Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Wolf's Rain or Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, and as you know Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles is a multi-crossover of all of CLAMP's works, I do not own those either (but, oh how I wish I did!).

Author's Notes: This story was just a whim I thought up if Toboe had lived while the others had died, what would he do? And what if Darcia had not found Paradise like he thought and traveled to other Dimensions to find it. So, here you are, and I hope you review and let me know how it was. I hope you like it!

Tsubasa Chronicles: Howls of Time

Chapter One: My Pain

Toboe gazed down at all the graves of his friends. He had woken possibly hours after they had left him and Quent, and when he woke he was alone with the dead man, whose body blocked him from the snow. He unearthed himself from under the body and shook the snow from his red fur.

He could barely smell the scent of his pack but there was enough to find them. He ran for days, through cities and rocky plains until he came to the frozen city. He gazed at the dead bodies of his friends and mourned with every climb up the mountain as he found another dead body after another and when he reached the top his blood was boiling.

His gaze hit the dark figure standing over the dead body of his pack leader who was in the arms of a dead Cheza.

"Ah…so the pup lives."

Toboe screamed and morphed into his wolf form and ran at the man at full speeds. He only managed to grip the man's arm before he was thrown off and turned back into his human form, landing gently on the snowy surface. He licked the blood from his sharpened nails, golden slits full of bloodlust.

"'Death' seems to have changed you, pup."

"I will kill you!"

The noble laughed and then held up something that made Toboe's heart sink.

It was Cheza's head.

He gazed at the bodies of Kiba and Cheza and saw that her body was indeed decapitated.

"You bastard!"

"Pups really do take to their elders."

Toboe growled at the mention of Tsume, never before had he cursed until he met the grey wolf. He fought back his tears at the wolf's memory. This man had taken all that he knew, all that he loved and more. His ears rang with the howls of mourning and vengeance. His blood boiled and hissed for Darcia's to coat his fangs.

Toboe readied himself to attack, to take the man's throat and tear it out. But, at once, those emotions went blank for just a moment when, remarkably, Cheza's head suddenly began to twitch. He watched in awe and horror as the head jerked about like it was infused with 100 bolts of electricity, and then stilled, opening its soulless eyes seconds later. Dull and empty red stared back at him, once the most gorgeous eyes of the lunar maiden, now shattered rubies.

"Through the howls of mourning, let the sands of time and space be turned!"

Toboe could not understand what the noble meant by those words but knew that it was not good. Then, Cheza's head suddenly opened its mouth and it let out a blood chilling wail, one like he had heard so long ago. He held back a scream, biting into his bottom lip, as his ears were attacked by the loud screech, covering them on instinct to try and quiet the ear piercing sound as blood pooled out of them. His head ached with the pounding beat of drums.

Struggling to look up and open his eyes, Toboe managed to keep them open long enough to see a circle appear under the man's feet. Its illuminating light nearly blinded him, and his wolf growled as the feral side of him sensed a threat. Of what he did not know.

Then, in a flash, the shining bright light engulfed the area, a sizable shock wave following after that could have cleanly blown him off the mountain top to his death.

When it was over Toboe was covered by piles of cold, icy snow. Unearthing himself he looked to see that the Noble was gone. He growled and let out a scream of frustration that sang back to him in the skies above. Pounding his fists into the snow he let his tears fall. He had lost the man who had killed them, he let him go. Minutes passed with silence, save for the howling icy wind, before he began clawing at the ground as he cursed himself, shaking his head in denial.

This was not real, it was a dream, it had to be, they were not dead. But just a glance to his right told him the truth of it all.

At last, he stood, shaking the fresh fallen snow from his fur and collected the bodies of his friends and created graves for them.

Toboe sighed as the snow and wind began to pick up and was thankful that he was a wolf. He then looked down at the familiar brown book in his hands that he had found on the detective. Closing his eyes he reached up a caressed the golden earrings that he had put in his right ear.

'Tsume…' he thought.

He prayed for them all before he descended the icy mountaintop.


Toboe looked at the moonlit sky, waiting. In his hands he clutched the Book of The Moon to his chest. Minutes passed as the clouds moved before the silver jewel, moving like a slow wave. When they passed, the night goddess began to bleed, becoming an ominous, bloodied, ruby in the sky. He opened the book to the page that he had marked, holding up a hand he closed his eyes. Seconds later a magic circle appeared underneath his feet, much like the one Darcia had summoned.

Hear me moon of the crimson sky, reveal to me the doorway. Cast the howls of time and allow me passage.

The circle glowed brighter and from it came dark watery like substance shaped into running wolves that howled up at the moon as they ran around him, closing in on him with every passing moment. The black watery substance wrapped around him before vanishing and him with it, the howls dying away, combing into one ominous howl that sang a farewell.


He grits his teeth as the high priest's magic encircled him, clutching the unconscious princess to his chest, feeling her warmth slip away further and further.

"Hold on, just hold on…" he whispered.


A blonde stood within the marble palace, dressed in elegant winter clothing. He held up a golden staff and wrote words in the air that encircled him.

"Now to meet her…and make my escape."

