Author's note: I'm sorry for delaying this again – I had other stories in my mind. I published one of them (.net/s/8050856/1/) and the others should be coming soon. Meanwhile, enjoy the end of this one. I hope you like it!

"Maybe we shouldn't have come", Dave sighed, aware of the angry glare Kurt was giving Sebastian.

"We shouldn't have come", Blaine said to no one in particular, as his boyfriend proceeded to send Kurt a killing stare.

"I'm sorry, David. But that guy just gets to me!"

"Sorry, babe. But you know I've never liked your ex-boyfriend."

"Just don't start a fight, okay? It's Chandler's birthday party and we're here to have fun. Poor guy doesn't deserve this."

"Whatever, just leave him alone. We're here for Chandler, not them."

"Sure… you're right." Kurt leaned closer and pressed his lips lightly against Dave's, who smiled.

"Of course, gorgeous." Sebastian brought Blaine closer and kissed him fiercely, hands sliding down to grab his ass.

"Ugh! Do they have to do that?"

"Okay, Kurt, that's it. Let's mingle." Dave took his boyfriend's hand and dragged him away from the living room packed with loud teenagers. They made a bee-line to the large glass doors that lead to the backyard, where some other teenagers were spread around enjoying the summer breeze. For some of them, Dave and Kurt included, this would be the last party before going to college. Kurt was going to New York and Dave was studying in Boston. They had discussed the matter and decided they wanted to give it a shot even with the distance between them. They figured it was not so far that they couldn't visit each other sometimes, although of course it wasn't near either. Both knew long distance relationships were hard, but they had only started dating and didn't want to give it up just yet. They stopped near a wall and Dave leaned back against it, Kurt nesting between his legs. Kurt put his hands on Dave's hips and leaned forward, kissing him again, this time deeply, slow and sweet.

"Hi, guys!" Dave and Kurt broke apart with a sigh at the sound of Blaine's chipper voice. Sebastian stood beside him, looking to the ground as if to avoid looking at Kurt. Dave put his arms around his boyfriend, both to protect him and also to make sure he wouldn't try to hit the Warbler or something like that.

"It's so good to see you guys so happy together! I mean, I was worried when Kurt and I broke up that Kurt would be sad or lonely, but I'm glad to see that wasn't the case. Really, I wish all the best for you guys." Dave nodded and murmured "thank you", but Kurt didn't say anything, eyes glued on Sebastian. He turned back to Blaine and couldn't help a genuine smile. "Thank you, Blaine. And I'm happy for you too."

"This is awesome. Hey, you know what we should do? We should go on a double date!"

He was nearly deafened by the unanimous "NO!".