dressed in a tuxedo with a red tie, as per request, he clenched and unclenched his hands continuously.

One second.

"Will he who objects to this wedding speak now, or forever hold his peace?"

And suddenly all was clear. It wasn't a choice anymore. No matter what she would think. He had to take his chance. He would regret it forever if he didn't.

He stepped forward and turned to the bride.

"This is wrong."

Everyone turned and looked at him, softly talking amongst themselves.

All he could see was Kate, looking at him in shock. His eyes pleaded for her to be merciful, telling her he was sorry for ruining her day, for embarrassing her in front of her friends and her father, knowing he'd pay for it if Esposito and Ryan could help it.

"I'm sorry for doing this now", he said, "but I need you to know. I need you to know that I love you. I only care for your happiness and if you really want to marry him", at this he pointed to the man standing next to her, "I won't stand in your way, but you need to know there's another option."

At this, everyone turned back to the couple standing at the altar. Silence had returned and they all looked expectantly at Kate, who still stood there, not able to speak or do anything. But her eyes did speak. They asked him: why now? Why not before all of this?

His eyes told her: Because I was afraid. But I'm more afraid of losing you. Of having to live without you. Of having to watch you be happy with someone else. Or worse, of having to watch you be unhappy with someone else.

The crowd looked back and forth, sensing there was a conversation going on but not sure what was being said.

"I'll make it easy on you", the man next to Kate said. "It's clear you've made your choice."

With this, he turned and walked away, defeated and hurt.

"Wait! Josh!" Kate yelled after him. "I'm not sure! I'm confused."

With a sad look on his face, Josh turned around one last time.

"And that is exactly why I have to go. You need to be sure. If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me."

Then he turned around and walked out of her life.

Kate stared after him, then looked at Castle, who was still standing there with an apologetic look on his face. Suddenly overcome by anger, she started running toward Castle, waving her arms as if to hit him.

"Why did you have to ruin this day for me? When will you learn it's MY life you're butting in? Again!"

She had now reached him and started hitting him for real.

He did not avert his gaze from her eyes, nor did he avert her blows, he knew he deserved them. He did, however, try to catch her in a hug when she got close enough. A comforting hug, like he knew she needed right now.

"I'm sorry Kate, but I had to. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I hadn't told you. Besides, I left the choice to you."

Her anger ebbed away and she let herself be comforted. She knew he was right. He had given her every opportunity to just say no and marry Josh anyway. And she didn't.

Suddenly she pulled out of his arms, tears she hadn't know were there streamed down her face.

She faced the crowd and said: "Sorry. I guess the wedding's off. Feel free to party anyway. It would be a shame to let it all go to waste."

Then she turned back to Castle, grabbed his hand and pulled him with her. She needed to get away from here.

"We need to talk."

Castle followed, like he always did.

Please let me know what you think. I would really appreciate a review. I'll post chapter 2 tomorrow.