His magic encircled him and in a split second he was gone.


"Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

The dark haired man struggled as he raged against the magic that entangled him, making him sink into the floor.

"You say you want to get stronger! But there is no one in this country…no, in this world strong enough to challenge you. And you are unwilling to lay down your sword! Therefore I must send you away, only to help you improve!"

"Bullshit, you just want to get rid of me!"

The elegant Princess smiled with kindness, "Please take care of yourself, I'll be thinking of you."

"Wench, you'll regret this! I promise you!"


When Toboe came to his destination he was standing in the rain before a strange looking and unsettling house. At his side were three others, a blonde, a raged raven who reminded him of Tsume and a boy who held an unconscious girl to his chest. Standing in front of them was a woman who screamed power despite her slim, beautiful, and dark figure. There were also two little girls and a teen at her side.

"Welcome, this is Sakura I gather."

"Yes" answered the boy.

The woman walked forward, "And you are?" she asked as she knelt.


She held up a hand to the girl's forehead and it glowed with a golden light.

"I see…this girl has lost that which is most important to her. Pieces of it have been scattered in many direction all across the dimensions of other worlds. Without these fragments, your princess…will die."

The boy, Syaoran, gasped in horror of this knowledge.

Toboe felt a pang of sadness for the child.

"Alright, enough with the drama, who are you?" ordered the raven, so much like Tsume.

"If you would introduce yourself first, please."

"The names Kurogane. Where is this place anyway?"

"You are in Japan."

"Ha, I'm from Japan and this ain't it!"

"This is a different Japan from your own" said the witch, not at all minding the man's obvious disbelief at her answer.

"And what's that suppose to mean!"

The woman just turned to the blonde and Toboe, ignoring the man known as Kurogane.

"And you two are?"

The blonde bowed before answering, "Just a humble wizard of Seresu, my name, dear Lady, is Fai D. Flowright."

Toboe could smell lie all over the man and became on the edge. The woman then turned to him.

"My name is Toboe, ma'am."

She stood and then turned to her companions.

"Watanuki, go fetch what they need."

"Yes" said the teen before the two girls pulled him off into the house.

The burgundy wolf frowned at her words, wondering what they could possibly need. The way she spoke and looked made him think that she had known that they were coming. After all, four people and an unconscious girl just suddenly appearing in your yard out of no where was not something to take lying down. A normal person would at least demand why they were here, or be on edge, at least!

He came out of his thoughts just in time to listen as Syaoran yelled about his purpose there, to save the girls life. He did feel sorry for the boy and hoped that he succeeded in finding these shards of memory. Looking at the girl, he was reminded of Cheza's content face as she bathed in the sunlight that time when they had first met. Toboe grinned at the memory.

"And you three also have a wish you want for me to grant, correct?"

"Sure, you want to do me a favor lady…then send me back to where I came from."

"And mine is the opposite, I wish to go to worlds other than my own" said the blonde.

"I wish to travel worlds to find…a man" said Toboe, glaring at the thought of Darcia.

"Then it would seem that you all have the one and the same goal in mind. You Fai are a fugitive and wish to find a path in which to facilitate your escape. Kurogane, you wish for the path home. Toboe you with to search for this man who has stolen everything from you. And Syaoran, you wish to travel worlds in order to save this girl, your Princess."

They all agreed, though Toboe had to wonder how she knew of Darcia.

"The goal and path are the same, to travel from the world and enter anew. But with that a price must be paid in order for these wishes to be fulfilled. And that is your greatest treasure."

They all looked at her. Toboe knew that there would be a price for hopping from dimension to dimension and it scared him a bit to think about what she would take from him.

"You, Kurogane, must give up your sword."

"What! You would dare ask a warrior to give up his blade! This sword is my life, no way am I giving it up!"

"I'm only telling you the price of what you seek," said the Witch with patience. Toboe just knew that she would get what she wanted, he could tell she was not a woman to be refused when it came to the price for a person's wish.

Kurogane glared at her, tightening his grip on his sword.

"So what's it gonna be tough guy?" asked the grinning witch as she poked at his chest, not even scared of his boiling anger that radiated off him like the heat rays of the sun.

Toboe nearly giggled at that. He was not surprised when the man did hand over the blade and watched as it floated to the Witches side, encased in a lavender aura.

"You Fai, your price is your tattoo."

Toboe wondered what was so important about a tattoo and guessed it was something when Fai tried to bargain in giving her his staff. However, she took the tattoo and he watched as it appeared from his back and floated before her two girl servants, along with the sword.

"Syaoran, your price…is your bond."

The boy looked confused, "I don't understand."

"The price with be your bond with the child known as Sakura. She will never remember you, no matter how many memories you gather. You will never again be what you were to one another."

Syaoran just sat there for a second before nodding. Toboe nearly jumped when the breath taking raven turned to him.

"Toboe your price…will be…

Cliffhanger! So, what do you think Toboe's price will be?

And I hope you all noticed that I put a, kind of, Sasuke moment in there. I honestly did not notice until i decided to post this, lol!

Hope you guys enjoyed, and please review! Thanks for reading and look forward to the next chapter!
