Notes: I do not own Naruto; I just love to write about it. Sorry if this isn't completely accurate. This is based off of the lovely story (Into the Woods) kyubiteaser had written. (I do not claim that either) You should really read that story first before you read this, it's a wonderfully written story, and I enjoyed every sentence of it. Here's the link: .net/s/3000457/1/But it's OK if you don't. You just have to know that Hinata and Naruto have been dating (yes, they did get intimate) and that the story takes place after he had to leave her for his three year training with Jiraiya. Kyuubiteaser had written a sequel, but I started this before I knew about it. Please rate and comment! As a writer I'd love to hear your likes and dislikes; it only helps me get better.

Welcome Home

Chapter 1: Is This Reality?

Naruto entered the village gates with more maturity than usual, but he still was the world's number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja, and with that being said, he sprinted around the village with the most cheekiest grin on his face. He bounced from rooftop to rooftop laughing louder than possible, probably waking up all of Konoha, for it was around 2 in the morning. He and Jiraiya finally returned since they went on their three year training mission, and Naruto was dying to get back home. While he was away he did not only grow mentally, but also physically. His biceps flexed as he hoisted himself over the rooftop ledges. His well-defined abs was visible through the tight black T-shirt he was wearing. He even grew 5 inches taller while he was away, which now made him six foot even. Naruto was very handsome, constantly being hit on while in distant villages. And the women would always be watching him with glossy eyes. He would always smile back and sometimes give a wink, making the girls swoon every time. But he would never take it a step farther and approach any of them, Jiraiya would constantly nag him and tell him that it's unhealthy for a young man his age to not 'fully experience' adulthood. Jiraiya would then continue to make his way over the ladies that were making his pupil eye candy, and try to talk them into staying the night, which the responses would always be some form of 'EW, YOU PERVERT!' or a right hook to the face that any shinnobi would be proud of. All this attention was nice, but Naruto still felt lonely. It was three years since he'd left the love of his life standing at the gates he'd just entered, and he never stopped thinking about her. Every now and then when he felt so alone, Naruto would hold his hand over his breast pocket which held the good luck charm Hinata gave him just before he left. It gave him a feeling that she was with him, always comforting him when he was alone or in doubt. Getting back to the present, Naruto quickly changed his course and headed straight to the Hyuuga compound, deciding he would report back to old Baa-chan later.
Hinata was awake, staring straight ahead clutching one of Naruto's shirts that he had given her as a good bye present. Most nights she couldn't go to sleep, and would lie there all night and think of the times that she and her love had shared. She blushed and the memories and snuggled up more into his shirt. It still smelt like him. She inhaled the soft musty scent and a tear rolled down one of her cheeks. Just then she heard someone approaching outside and silently grabbed the kunai knife that was on the dresser besides her bed. Just as the window opened and the intruder jumped through, Hinata lunged and had the knife to their neck with her byakugan activated in mere seconds. "H-hinata," the intruder whispered in a hoarse voice, afraid if he breathed the knife would pierce his skin. Hinata knew that voice, though she remembered it a little bit higher and squeakier. She remember that it was the same voice that called her name with love and whispered sweet nothings in her ear long ago. It was the same voice that told her 'I loved you.'
"N-na-naruto!" she gasped and tears fell down on to him as he swooped her into a tight hug. She whimpered and clung onto him, intending to never let go. He lifted her chin up so he could see those beautiful white-lavender eyes, and brought his lips to hers. The kiss was soft and warm, gentle and caring. They clung to each other and didn't stop to breathe. She had waited for those lips to be against her in who knows how long, but to her it felt like eternity. He suddenly pushed his mouth harder into hers and slowly brushed his tongue across her wanting lips, asking her for his permission to enter. Hinata blushed and opened her mouth, excited that the kiss was turning into something a little more passionate. He then carefully scooped her up into his firm arms and silently carried her to her bed.
The sheets were silky smooth and cold, it had been awhile since Naruto had been in a nice bed. He focused on the girl, who was now giving him a suggestive smirk, and took a moment to see how she had dramatically changed while he was away. Her cuteness had gone away along with her short cut hair, but what replaced it was an eye stopping hour-glass figure, and sexy long layered hair that complimented her more mature facial structure. Over all, the girl that Naruto remembered, the same girl that he had left back in Konoha had disappeared and in replace this new sexy woman appeared. His eyes sparkled as he looked up and down his girlfriend's new shocking curves, and stopped dead in their tracks as his gaze reached a certain chest area. What the hell happened to Hinata! Naruto kept on thinking of the younger Hinata and how he thought she was so beautiful then, but compared to what he was looking at now, he could easily say she was drop dead gorgeous. This new Hinata was nothing compared to the younger version. Naruto just shook his head and laughed to himself for feeling an overwhelming sensation to just rip off her clothes and just take her there and then.

Hinata raised an eyebrow at her dumbfounded boyfriend and laughed quietly to herself. Man she had missed him. She missed his warm hugs and steady hands that would wrap around her waist. She missed his outgoing attitude because no one in the Hyuuga compound had an ounce of humor in them, God forbid. She missed his charming smile and reassuring words when she felt insecure about herself. She missed his love. As the couple just stood still for a few minutes, taking in all that happened and trying to believe that it was all really happening. Hinata felt a warm tear slide down her cheek, all the emotions that she had kept inside were pouring out. No, more like flooding out. She was in a state of shock, remembering how much she'd missed him made her unbelievably sad, and seeing him here in her room, let alone in her bed, made her hysterically happy. And this was all happening while her brain trying to figure out if this was all in her head, or if she was hallucinating. This made her head spin, so Hinata did what she does best: she fainted.

Naruto watched as the girl passed out onto the bed, disappointed that he didn't get a chance to show her how much he'd improved in romancing. He sighed, and climbed over her and covered them both with the silky sheets, holding her tightly with her back pressed up against him. He whispered in her ear something only mice could hear and ran his fingertips across her creamy ivory skin. He breathed in that sweet lilac sent from her hair and played with a strand in his other hand. He liked her longer hair; it reminded him of a motherly figure. Not that he saw Hinata as motherly, but rather he felt comforted when he ran his fingers through it. Before he dozed off himself, he kissed Hinata lightly on the forehead, only to hear a half-asleep reply, "G-good night Naruto-kun." Naruto smirked to himself thinking 'Heh, she even stutters in her sleep,' and was engulfed by the tiredness he had been fighting all along. The next morning Hinata's eyes fluttered open, and scanned the quiet room around her. There was a cool breeze coming in from the opened window next to her bed. As she got up to close it, she noticed a folded piece of paper tied with a red ribbon lying on top of the windowsill. 'It wasn't a dream,' she breathed, face turning a rosy pink color. She untied the messy bow and opened up the piece of paper.

I'm sorry I couldn't have stayed last night, but I'm pretty sure if I did, you and I know that your father would skin me alive. You were cute Hinata-chan, I would have thought that you would have gotten over stuttering, but I guess some things never change huh? Heh heh, well you know I'm not good at writing these things down on paper, so will you meet me at my house? I planned that we would go out and talk for a bit, I miss hearing your voice.
Love you always,

Hinata blushed at the letter. In fact she had gotten over stuttering and all of her childish qualities; they all just seem to come back when she's around him.
'This is so not fair' she thought as she let out a groan. She walked away from the window and got ready to meet Naruto.