I just wanted to say a few quick words before you got into the chapter. First off I would like to thank you all who reviewed. You guys are awesome and your reviews are always encouraging and helpful. So I am going to take this story all the way to a year after Harry graduates. I have great ideas on where I want this story to go. So my ultimate goal right now is to finish this story come September 2013 and have somewhere around 5,000 or more reviews. I know that the reviews part will be a bit difficult but I am going to finish this story by next September. These first chapters should come out pretty quickly but it will slow down to one or two chapters every week. The pace was a little fast in the first chapter so I could crunch to the real start of the story.
Oh and someone suggested I change it to a Harry/Gabrielle setting on the characters instead of Harry/Gabrielle. I decided to change it, because both girls are equal in the relationship and there aren't many Gabrielle stories out there
Let's begin shall we?
Harry gathered his belongings into his chest, once again checking his belonging so that he did no forget anything. Harry had already done this at least 20 times these past two weeks, even though he knew that he had packed everything perfectly the first time. Fleur and Gabrielle had noted Harry's unusual behavior and had taken turns calming and distracting him. Fleur usually took him on walks through the garden or down to the beach. Gabrielle on the other hand would either talk about their favorite subject, magic of the mind, or have long and very intense snog sessions.
Veela were very sexual beings, of that there was no doubt. Fleur and Gabrielle had these two weeks every six months when their bodies would suddenly expel more hormones into their bodies causing them to be a bit more physical during these two weeks. Harry couldn't really complain, all three knew the limits and often loved to flirt with the line during these weeks. However Gabrielle seemed to embrace her sexuality towards Harry a bit more than Fleur. Fleur was affectionate none the less, she loved Harry and she was a veela after all but Gabrielle on the other hand loved to be in physical contact with Harry. Apolline explained that often times certain veelas were a bit more…robust than others and Gabrielle was one of those veela.
Of course Harry was a bit concerned that Gabrielle would seek to express her physical needs onto another boy but found his worry to be for naught. Gabrielle was fiercely loyal to Harry just as loyal as Fleur was and Fleur didn't even so much as blink at another boy twice. Of course this did not discourage boys as they were always seeking to impress the two veela. Harry had of course sent more than a few curses and hexes at the boys who dared cross the line and bluntly out right tried to flirt with Gabby and Fleur. Not that they needed to be protected by Harry, Fleur and Gabby were just as capable of keeping boys away as they were to attracting them.
It was again up to Fleur and Gabby to try to distract Harry again, Gabby decided that it would be she to do it. At this point words wouldn't do much to calm Harry, he needed physical treatment and Fleur knew that this was Gabrielle's area of expertise. Fleur wasn't in anyways jealous of Gabrielle. It had caused problems early on in the relationship as Fleur felt that Gabrielle was being too physical and in effect hogging Harry but after a long and very eye opening discussion between the three of them, Fleur found herself not only calmed but encouraging in the matter.
Harry loved them both equally and tried his best to give them equal time and care. Yes Gabrielle was bit more physical but as Harry explained it, it didn't make her the favored. Harry loved to spend time with his girlfriends, regardless of what they were doing with their time together. If Fleur wanted to spend the time talking or just taking walks with him then it gave him the same amount of joy as the activities he did with Gabrielle on her time, which usually involved time snuggling, reading, snogging, watching films and snogging. He just wanted to do what they wanted to do in the end.
"Love you need to stop," Gabrielle said and she rubbed his shoulders while pressing kisses to his neck before embracing him from behind.
Harry stopped after replacing the last book as he turned and gave Gabrielle a soft smile, "I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me lately. This whole thing is throwing me for a loop," said with a heavy sigh before he scooped Gabby into his arms and laid her onto the bed before, he himself crawled in, tossing the blanket over them.
Gabrielle quickly snuggled into his side and tugged at his shirt. Harry chuckled before he quickly pulled it off allowing Gabby to run her hands up and town his chest. Harry was built like an ox; Ambroise had taken the liberty of becoming his personal physical trainer and had helped Harry go from a wire-y skeleton of a boy to a very well built young man. Gabby of course loved the change and often loved to go with Harry to the beach just see him with his shirt off. Gabby's hands soft and delicate hands tracing his muscles was always relaxing to Harry, it was better than a massage in his opinion.
They laid in silence as Gabby continued with her therapy. No words really needed to be said at this point in their relationship to communicate. They could say everything they needed to say with a single look and Gabby could calm and relax Harry with a single touch. Jean and Apolline found it quite fascinating how the three of them could have an entire conversation or argument without saying a single word. The arguments were always the funniest to Jean and would often try to decipher what they were saying to each other.
