The remainder of the day is snored and sighed away as Maddy and Archer sleep on the couch. With Maddy reclined against one armrest, Archer is dormant between her legs with his ankles crossed on the other armrest. His head rests on the inside of her thigh with Maddy's injured leg stretched over his shoulder and down his torso. Archer has fallen asleep with his hand on her shin and Maddy's fingers are still tucked in his thick mess of hair. They sleep intertwined with each other through the entire night, without disturbance, until the sunlight of the next morning begins filling the apartment.

Archer's eyes are the first to open. He wakes without unease or animosity coursing through him. He feels rested and comfortable and, when he registers his hand still on Maddy's tanned shin, happy. A smile chases across his lips as he turns his head slightly to kiss the inside of her thigh beneath her bandage.

The gentle friction of Archer's hair in Maddy's lap pulls her from her sleep and she looks down at him. She slides her fingers from his hair as he sits up just enough to look back at her over his shoulder. Maddy is smiling. Her eyes are white and open and her irises are as green as ever.

"Good morning," she says with a tired smile.

"Good morning, Miss Bowen."

"How did you sleep?" she laughs.

"Very well," he answers, moving his hand from her shin to her knee.

"I slept well too," she says quickly.

Archer is getting familiar with her sense of humor and he laughs, licking his bottom lip. "I was going to ask."

"Were you?"

He nods confidently and sits up more. He lifts Maddy's injured leg carefully to rest on his lap with her other leg as he leans back against the sofa properly. Maddy's looks at him with a sideways glance of calmness and Archer raises his eyebrows.

"You're still here," Maddy says.

He nods again.

"Will you be here tonight?"

A nod.

"And tomorrow?"

A nod.

"And the day after that?"

"Ja, Maddy, I will," he tells her with a gentle aggressiveness she hasn't heard in his voice before. "I will."

They fall into a comfortable silence that stretches across the morning. Archer makes Maddy breakfast — eggs and toast — and then helps her settle into a bath. While she soaks in the soapy water, Archer takes a shower. He scrubs himself hard and watches as the dirty water spirals down the drain. He's cautious of his cast, which Maddy wrapped in plastic from the doctor to keep it dry, and finishes quickly. He steps out and pulls a towel around his waist before looking at Maddy, who's grinning coyly as she looks him up at down.

Archer's tanned skin looks even darker inside the white bathroom. His color makes Maddy's olive skin seem pale. He fastens the towel more tightly around his waist and walks across the bathroom to sit on the edge of the bathtub. His hair is still dripping wet and flat against his head but Archer quickly runs his good hand through it. He shakes his head and Maddy squirms away to avoid the cool droplets.

"You're like a dog!"

He looks down at her as he dips his fingers into the water to flick some at Maddy. "It's only water, huh."

She smirks and nods. She repositions her heel against the edge of the bathtub, careful not to wet her bandage.

"There's more towels hanging up to dry your body with."

"Is it mandatory for me to use two towels now that I'm in America?"

Maddy laughs, shaking her head. "I was just letting you know."

"Ja, I'll make note," he taps his temple mockingly as he wipes the soap off his fingers on his towel.

"I was thinking of calling my lawyer later," Maddy says after a moment.

Archer raises his eyebrows to urge her to go on.

"To get those diamonds sold."

"Right," he nods his head.

"Isn't that what you want?"

"Ja, ja," he answers. "That was the plan, huh?"

"But is that what you want?"

Archer rolls his shoulders back and considers her question. Selling the diamonds seemed like the natural thing to do. What other purpose did he have for them? Keeping them wouldn't be beneficial to either of them. He tilts his head to the side in thought and then looks at Maddy's face. Her brows are slightly knitted, her lips in a tight line across her face.

"I'm sitting on a lot of money with those stones," he begins. "I know what they're worth, huh, I won't have some American in a nice suit try and cheat me out of money."

Maddy nods understandingly. "There won't be any cheating when we arrange a deal. You'll be compensated appropriately."

"Mm," Archer grunts in accordance.

"Then we can get your papers sorted out."


"Passports and everything… make sure everything is in order."

He frowns at the sudden list of formalities he needs to deal with.

"We don't have to do it all today," she adds.

He raises his shoulders. "We might as well, huh."

"It seems like the logical thing to do," she says. "What are you going to do hauling around briefcases filled with money?"

Archer knows he'll be set for life with the money he'll receive from the diamonds. He knows that he'll never have to lift a finger for the rest of his life while still living comfortably. He could even take care of Maddy — the two of them would never have to work again.

"What's wrong?" Maddy asks, touching Archer's knee.

He shakes his head, alarmed to feel her hand on him. "Nothing."

"No, what are you thinking about, Archer?" Maddy fears that she's losing him again. "What's on your mind?"

"Let's not rush around the city while you're still limping around like a cripple, huh," he motions to her leg. "We've got nothing but time now."