Cross My Heart
Chapter 1
I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.
This can't be happening. He was always three steps ahead, ready for anything that might obstruct his plans. He had to be. Who else would have taken care of his mother through his childhood? It had seemed that his careful planning was perfect, for it had worked for years.
Sadly things were not as they seemed. A silent killer lurked in the shadows biding its time waiting for the grand revealing when its careful work could be shown. Work that was hidden for so long it was irreversible, damage so insidious it would continue to lay waste even once it was revealed. Not even the great Youko Kurama, the King of Thieves, could fix this without help.
A week ago from today his mother went in for a routine blood test, and today the results came in. It felt ironic sitting here in the kitchen of his childhood home, hearing her sobbing confession. In this very room she had risked her life to save his and in the very same day he promised to keep her safe. Now he had to face the fact that she was dying. What was worse is that she wasn't even upset about dying she was devastated over the fact that she was going to be leaving him behind.
"Shuichi sweetheart, I'm so sorry but I have Leukemia!"
At that very second the ground seemed to disappear out from under him sending him into a free fall.
Hello again dear readers! I know the plot seems a little hazy right now but give it time I have a vision! Please read and review (your input will always be greatly appreciated)! I also would like your input on what rating I should make it.
Words of Law (Bri)