"He doesn't matter," Gabby said softly. Harry nodded, his eyes were closed and he was slowly losing himself to Gabby's touch, "He never has and he never will," Gabby continued, "you were meant to be here," Gabby kissed him on the chest, "you were meant to join our family," this time she kissed his neck, "you were meant to be with Fleur," she kissed his jaw, "and you were meant to be with me," this time she captured her lips. It wasn't like their usually kissed which, although full of love and adorations, were usually a bit harsh and full of hormones. No, this one was new to Harry, this kissed blew every kiss he had ever had with Gabby straight out the water. It was soft, it was gentle, it was passionate, it was…Harry couldn't even possibly find the word to describe the kiss. And then it hit him, this kiss was Gabrielle, it was everything he loved about her; delicate, passionate, beautiful, sexy, it was…Gabby, his Gabby.
When they finally parted Harry found that Gabby had climbed on top of him and was now straddling him and pressing every piece of her body that she possibly could, to him. He smiled and pecked her before he trailed kissed across her jaw line and up to her ear, "That, was absolutely amazing," Gabby smiled at this, "but I don't think this is the position that your mother, much less your father, would like to see their 13 year old daughter in, no matter how much of adult she really is."
"I couldn't agree more," Harry and Gabby turned quickly to the door expecting to find Apolline and were relieved to find that it was in fact Fleur. They breathed a huge sigh of relief, Gabrielle did however did remove herself from the extremely compromising position that she was currently in. It wouldn't do to be in trouble with her parents. Jean and Apolline knew the type of relationship that she and Harry carried but that didn't mean that they were about to let her off easy. Had they been found in the position they had been moments ago. Harry would have found himself of a lecture from Jean and Gabby getting hers from Apolline, not to mention they would have been put on restriction, which would have become useless as soon as they went to school the next morning.
"Go to sleep Gabby," Fleur said before turning to Harry and giving him an expectant look. Harry smiled as he climbed over Gabby, and gave Fleur a quick kiss goodnight.
"Goodnight my lily," Harry said. Fleur smiled at the nickname he had given to her. Harry knew that it was his mother's name but that wasn't the reason why he had given it to her, rather it was because it was their favorite flower and Harry often found himself picking lilies just for Fleur to have in her vase that stood on her nightstand.
"Goodnight Harry," she glanced at Gabby who had yet to move from Harry's bed, "and don't keep him up Gabby."
Gabby stuck her tongue out at Fleur but nodded shortly after. Harry smiled at Fleur and watched Fleur until she closed the door to her room. Gabby's and Fleur's rooms were directly on either side of Harry's, Fleur's to the right, Gabby's to the left. They had once occupied the rooms across from Harry but Harry found himself being on the receiving end of quite a few shows in the morning, something that Apolline quickly noted and fixed, much to the disappointment of everyone as Fleur and Gabby also got their own shows almost every morning and evening.
Gabby snuggled up into Harry's side and it wasn't long before her breathes became deeper and slower. Harry lay there in silence. He didn't really know why it bothered him so much that he was going to Hogwarts, he shouldn't be. As Fleur and Gabby had told him many times these past few weeks, there was nothing, nothing, that the old man could do to him. He couldn't force him to stay at Hogwarts or even in Scotland for that matter. And finally, for the first time since Harry had found out he would be going to Hogwarts, Harry fell into a deep but calm slumber, all the while hugging Gabby close.
Unlike Hogwarts, students that attended Beauxbatons did not ride a train through the countryside to get to the school. Beauxbatons was a smaller school in terms of the amount of students that attended. Beauxbatons was very exclusive on who it would accept into its academy. Hogwarts may have been the most famous of all the magical schools in the world but it certainly wasn't picky on who it accepted; Beauxbatons was. In fact one could argue that Beauxbatons was the better by this fact alone. Every potential student was tested. They recruited the muggleborns and tested them a bit differently but every pureblood and halfblood had to apply and test into the school.
The test consisted of two parts, a written and a practical. The written portion was basic information on the student themselves as well as knowledge in both magical and muggle subjects (muggleborns did not have the magical portion). The practical portion was simple enough that even a muggleborn was able to do. A recruiter would teach the young child a spell and then give them a test wand to measure magical strength, potential, completion of spell, as well as the learning ability of the child. From there the recruiters would assess whether the child was to the standard of teachable. In the last century there hadn't been a single muggleborn or halfblood that had been rejected but more than a couple of purebloods for their ignorance in refusing to teach their children 'backwards muggle ways'. This was also why there were so few boys in Beauxbatons, they either sent their children to Durmstrang or Hogwarts; they didn't need a test to enter.
