A/N: Hilo! ~~ I'm new to this…well not brand new. If you haven't already, you should go check out the poem I wrote. Basically, I thought I should explain what happened leading up to the poem. Hmm, what else? Oh yeah, disclaimer~~~. I don't own Junjou Romantica; I'm not a genius, y'know ;)
Misaki's POV
I awoke from my sleep and looked over at my lover. Usagi-san slept so peacefully; like a baby. I smiled and ran a hand through his hair. He stirred a bit then went back to sleep.
What's happening today? I thought. (I always go through the events that are supposed to happen for the day in my head before I get up and make breakfast.) Oh, yeah! It's our anniversary. Starting today, we would be together for 6 years. The anniversary of our love, our happiness, and the days we've spent together…granted, it took like a year for me to admit my love for him, but you get my drift.
I bought him 2 more Suzuki-sans. One Suzuki-san had a big box full of chocolates; I know Usagi-san doesn't like sweets, but you know how the saying goes: 'It's the thought that counts'. The other Suzuki-san was a bear even bigger than me. He'll love the presents, for sure.
I couldn't help but wonder what he got me. I didn't really mind what he got me but there was only one thing that could make me the happiest man on Earth. I want him to ask me to marry him. I would jump into his arms in a frenzy of joy and kiss him. A kiss…that I initiated…wow.
I sat up and put on jeans and a t-shirt and walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
I set the food down, proudly. I had made pancakes cut in the shapes of hearts and eggs with bacon on the side. I looked at the clock. He should be waking up right…about…now.
Right on time. Usagi-san slowly walked down the stairs, holding his favorite Suzuki-san, as always. He sat Suzuki-san in a chair next to him and sat down. I smiled and sat across from him.
"Itadakimasu," he said, clapping his hands together.
"Itadakimasu~," I said after him.
He looked at his plate, "Wow, Misaki, did you notice these pancakes look like hearts?" I smiled, "Yep, I meant to do that." He looked at me then looked at his plate again, "It's cute," he said then starting eating his food.
"Soooo," I said, breaking the silence, "what are we going to do today? I've taken time off of my classes so I'll be free all day."
"Umm, ok," he started, "I'll do whatever you want to do today." He smiled at me and I blushed. "Yay, ok, so I thought we could go to the park, you know, just to have a peaceful walk; then we could go to the aquarium and then we could go to a fancy restaurant or something for dinner."
He looked at me and chuckled a bit, "Wow, you have quite a day planned for us. Yeah, that sounds great, let's do it."
"So, after breakfast then?"
"Yeah, ok."
I smiled and watched him finish eating then took the plates in the kitchen and began washing them. Usagi-san sat on the couch and began looking over one of his manuscripts. I finished washing and went to change my clothes. I put on fancy clothes…well, not super-fancy; just a polo shirt and a vest with jeans and a pair of converse.
Usagi-san was dressed in his usual attire; the whole shirt, vest, tie combo, but I'm not complaining, he looks good.
We drove to the park and had a nice, long walk. We laughed and held hands the entire time and every now and then we kissed gently on the lips. People stared but for the first time, I actually didn't care.
We went to the aquarium and saw all of these great fish. The colors amazed me and Usagi-san looked pretty amazed, as well. "Usagi-san?" I asked, looking at the silver-haired beauty, who was looking at the sharks. "Yeah?" He looked right back at me.
"Are you having fun?"
"Yeah, totally, this is the best day ever."
"Good," I leaned my head on his shoulder and we finished watching the amazing aquatic creatures.
Usagi-san took us to a very expensive restaurant and got us a private room. I smiled; it was the exact room and restaurant we went to on our very first date.
We ordered our food and talked after we finished.
"So what do you want to do first when we get home?" I smiled and asked him.
He smirked and stared at me, "Well, considering the great day we've had today, I think you already know what we're going to do."
I blushed deeply and smiled, still anticipating giving him his presents and hoping for him to pop the big question. I know we can't get married here, in Japan, but we could go to New York or California in America.
He kissed me gently and we left.
We got home and we entered the door. "Wait here, Usagi-san, I'll be right back."
I smiled and went into the bear room, where I had hid the presents for him. A few minutes later I came back holding both of the Suzuki-sans.
His eyes widened, "What's this for?" He asked.
I laughed and hit his shoulder, playfully, "You're so funny, and that's why I love you. Of course you know what this is for."
He smiled, clearly a fake one, "Yeah, o-of course, Misaki."
Oh, my God, don't tell me…
My smile faded, "Usagi-san…"
He looked at me with this puzzled face and I continued, "…d-don't tell me y-you f-forgot?" My eyes welled up with tears. He did…of course, he forgot our anniversary.
"No, no, I didn't forget…it's …well, it's umm…obviously…"
Now I was just pissed. I interrupted him, "You can't be serious, Usagi-san."
He looked around the room still stumbling over words and excuses.
"Oh, my God, Usagi-san! You are!" I threw the bears at him, "You disgust me!" I ran into my rarely-used bedroom, slammed the door and sobbed as I lay on the bed, punching the pillows. I knew it; I knew he wasn't serious about our relationship.
A few minutes later I grew tired and the last thing I heard was the front door close.
A/N: Sooo that was the first chapter, review, please xD