Thursday; December 24 ; 8:30 AM ; Hyuuga's Mansion ; 2 years later

I sighed as I threw my phone in frustration.

"Why isn't he answering his damn phone?" I yelled, irked.

"Did he forget my birthday? That dumbass never even once contacted me on the 2 years I was abroad." I mumbled under my breath.

"Kouichi-sama, are you alright?" The head maid knocked on the open door of my room.

"Have you heard from that moron recently?" I barked.

"You're father? He's in a meeting at Okinawa with-"

"No, the other moron!" I cut her off.

"Natsume-sama just went out a few hours ago. He said he would be going to-"

"Hiro! I meant Hiro!" I sighed in defeat. And I thought I've already established that 'moron' is Hiro's moniker.

For some reason, she was quite shocked to hear what I said.

"I'm sorry Kouichi-sama. I.. I can't answer your question. Please excuse me." She hurriedly left with her head bowed down.

"What? Hey!-" I called out, trying to stop her from leaving but it was too late.

I sighed.

What the hell is her problem?

It's no use asking around in this house. I'll just find Hiro myself.

I quickly grabbed my phone and my coat and rushed out of the estate. I could've driven, but I didn't have the time to look for my keys. I need to see that idiot. I need to vent out the frustrations I have for the past 2 years.

I reached his apartment earlier than expected, mostly because I ran. After catching my breath for a few minutes, I rang the doorbell.

30 seconds, 1 minute, another 30 seconds…

My patience isn't that long.

"HIRO!" I banged my fist on the door.

No answer.

I turned away from the door and faced the potted plant beside the apartment door. It's wilted.

Hiro always took care of this plant. He never left his place without watering it. He took care of this plant more than he did himself.

Maybe he got too busy…

I sighed.

Maybe this idiot is at work.

I hurriedly left his apartment, hoping to find Hiro at his work so I can finally give him a piece of my mind.

A cold breeze suddenly blew, but only to my face. The eeriness made me stop on my tracks. I looked around and saw a couple of ruffians leering at me. This must be their place, as Hiro calls it, their "sanctuary."

I have nothing against them personally; it's the immense amount of arrogance and pride that oozes out of their ego that irks me.

"What." I barked, harsher than I intended as I misdirected some of my frustrations on Hiro to them. They flinched and just looked away.

"124th Street." I read on the post in front of me.

I'm not one to be superstitious or believe in the supernatural but why, of all places, would it get cold here? When I rushed to Hiro's, it wasn't this cold. Maybe I was too pre-occupied to even feel the temperature drop.

"Nice looking guitar pick you got there." I snapped out of thought and looked over to a guy standing in front of me. I looked down on my neck to the guitar pick Hiro gave me.

Yeah, I made it into a necklace so I wouldn't lose it. I don't let other people touch it and even polish it every chance I get. I do that because of its worth as a limited edition and not because my best friend gave it to me.

"I want it." He said, his eyes emitting greed. I scoffed as I thought of the many people who even offered bribes just to get it from me.

"Ridiculous." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hand it over." He swiftly grabbed it. Multiple veins twitched on my head as he started yanking it out of my neck.

Unfortunately for him, I bought a sturdy chain necklace abroad thinking that there might come a time that an unlucky soul would just snatch it off me.

-and here we are.

"Let go." I demanded.

"Or else what?" He smirked, as he tried to snatch it off my neck.

"I will gut you alive." I grinned, with intent to do so and more. He cackled.

I tightly gripped his wrist, which made him flinch and let out a faint yelp. "Let go, or I will bash your head to this post until you're unrecognizable."

With that said, he snatched his hand away from my grip and slowly walked away.

"Son of a- he got his fingerprint all over it!" I complained, as I tried to wipe the grease off.

I continued walking, still wiping the pick, until I reached Choklit, Hiro's workplace.

"Look who we have here! Kouichi Hyukagi came back from America!"

I looked up and saw Hiro's manager, and as usual— all smiles.

"Is Hiro working?" I cut straight to the point, not wasting a second of my time. With that said, his smile left his face, along with his color.

"I.. uh.. Sorry sonny, I have to get back to the shop!" He hastily grabbed the garbage can and went inside the shop.

"What?! Oi!" I barked and hurriedly went after the manager.

"I know where he is."

I stopped when I was about to reach for the door and turned to my right.

He's grown taller since I last saw him 2 years ago. His hair is longer yet disheveled, his eyes red and swollen.

"I know where he-"

"Where?" I cut him off. I've already wasted hours asking people who wouldn't give me any answers. At this point, I'm furious.

Why wouldn't anybody tell me where Hiro is?

I just need to see Hiro.

"Follow me." He said as he started to walk away. Without a word, I followed him.

