House of Anubis is ending! NOOOOOO! PLEASE READ ON:

A quick note:

I remember watching the first episode, and no matter how cheesy I knew it was, I was drawn in anyway. I stayed faithful to the series that whole entire year, and made sure to flip on the TV the second the new episode was on each day. And when the TV people told us that we would have to wait it out through each weekend, I went through hell, quickly rushing to spend every waking moment writing fanfics or fan- spazzing on H.O.A. boards. The season finale was amazing, even back then when the pairings were simple for me: Fabina, all day, every day.

Anyway… I waited in anticipation for months, fearing I would never again see my precious H.O.A. I even had started a club with my friends, and we played a "find the artifacts and escape from Victor" game throughout my house, which consisted of specific rules and LOTSA roleplay! :D They one day announced a second season, and I was so overjoyed! But then they kept delaying and delaying the release, and finally I had given up and tried to move on. Suddenly, my Fabian (I'm Nina in our rp) texted me and told me the day of the release, and how it was only a mere two months away or so. I was elated, but doubtful. And then, the commercials started to trickle in, and I knew it was true.

When the very first episode began, it was so exciting and thrilling to think that a whole 'nother season was yet to come, with new surprises and new characters. Well, come it did, and now it's over in a few days. That season was the shortest of my life, but I've loved every bit of it. I've heard from a tentative source on Wikipedia that they are making a third season, but if not…

If you skipped all of that and only read this line here, do it, because it is most important:

House of Anubis, you've inspired me, introduced me to new cultures, taught me about courage and friendship and love, and opened my eyes to a whole new genre I have come to adore; thank you for always being in my heart and there on my TV so I can replay you over and over again, even when all you actors are grown up and the show off the air… because we all know I will.

I don't own House of Anubis.

Yes I do.

No. I'm kidding.

Dedicated to House of Anubis, and anything that has anything to do with it. 3

I scuffed my shoe against the dirt ground, and the sound bounced around off the walls, splitting the eerie silence for a moment.

They knew I was down here.

I kept telling myself this, but it had been over twenty- four hours since I had spoken (a.k.a. screamed my lungs out) to Fabian and Amber through the grate. I had so much wasted time to kill in my little cell, but I found that lately I'd been spending it staring hopefully at the motionless metal bars so far up on the bricked ceiling.

As a little chill traveled down my spine, giving me goosebumps, my mind travelled back to what Victor's dad had told me gruffly. No one had come for him.

I suppose this fact would have panicked me more if I had not talked to my friends already, but… I don't know…. I guess that idea that I was basically sitting on Victor Roddenmar Sen.'s grave gave me the chills.

The silence was seriously putting a damper on my mood. I needed another human to talk to me, and although I caught a little, echoing, distant laugh or a few undistinguishable words from above once and a while, it really was far from human contact. Contrary to that, actually, it was more like a creepy reminder of how alone I was, and how far away from rescue.

My stomach gurgled and churned, and I could feel my face scrunch up in pain. It had been a little over twenty- four hours since I had last eaten any food. Is this what Victor's father had felt down here?

As I clutched my knees to my chest, resting my cheek against them, I thought about how he might have died. Of course, even if I ever saw him again, I would have the decency not to ask. But still I wondered… did he starve? Die of thirst? Fear?

… Suicide?

I shuddered soundly. I know there's no way a cool breeze could find its way into the bowels of the house, but I could have sworn it was there.

My mind drifted fast down here, always trying to keep me entertained. I immediately began to think of other people. What were my friends, my Sibunas, doing? What were they thinking? What were Eddie and Mara doing right now? Jerome? I even wouldn't mind hearing about how Joy's day was going. I just wanted to think of someone familiar. Their face, their quirks, the sound of their voice. Even Senkhara would be a relief. Why wasn't she here, helping me? She could travel through walls, right?

I guess it hadn't been as long as it seemed, but when you're stuck in a tiny room for hours- no, days- on end with nothing to do except think, you get pretty lonesome. I guess the only pro in this situation was that I was getting to dig pretty deep into my mind; into things I've never thought of before. Religion, philosophy, my ambitions. That sort of thing. Scary stuff, sometimes, my own thoughts.

I began to think about what Fabian must feel like right now. I know that if I knew I had put him into danger, I would hate myself. I really loved him.

Er… I mean… he's like a brother to me. If I knew that I was responsible for his disappearance… oh, God…

I wished more than anything then that I could simply stand up and yell to him, he would respond, and his mind could be at ease. I could tell him that I was doing fine, and he didn't have to hurry, because I was okay, even though I was starting to feel panicked inside.

This whole situation… it just seemed so unreal. We were always so careful, so skilled, and suddenly… so foolish. I realized just then that this whole time, we'd been taking our safety for granted. Thinking, "Oh, I could never get hurt. It can't happen to me!" Maybe our period of childish luck was running out. This was serious. I mean, I still don't know how I got down here… what if I just… hadn't woken up?

I shuddered again. It seemed to be happening a lot lately down here.

Tears pricked behind my eyes, and I released my grip around my legs, instead putting my face in my hands and letting the tears trickle down my already- burning face from my already- burning eyes. This was my fourth cry since I had fallen down here. Fear gripped my heart again, a horrible feeling. Despair, panic, and hopelessness. How would anyone ever be able to find a way to actually reach me?

Suddenly, a thump brought me back to the real world.

I sat straight up and started ahead at the wall for a moment, before I convinced myself it was nothing to get excited about.



My heart pounded in my chest.

"Mr. Roddenmar?"


"Nina?" The call was distant and faint, but I would recognize that voice anywhere in the world. My heart overflowed as I literally laughed through sobs of joy, running across the room and screaming at the wall from behind which the voice was coming from.

"Fabian! I'm over here!"

This is gonna be a long multichap! I hope you enjoy! I know this was kinda boring, since it was basically just Nina's thoughts, but it will soon become ACTION- PACKED! :D

R E V I E W !