Author's note:Obviously, I don't own Glee or get any profit from this. I saw this spoiler for a guy named Chandler and this plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to write it. We know now that's not going to happen, but I still like it, so here goes. Also, this story is Kurtofsky/Seblaine ultimately, but you'll have to bear with a bit of Klaine in the beginning.

"So, can you guys introduce me to anyone?"

The question was asked so out of the blue that Kurt nearly snapped his neck in surprise.

"Wha… what do you mean?" Judging by Blaine's frown, he was equally confused by the new guy, Chandler, who had just appeared out of nowhere next to them in the cafeteria.

"Well, I figured since you're the out and proud gay couple, maybe you had some single friends…?"

Comprehension dawned on the other boys' faces and Kurt slowly started to shake his head, but was interrupted by Blaine's loud "Actually, we do!"

"We do?"

"Yeah! Karofsky!"

"Oh, no no no no no! David is nowhere near ready for a relationship!"

"It doesn't have to be a relationship yet, maybe just a date and we can see where it goes form there", Chandler pointed out.

"He's not ready for that either."

"You're not being reasonable, Kurt. You're not Karofsky's guardian."

"No, but I'm his friend and I know he's not ready."

"Why don't you talk to him? Let him decide."

"I've told you he's not… wait! There's someone else who I'm sure will be interested! Blaine, why don't you give Chandler Sebastian's number?"

"What? No. I mean… Sebastian is not Chandler's type."

"I don't really have a type." The jock's voice was drowned out by the couple's discussion.

"I don't see why. Sebastian is…" Kurt gulped, "…good looking. And… smart. Plus, he's a good singer and dancer. Not to mention he's very… outgoing."

"But Karofsky is a much better choice! He's a jock, like Chandler. I'm sure they have a lot in common."

"Just because two people have a lot in common doesn't mean they should date!"

"He's also good-looking, I suppose. Not really my type, but if you like chubby boys…"

"Excuse me! David's not chubby and he happens to be very good-looking!"

Blaine raised his thick eyebrows. "Is that so?"

Kurt blushed to the roots of his hair. "I mean…" He quickly turned back to Chandler. "You should really go out with Sebastian!"

"No, you should go out with Karofsky."

"Sebastian is a fun guy!"

"And Karofsky is very nice."

"Why don't I go out with both?" The question silenced the other boys and Chandler smiled. "I could go out with your guy first", he pointed at Blaine, "then with your guy", he motioned to Kurt. "Maybe we could even do double dates, so that it doesn't get too uncomfortable if we don't hit off. What do you think?"

Kurt and Blaine shared a look and sighed.


"Great idea!"