Harry of course hadn't received any special treatment and had to take the test. Of course Jean had brushed up Harry on the magical section of the test since he was going be tested as a halfblood and not a muggleborn. Jean thought he was going to have a bit of trouble getting Harry to learn, especially because all of the books Jean had purchased for Harry were in French. Jen was in for a surprise when he got up the morning Jean had brought Harry home only to find him speaking French to Fleur and Gabby, mind you it was very rough and much of his grammar was…pitiful was the correct term because to say bad was to compliment the poor boy. However Jean got a taste of how quickly Harry could learn when less than a week later Harry's vocabulary and grammar had improved to the point that he could understand Harry almost perfectly.
Harry of course was studying harder than he had in his life. He poured over every French children's book he could find. He read, reread and read every text until he could say and knew every word in the book. By the time two weeks had passed Harry could speak just as well as Fleur and Gabby. Of course from there learning any subject was almost too easy for Harry. Jean had expected to put Harry through hours of studying and hoped to have him take the test a week before school started but by August 1st Harry had already not only passed but was in the top 5% margin.
To get to Beauxbatons was actually quite simple, your parents would apparated you to Le Vieux Port in Cannes where you would board a ship which would lead you to a hidden, by magic of course, island on which the palace sat on. Students absolutely loved the school because the entire island was the campus of the school, meaning that you could go down to the beach whenever you wanted to. Of course you could find all the boys, minus Harry, down at the beach just to watch the beautiful ladies of Beauxbatons sunbathe.
Harry, Fleur, and Gabby had just stepped off of the boat onto the island in their blue uniforms. Harry's boy uniform consisted of slacks, jackets and vests of the same color of ladies uniform with the trim on the jacket and vest being gold. Shoes and ties were of course black and formal. They were quickly escorted into a carriage to take them to the greeting hall. Harry looked out into the ocean smiling; he loved the fact that Beauxbatons reminded him exactly of home. The Delacour Villa was actually located on a magical hidden island as well that was shared with several other magical families just southeast of Imperia. Of course the Delacours owned a larger portion of the island than anyone else but it was only because they had inhabited the island first.
Harry was the first off the carriage and offered his hand to the ladies. Harry was going up the steps of the Grand Entrance when there was a sudden call to him.
"Harry!" Harry turned to find the one person Harry could call a friend at school, Blaize Zambini. Blaize was a striking and handsome young man with looks that could land him any girl at Beauxbatons yet the boy kept to himself for the most part.
"Blaize, how was your journey?" asked the young man
"The same as always, glad to be back in the land of the sun, I can't stand England to tell you the truth, wish we still lived in Italy," Blaize said with a sigh. Blaize had moved all around the world before he started school, Japan, Australia, the States, Russia, Spain, South America, the list was endless. His mother was always moving to meet with important people, both muggles and wizards, though no one knew what her job was per-say.
Harry sighed, Blaize probably wasn't going to take the news of having to return, but decided to change the topic instead, "So did you meet anyone interesting in England?" Harry asked
Blaize's smile changed to a slight frown, "No one of note, I figure why bother getting to know anyone considering we might move before the year is over anyways."
Harry nodded, "Well someday you know you'll have to actually get to know someone other than me and the Delacours. You do know that right Blaize?"
Blaize gave a light laugh, "Yes but let us hope that that day is a far ways away."
Harry rolled his eyes, "Some days I wonder…" he said trailing off with mirth written all over his face
Blaize's face went blank before he gave a grin, "I think you and I both know that you wouldn't dare finish that statement."
"Well look at the facts: you're unaffected by Fleur's and Gabby's allure, you could have your pick of the ladies yet you have not had a single girlfriend, and you have but a single friend, me. If I knew any better I would say you were g – "
Blaize growled, "finish that statement Potter and you'll find that it'll be very hard to breath with your lungs removed."
Harry laughed heartedly, "Relax Blaize, I'm only pulling your leg. Come, I believe that Fleur and Gabby are getting restless."
The group of four entered the hall just behind the final students. They were greeted by several elves who immediately took the loose items that hey carried as well as the overcoats that the ladies' uniform came with as well as the boys' jackets. Then a single elf escorted them to the main hall.
"Have you given thoughts on what you want to do after you graduate Blaize?" Fleur asked, talking to Blaize for the first time since Blaize had arrived.
Blaize shrugged, "I figure I'll do what my mother does or something similar. I figure I have a couple more years to figure out what I want to do anyways. You?"