My damaged relationship with Natsume is due to our family situation. Natsume and I have the same mother, different fathers; I'm 2 years older than him. I was a doting brother to Natsume, and in turn, Natsume grew attached to me. Mother disliked the fact that Natsume grew more attached with me than with her. She started to become unreasonable and forbid us to play together. She would send me to my room to do homework even when there is no homework due, whilst she and Natsume would play together. She became more biased as she would give Natsume everything, and give me nothing. And as Natsume and I grew older, the distance between us grew larger as well. It came to a point where Natsume stopped talking to me, for some reason. I tried to reconnect with him countless times to no avail— until I stopped trying as well.

My mother had her reasons for her favoritism. My father abandoned my mother and I for reasons unknown to me. And because of that, my mother inevitably started despising me because the older I grew, the more I resembled my father. Her bitterness grew each day that it pushed me to a point where I was willing to do what she asked me to countless times.


12 year-old Kouichi Hyukagi

I stared at the river below me. It was a quiet day on the bridge, there were hardly any cars passing. It's the perfect day, the perfect opportunity.

I took the folded hand-written letter I had in my pocket and tucked it in the front pocket of my backpack— deep enough so it won't get blown away by the wind, while leaving a little bit out so the 'Please read me' is visible enough to capture attention from passer-by.

I sighed one last time.

"This is it." I thought. I faintly scoffed and took a step forward.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped in surprise and turned to my left. There I found a silver haired boy looking at me wide-eyed, his emerald eyes exuding curiosity and innocence.

"What?" I replied as it was the only word I could utter at the time.

"Are you planning to jump?" His brows furrowed as he tilted his head to the side.

"A-are you an idiot? Leave me alone!" I barked.

It was the perfect day, why did he have to come and ruin it?!

"What about your family?" He took a step towards me, and in turn, I instinctively took a step back.

"I have a sister that I lover very much. Every time I come here, I always think of her." He grinned.

"T-that has nothing to do with me. Get lost!" I yelled.

What the heck is wrong with this weirdo?

"If you jump, your family will be very sad." He pouted.

I thought about my family: my father who abandoned me, my mother who despises me, my brother that rejects me, and a step father that's always busy that could care less.

"They could care less." I mumbled under my breath.

There was silence. And it was making me uncomfortable.

"Just leave me alone—!"

"I'll care." He cut me off. His voice loud and clear, it left me dumbfounded.

"What the hell are you sayi—"

"Hey, can I be your friend?" He asked enthusiastically as he jumped towards me with both his arms spread out wide.

It took a second for me to process what this weirdo was asking.

"And why the hell should I agree to that?" I asked, furious.

"Because we both found each other here at the same time with the same thought! It's like we're meant to become friends! So whaddaya say?" He had a big grin on his face.

What does he mean 'with the same thought'? Was this guy planning on jumping too? His demeanor right now doesn't imply that.

"No." I replied curtly.

"Come on, it'll be good for us to be friends!" He continued, without lacking energy from when he initially asked.

"Are you deaf?! I said no! Why the hell do you keep asking?!" I barked.

His enthusiasm dissipated and the grin on his face reduced to a melancholic smile.

"Because you look like you're about to cry and it looks like you really need one— just like me."

"Wha—" My voice trembled as I wiped my eyes in disbelief. I was unaware when the tears formed on my eyes. I was too pre-occupied on making this idiot leave so I could go through with my plan.

"Wouldn't it be great for two people in need of friendship, to become friends?" I could see his eyes tearing up, but it was abruptly cut off by a grin.

I sniffed. "Kouichi Hyukagi, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." I said extending my hand toward him fro a handshake. I could see that he was baffled.

He let out a sigh, then a laugh. "I'm Hiro Takeshi! Pleasure is all mine!" He jumped towards me and wrapped his arm around my neck gleefully.

"Wanna hang out at the arcade tomorrow?" He asked pulling me to walk with him.

"Why can't we just go today?" I asked, picking up my bag on the side.

"I have to get to work soon so today is a no-go. Let's go tomorrow, Kou!" He demanded. I scoffed.

It feels like I signed up for a troublesome friendship.

*End of flashback

I snapped out of my reverie as we reached a place that I would never have thought of checking.

"The cemetery?" I asked as I looked up at the unkempt gate. Without stopping, Natsume continued on his path.

What the hell would Hiro be doing in the cemetery?

I continued to follow him. He finally stopped beside a cherry blossom tree.

"Is he working here now?" I asked trying to find a silver haired guy who is either sweeping tombstones clean or mowing the lawn.

He turned to face me, his face pale and gloomy.

"What?" I furrowed my brows in discontent.

"So, where is he?" I sighed, still waiting for Natsume to answer.

He hesitatingly looked to the left and fixated on something or someone. I followed his gaze warily to a tombstone.

