Chapter 3~ Yay! Enjoy this chapter :D

"Alright class," Professor Vexen said. "We have a new student today." I had already taken a seat (Kairi said we could sit wherever we want in his class) with Kairi, Zexion, and Demyx, because they were the only kids I know. It's an odd combination in my opinion, but apparently it's normal to them. Vexen waved me up to the front of the classroom.

It was a typical enough High School Science Lab, I suppose. There were six desks with six chairs at each table, but only four people sat at every table. A class of twenty-four students total. I wasn't sure who everyone is, but I could tell that Kairi, Zexion, were in this class. Besides the tables, there were six lab tables, with sinks and gas... things... I walked up to the teacher's desk and introduced myself. "Hi... I'm Xion," I waved. I looked up at Professor Vexen. Daaang, he's tall. He's a middle aged man with long green-blond hair. No really, it's that blond color that old people get befroe their hair turns gray. He had peircing green eyes and a creeper smile. I asked him, "Do you want me to say anything else... or... what?" He responded with a simple, "Just go back to your seat."

We didn't do anything too interesting in science, unfortunately. As soon as it was over, it was lunch time. I gathered all of my supplies and headed towards my locker. I grabbed my lunchbag and started down the hallway, but someone tripped me and I fell flat on my face.

"Shizz bits," I mumbled. I tried to get up from the floor, but pain shot up my leg. Crap. I need a Life Alert, cause "I've fallen and I can't get up!" Nobody tried to help me. They all shuffled away from me and tried to pretend I didn't exist. Only a few people were left in the hallway. Most of the remaining people were teachers, and they were talking amongst themselves, to absorbed in their own conversations. I struggled to get up, but it was useless. Oh God, what if I can't eat?

"Need a hand?" a voice above me asked. I looked up to see Roxas, no, Ventus. This boy was taller than Roxas. I nodded as I grabbed his hand. I staggered onto one foot, and then the other. I put weight on my right foot, only a little bit, and the pain struck again.

"Crap, I think I did something to my leg," I mumbled. "Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me?" I glanced down to see my right ankle was really swollen. "Ech, I think I twisted it,"

"I'm Ventus, by the way," he introduced himself. "Please, call me Ven," he smiled. "Now about your leg," he examined it for a few moments. "I think you should see the nurse,"

"Thanks, Ven, I kinda figured that out, though," I mumbled. "I'm Xion, by the way,"

"Xion? Oh, you must be that girl Roxas was talking about," Ven realized. "I bet you thought I was him, right? I'm his cousin." Wow. That's crazy. "You probably think that's crazy, huh?" He laughed. "Here, I'll take your stuff to the nurse. Can you walk?"

"I-I dunno," I stammered.

"Well, I have a friend who can help. A brother, really, but it still counts," he turned towards the end of the hallway. "Oi! Vanitas! Get your lazy butt over here!" He called.

"Ugh, what?" A boy with pitch black hair and vivid amber eyes walked from behind the doorway, brown lunch sack in hand. He stared wide-eyed at me. "Oh Shi-"

"C'mon, already!" Ven dashed over and dragged Vanitas over to me. "Help me bring her to the nurse. Her name's Xion, she's new here. You know, the one Roxas has been talking about?"

"Y-yeah! I just..."

"Don't tell me..." Ven rubbed his temples. "You tripped her..." Vanitas nodded meekly. "aw mai gah..." Ven face-palmed. "Just help me lead her to the nurse..." he sighed. I dunno why... but I kind of don't like this Vanitas guy. Just a feeling. "Here, you take her stuff," he handed my lunch bag to Vanitas.

"Alright alright," Vanitas yawned. "You don't have to nag me,"

"Hey, where have you guys been?" a voice asked. Riku came from the main hallway and started dragging Vanitas with him. Then he noticed me. "Who the-? Why does she look so much like Kairi?"

"I'm Xion, her cousin," I introduced myself. God, I feel like a Mary-Sue like the ones in those Shojo Mangas. All the hot guys are helping me out... I shook my head. "Vanitas over there tripped me, and I think I sprained something," I sighed. I tried to move my tender foot. Pain. Absolute pain, shot up my foot. "Crap! Thanks a lot, Vanitas," I cursed.

"Ack, that sucks, here, I'll let Kairi and Namine know," Riku started to head back to the cafeteria.

"They won't care, they never do," I sighed. "Anyone got some makeshift crutches?"

"Whadaya talking about?" Riku asked. "They've been talking about you every chance they get!"

"Say what?" I responded. "You've gotta be kidding me! They hate my guts!" No really. They do. They're only social with me because they get free breakfast at my place.

"No, I'm serious!" Riku sounded kind of hurt. "I have no clue what you're talking about,"

"Look, I've gotta get to the nurse, so if you don't mind," I shooed him away as Ven and... I'm gonna call Vanitas Van... Ven and Van stared. Riku hesitantly left muttering, "Why are girls so cynical...?" (AN: I share his sentiments. Us girls always hate people with better fortune/looks/smarts then us. Why? I don't get it.) Ven put my arm over his shoulder on my weak side.

Slowly, we managed to make it to the nurse's office. Why is it all the way on the other side of the school? Shouldn't it be smack dab in the center of the school for when an emergancy occurs? Oh well... the world may never know.

I managed to get over there, but I was really worn out. I don't remember anything after that. I think I passed out.

What happened? Find out in the next chapter~ Please R&R~