Fleur nodded as she answered him, "Cursebreaker," Harry gave her a stern gaze, "maybe," she said with a roll of her eyes. Fleur knew that Harry was against her becoming a cursebreaker because of the dangers of the job but that was the reason she wanted to be one, the excitement.
Blaize however gave a loud laugh before giving a yelp as Gabby poked him with her wand. Harry of course acted as if Gabby had done nothing. Blaize gave an angry glare to Gabby who only stuck her tongue out at him, "How about keeping your girlfriend in check there Harry?"
Harry gave a confused glance at Blaize to which Blaize rolled his eyes and directed his attention to the elf who had already led them to their seats. After a slight nod the elf popped away. Harry gave a couple of hellos to the young ladies around them as they greeted them but didn't dwindle or humor them with more than a simple hello. Blaize however chose to completely ignore everyone as he directed his attention to the front.
"Hello Blaize," a cute brunette said with a beautiful blush playing on her cheeks, "h-h-how was your summer?"
Blaize raised his eyebrow to the young lady that was seated in front of him. Jessica was her name a girl in Gabby's year (Blaize had a thing for remembering things, much like Harry but only with people). He sighed as he realized that he wasn't going to be able to play it off as if he didn't know she was talking to him, "Hello Jessica, it was absolutely terrible." Gabby elbowed him giving him a disapproving look. Blaize held in the pain and continued, "How was yours?"
The girl blushed an even brighter pink, "I visited Barcelona and Milan, it was absolutely beautiful," she had heard he was born in Barcelona and was hoping to peak his interest, "we even watched a muggle sport, football I believe it was. It was very interesting. I'm sorry to hear that your summer vacation wasn't enjoyable."
Blaize was beginning to become really annoyed, the girl was trying way too hard to attract him. Though she had brought up a subject he did enjoy to talk about, football, "who did you watch play?"
"Barcelona and Manchester United," Jessica responded all too excitedly.
"Who won?" Blaize inquired
"It was a tie," the girl responded a little unsure of herself.
Blaize was thinking of how to end this conversation but found himself luck when Madame Maxime stood to the podium and began to address the students.
Unlike Hogwarts, students weren't sorted into houses, there were no points and there certainly wasn't any cup to won. Such systems and items would cause rifts among the students, instead students were separated into groups of 4. These groups would then have their own mini apartment where they would learn to function with each other and learn to work with each other. They did everything together and then the next semester they would be switched. The idea was to teach the students to not only adapt but learn to cooperate with everyone in their year. Of course boys and girls were kept separate, it wouldn't do to have girls and boys sleeping in the same vicinity.
At Beauxbatons there were a total of 12 boys to the 168 girls that attended Beauxbatons and Blaize was the only other boy in Harry's year, meaning that he and Blaize had been living with each since they first arrived at Beauxbatons. This year there weren't any boys joining though it wasn't surprising to anyone. The 2 years ahead of Harry and Blaize didn't have any boys either and there were a total of 4 in their last year; leaving only 2 in sixth year and another 2 younger than Harry, one in second and one in third.
"I am also sad yet proud to say that we will be leaving our wonderful home of Beauxbatons to Hogwarts. We will attend and one lucky student will compete in the Triwizard Tournament, held for the first time in more than a century," Madame Maxime announced causing murmurs to ripple throughout the students.
Blaize groaned; he knew exactly where Hogwarts was because he had almost come close to attend the said school. His mother had decided last minute that it would serve better for Blaize to attend a school with a warmer climate and better schooling. Blaize just figured it was his mother trying to set him up for success with young girls as his mother was a huge success with men. If one could call it that for that matter.
"Participants are to be of age to compete," she continued causing many to groan a bit, "this tournament is extremely dangerous and has had many deaths, the main cause in which why the tournament was halted over a century ago. Now since we will not be home for the most part of the year and we cannot bring every student, those coming with us will have to be either of age. Any other students will have to apply and be interviewed in order to come into attendance although all boys choosing to come will automatically be allowed to join."
Harry rolled his eyes; there was no guy in their right mind who would go. Why you may ask? Although its location was unknown to anyone who did not attend or attended, it was a well-known fact that Hogwarts was located in Scotland. Scotland did not exactly have the pristine weather that Beauxbatons offered and the ladies of Beauxbatons enjoyed sunbathing often. He did know that he had to go. As Harry Potter it would not do for Beauxbatons to arrive without their most prized student and that was apart from the fact that he was going to have to go due to who his father was.
Harry gave a quick glance at Blaize and found him to be smiling. Harry frowned, it wouldn't do to leave Beauxbatons without his only and best friend, no Blaize would be coming along for the ride, whether he wanted to or not.