At the sight of it, my eyes widen, and my heart sunk. All of a sudden it became difficult to breath— every breath I took felt like sharp daggers on my insides.

Hiro Takeshi

Born on: July 7, 1992 – December 24, 2011

My sigh quivered. I was still trying to process this… reality.

I opened my mouth, but not a sound came out. Tears began to pour down uncontrollably.

He died two years ago… On my birthday?

No, this— this… This isn't real.

"Did he put you up to this?" I desperately asked as I looked at Natsume with a smirk despite the river of tears flowing out of my eyes and the trembling of my voice and hands.

"Is this some kind of sick joke to surprise me with? Like a prank? Is this a prank?" I began to look around the graveyard in hopes of getting glimpse of the silver haired guy.

"This isn't real, right? It's his prank, right Natsume?" I plead as I put both my hands on Natsume's shoulder. He stared at me in disbelief— disbelief because in all my life, I never once let anyone see a tear in my eye.

"NATSUME!" I demanded. I snapped out of my desperation when I saw Natsume sobbing.

"I'm sorry— I'm really sorry! It was my fault! If I hadn't acted like a spoiled brat and just came home earlier then this wouldn't have happened! I- I was cornered by an intoxicated group of guys at 124 Street and Hiro, he— he saved me! H-he pushed me out of the circle and— they ambushed him… I was out cold and— he was crying… He was alone and he was crying… I never— I never wanted this to happen! I just— I was at downtown with Ruka and I-I was going to come home after you left— I didn't want to see you leave… But then you called and— I hurried home.. And that happened.. I- I acted like a brat.. I'm sorry— Hiro— he… I'm very sorry Kouichi…" He was hysterically sobbing.

It feels like he's been holding this guilt on his head since it happened.

I don't know what to say or do to comfort him. I'm still at a loss for words.

"Why didn't—" My voice quivered. It took a moment to compose myself.

"Why didn't anyone tell me that Hiro is—" I struggled to compose my voice from breaking.

"I asked all of them to not say a word to you. I wanted to tell you myself. I thought you would come home sooner for vacations— I waited—"

Natsume never cried this much his whole life. He must have been in pain for so long.

"When I woke up, he— he told me to go home… And that you were— worried about me… He even asked if I was okay— what is wrong with him? He was smiling! After all that, he was smiling— why…"

His state is heartbreaking.

"I hired the best doctors and not even they could— save him… He didn't even do anything wrong… Why him? Kouichi, I'm very sorry… I know he means a lot to you— it's all my fault… All my fault—" I cut him off as he felt my hand on his head. He looked up showing his red, swollen, wet eyes.

"It's not your fault. I know Hiro— he did that because he wanted to. And don't, even for a second, think that what happened was your fault. Hiro wouldn't have wanted that. You know, Hiro— he's that kind of person… He didn't want you to get hurt." I looked over to Hiro's tombstone.

"I'm sure Hiro already realized that you're in more pain than what you're actually showing. He realized before I did. And that's why he did it. He wanted to help out." I continued.

Natsume was silently holding back his tears.

"I'm sorry, Natsume. For everything." I smiled. Natsume was dumbfounded and wasn't able to react to my smile. It took a second before tears started forming on the side of his eyes yet again.

"Wh-What the hell… What the hell, Kou—" With that, he covered his eyes with his arm, sobbing and cursing under his breath.

I sighed and slowly, awkwardly pulled him to my chest and let him rest his head. I pat his head from time to time to help him calm down.

I help the guitar pick with my other hand. It still hurts to breathe.

He's gone.

"Would you look at that, THE Kouichi Hyukagi is crying— for me!" His voice emanated from my memories.

I looked over at Hiro's gravestone, then at the sky.

There were no clouds. I was anticipating a snowstorm today— just like the forecast predicted. It was cloudy this morning, but I guess the wind somehow blew it all away.

"I guess even when you're up there, you still want my birthday to be a sunny one, huh?" I thought, whilst looking at the sky smiling although tears kept flowing.

"I always looked out for you— but now, I could stop right?"

Flashbacks came rushing into my head from when I first met Hiro until the last day I saw him.

"Right now, you're in a place where you don't need comfort or help."

"Don't worry about me, Kou! I'm okay!"

"Every time you tell me you're okay or you're fine, I never believed you— I knew you were lying."

"Kouichi, I'm alright! See? I'm fine!"

"But now, if you're trying to tell me that you're okay up there… I believe you."

In all the years and everything we've been through— I'm thankful for the smile that never disappeared on your face.

You saved me over and over— where it came to a point that living became bearable.

"I know this time I could trust your word on that."

The petals of the cherry blossom tree and the grass around the graveyard gracefully swayed as the cold wind blew through. The sun's warmth was soothing and consoling.

"Thank you for everything, friend."