
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed/ Seed Destiny...^^

AN: This is my contribution for Asucaga Day..^^-yay-...

They met...

They fell in love...

They broke up...

-The End-

Haha JOKE^^

It was 11:00 a.m, Wednesday and my third subject for that day which is History started at 11:30. I was in my apartment getting ready to go to the building where my assigned room was. I wore a pink shirt because Auel and I had an agreement that we will wear pink. Stellar who actually suggested the idea was wearing red since she realized that she no longer have a pink shirt in her closet. After putting my cap on my head, I walked towards my class which was actually a large class.

When I entered the room, I saw Sting sitting on his seat near the door.

"Daddy Sting", that's what I called him.

"Cagalli!", he replied then we had a high five and I went towards my usual seat which happened to be beside Athrun.

"Yow", I greeted him then sat down beside him.

"Oi", he replied. Then I greeted the one on my right who was busy reading her book.

"Hi Miriallia", I said.

"Hello", she replied then Athrun played "Meteor" on his phone.

"Is it loud", he asked.

"No, it's super loud", Miriallia was the one who answered.

"Oh", he said then we both laughed.

"She doesn't like Japanese", I whispered to Athrun but I made it sure that she heard it.

"Ah", he said then we laughed again.

"Yes, I don't like Japanese because I don't understand it but I like anime", she said. Athrun then played another song, "You raise me up" by Lena Park. It is the English version of "Inori".

"ahhhh... I have a quiz in my next subject and I'm not yet done reading this book", she complained.

"You can do it Mir", I replied.

"Ahhhh... Juri and Asagi might not attend this class because they're reviewing", she complained again then I laughed at her childish acts.

"Then go. The teacher's not yet here, you may still leave", I joked and Athrun agreed.

"Yeah there's still time", he said.

"Eeeeeehhh", she said playfully then Juri came together with Asagi. We greeted them and they on the vacant seats beside Miriallia. Meyrin and Coleen was already seating in front of us.

Meyrin returned Athrun's cape that we used in our play a few months ago.

"Thank you", she said and Athrun just nodded. After some minutes the teacher finally arrived.

"Okay, class. You're going to pay now for the tickets I distributed last time. Please give your payments to Natarle", she said.

"I may not watch this", he said pertaining to the movie which was about Philippine-American war.

"Huh? Why is that?", I asked curiously.

"It's 7 in the evening", he reasoned out.

"Ah, I see", I replied since I already know what he was talking about. He lived in another city so it will be hassle if he would go home late. As for me, my house is also located in another city but I was staying in an apartment inside the campus so it's fine with me to go home late.

After collecting the payments, the teacher started discussing our lesson and we're taking down notes.

During the discussion when the teacher was talking about the American period, Athrun suddenly tapped me on the shoulder so I faced him.

"What?", I asked.

Then he said, "American period" then pointed something on his notebook. Due to curiousity, I looked at his note and saw what he was pointing. A dot. I blinked a couple of times before it finally sank through my head his lame joke. I slapped my forehead and said,

"Oh my! I thought you are sane", I blurted out not that loud for the teacher not to hear and he laughed.

"I really thought that you are sane", I repeated again so he laughed again and so do I.

"Awww... Cagalli is broken-hearted", Miriallia teased beside me.

"Broken-hearted? What the hell", I said while laughing.

AN: lol... this is just a drabble but please REVIEW^^...