"Now let us all go to the dining hall and enjoy a meal and prepare ourselves for another wonderful year," Madame Maxime finished with a wide smile
Blaize was absolutely furious. Actually furious was putting it lightly. He had thought he had gotten out of going to Hogwarts only to find that Harry had entered the application for him. Harry had been on the receiving end of the silent treatment for the weeks leading up to the departure to Hogwarts. Harry of course explained why he had done it. Blaize had only grunted and continued to sulk around. Harry shrugged it off, Blaize was going and that was the end of it anyways.
"Come now Blaize," Harry said throwing an arm around Blaize's shoulders, "it won't be so bad."
"Harry I was there for the entire summer," Blaize finally said to him, "it was unbearably humid and then it rained constantly. And that was just the summer Harry. I can only imagine the winter."
"Well…Jessica will be going," Harry said wiggling an eyebrow. Jessica had made her presence known to Blaize for the last 3 weeks. She was like a lost puppy following him around and trying to hold any sort of conversation with him. To be truthful she was the first girl Harry had seen Blaize say more than two words to other than Fleur and Gabby. Blaize however found the girl to be incredibly annoying and tried on several occasions to let the girl down rather bluntly but the girl was either ignoring his attempts or was incredibly dense.
"For the love all that is good in this world do not remind me," Blaize murmured. He sat down on top of his trunk, head in his hands.
Harry laughed and closed his trunk, they would be leaving today and they were required to have all their belongings with them as they would not be returning to Beauxbatons, but rather go home from Hogwarts. Blaize hadn't even bothered to unpack anything once he had found out what Harry had done.
There was a knock at the door and Harry opened it to find Fleur already with her uniform on, over coat included. She greeted Harry with a quick kiss as she entered the room, "Hello Blaize, still mad at Harry?"
Blaize sighed before he shook his head, "Can't blame him really, I would have done the same if it had been the other way around."
Fleur gave a brilliant smile, "I knew you'd come around. Harry dear did you happen to grab my cloak by mistake, I've been looking for it since I'll actually be needed it but I can't seem to find it."
Harry shook his head no, "Sorry, I only have mine, have you asked Gabby if – "
"Here you go Fleur, I found your cloak. Some boy in my year stole it. Weirdo was smelling the thing," Gabrielle said as she burst through the door, behind her was Jessica looking both bashful and hesitant (Blaize groaned silently to himself). "Look who I found snooping around," she said with a sly smile to Blaize.
"Hey Blaize," Jessica said with a beautiful smile as she went to sit next to him. Blaize was kind enough to allow her just enough room to sit. He knew Fleur would take it out on him if he was rude to the girl again.
"Hey Jess," Blaize said and suddenly realized his mistake of giving the girl a nickname when the girl blushed a deep crimson.
Harry clapped his hands loudly, "Well look at the time, we should really be heading down to the carriage. I'm sure Madame Maxime is already stressing out."
The girls nodded and began to make their way towards the door. Fleur and Gabby gave a quick kiss to Harry on their way out and had turned back to wait for Jessica when it happened.
Jessica had not moved initially when Harry had made his statement and after watching Fleur and Gabby give Harry a kiss she made the boldest move any girl had ever pulled on Blaize. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. That alone would have shocked everyone in the room but what rocked everyone to the point that no one moved was that she had basically kissed him on the lips, considering how close she had gotten to his lips.
Blaize's expression was priceless, she had caught him off guard. Jessica quickly stood and almost ran out the room, her eyes on the floor the entire time. Harry, Fleur and Gabby stared at Blaize as emotions raced across his face before settling for astonished. He noticed that they were staring and quickly schooled his features, "what?" he asked them
Fleur and Gabby glanced at each other before they raced after the girl. Harry continued to stare before he just shrugged and acted as if it had never happened.
Harry and Blaize were among the last to enter the carriage, they had their compartment within the magically enlarged interior of the carriage and had settled in. Each pulled out a book and began to read. Harry decided it would be safer to bring up what had just happened when there would be witnesses err…other people around.
"Not a word Harry…not a single word," Blaize told him once they had taken to the air.
Yes, definitely when there were witnesses….
Boom, done. As I said before, the first chapter was a huge crunch of time to get to the start of the story. I realize that this chapter is really meaty, I hadn't realized that it was until I finished but I like the chapter overall. I personally hate that there are large paragraphs but what can i do? Review please, it will be greatly appreciated and I realize I have nothing on my profile about me so I'll fill that in soon, tell me what you want to know about me and I'd be happy to share.