Disclaimer: I don't own xmen, either of these two fine men, nor Justice League Unlimited(which one of the drabbles is based off of) But I wish I did.

A/N: So basicaly I've been having a rough couple months and I lost my muse along the way. But she decided to come visit last night, keeping me awake until I wrote this out. Shout out to xXNeonCieraRulesXx who kept asking for the next part. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have bothered if not for you.

Tapping his chin thoughtfully, Erik went over what he knew so far. After getting over his initial surprise, he had acted forward to Charles, curious as to whether or not he would be open to their relationship becoming more intimate. Expecting to be brushed off, he was instead confused at the other's reaction. Was he embarrassed at being caught reading those...stories. Or had his feelings changed, making him act differently. He knew it was not due to Charles caring about others opinions. After all, hearing their minds all the time, he would have to harden himself against their less than kind thoughts.

This later time period had different views. For the most part they were more accepting in general. And being mutant, they understood prejudice well. No one would object if the two eldest in their group got together. And if it made Charles comfortable they could keep it private.

The problem was there were too many variables in this equation. For starters he was still somewhat uncertain of what he wanted. He had never tied himself to another person before, it never fit his plans. But with Shaw gone, it was okay to love someone. He wouldn't lose them like he did his mother.

But if that was the case, why did he stay? Sure some part was due to him tired of moving from place to place. But it wasn't the only one. He enjoyed helping the children but even that was not enough to hold him in one place. And he remained because Charles had asked.

Charles. His friend who had witnessed his deepest memories and forced him to harness his powers better. Charles who he would sit with night after night playing chess and sharing their ideas for the mutant race.

What Erik needed was information. And for that, he needed to use the computer again. For research purposes.

According to the device, sodomy was not illegal anymore. But there were many people who still seen it as wrong. He had lived with hatred thrown at him before, it was not something that surprised him. Scoffing he closed the window, further strengthening his belief that mutants were indeed superior.

The act of "coming out made him snort. He was dismayed to find out such an act was necessary. And the "arguments" if they could even be called that, lacked any sense of logic. Yet this was nothing new. After all there was much propaganda against Jews when he was growing up, And around the time of Shaw's plan in Cuba, those who knew of mutants treated them with contempt.

Now knowing most of the facts, he returned to the stories. After all he knew next to nothing about relationships and it seemed a good place to start.

"Promise you'll never leave." Charles lay draped across the older man, his eyes shining as he ran long fingers across Erik's cheek.

" I promise" He smiled before leaning over to capture a kiss. When they broke apart Charles was smiling,

"Good" he whispered. "Me too"

Charles was fluttering around the room, refusing to look at Erik.

"Well? What did the doctor say?

Faint mumbling .

"Speak louder. Is everything okay? You didn't get any funky after effects from the last mission did you?"

"Technically no."

"what do you mean technically. You're not going to die are you?" Erik's voice had an edge of panic to it. There was no way Charles could be dying. It wasn't possible, he wouldn't allow it.

"Well it appears that the witch's magic somehow caused some, unknown effects in my system, and I appear to be pregnant."

What? There was a roaring in his ears as he stared at his lover. He couldn't hear what the other was saying, his mind still trying to process what he heard. "Pregnant." He repeated before falling down into a chair. Why couldn't they ever have normal problems?

Charles leaned closer to hear what the faceless man was speaking, his words so soft they were barely a whisper.

"Sorry for being so stubborn."

He smiled, whipping away his tears. "You should be you big jerk. Had me scared for a second."

Coughing, the other leant back a bit."Can you do me a favour?"

"Of course."

"Take it off."

Surprised Charles reached towards his face, fingers gently searching for a break between the skin and mask. " I can't."

"In my coat. The spray."

Reaching into a jacket slung over the nearby chair, he pulled a small bottle out of an inside pocket. Holding it in front of the Questions face he sprayed a couple of times, amazed as the mask slowly peeled away to reveal a handsome face. Stroking stray locks of hair away, he met the gaze of brown eyes.

"Like you said pretty ugly right?"

Laughing in relief he bent down to kiss the other. "Not even close.

"Charles." Placing his palms on the other's shoulders he places a small kiss on the other's neck.

"Erik. It's been a while my friend."

"Yes. I.. am sorry." Sighing he leaned bowed his head, knowing no apology would make up for the hurt he caused. "I missed you."

"So have I my friend. But I have found that keeping busy, makes it hurt less."

"Charles... You're legs. It's all my fault. Coming around to face the other, he buried his head in his lap. "I wish I could take it all back. I was wrong."

Charles placed a pale hand on the other's hair, petting him. "I wish so too. But I gave up on such thoughts a while back. I don't blame anyone either. It was a terrible accident." Stilling his hand, he stared thoughtfully at the other. "Tell me one thing though. If you knew this had happened. Would you have still left?"

"No. Never. I would have stayed by your side." Grabbing Charles face, he desperately kissed him, wanting the other to know the depths of his feelings.

Leaning back in his chair, Erik turned off the screen. For the most part , the stories were of little help. But they gave him ideas.