Chapter 1: Not So Nice
A/N: Yeah... So um this is my first story. And so I don't know if it'll be a good story or not. I love Victorious and I love Jori, so I'm gonna give it a shot. But please leave reviews. :)
Jade's POV
I woke up hearing yelling from the downstairs. My mother and father were fighting... again. I don't see why they won't get a divorce, I mean everyone would be better off. So just sign the damn papers already.
I looked over at my clock to check the time, 6:56 A.M., well I guess I won't be getting anymore sleep, so might as well get my ass up. I walked out of my room to my bathroom, opened the door and locked it. I really don't want anyone to walk in on me, like my brother Alixzander did once. That was so embarrassing! I mean, have anyone ever heard of knocking! Geez.
As soon as I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my naked body. When I walked into my room, I slipped on some black panties and bra. And walked over to my closet and pulled on a pair or black skinny jeans, and my Bring Me The Horizon t-shirt, slipped on some Vans, brushed my hair, and applied a thick amount of eyeliner. I turned to the clock and saw it was 7:30.
I grabbed my bag and keys and decided to skip breakfast. I headed to Starbucks and ordered me a black coffee. Yummm, gotta love your coffee in the mornings. When I arrived at Hollywood Arts, was ready for anything besides what I was going to see...
When I got to my locker, I grabbed the shit I needed for my firstwo classes of the day. I walked to Sikowitz's room, and sat down in the corner in the room with my bestfriend that was already there. Beck. He and I have been through everything together. And when I say everything, I literally mean EVERYTHING.
"Hello Jade, nice to see you this lovely morning" Beck said sarcastically. "Cool it Beckett, I dont need your sarcasm in the mornings." I replied. I really didn't need his sarcasm this morning. "Sorry Jade. I just thought it would put a smile on your face." "It's fine Beck, it's just been rough this morning." There was a couple seconds of silence, then he finally spoke up. "Your parents again, huh?" "Yeah. Let's not talk about it. Class is about to start." I said.
Sikowitz jumped through the window like usual. "OKAY! Let's do ABC Improv! Jade, Tori, Beck and Cat! Get up here!" I wonder what made him like this morning, a hit to the head or he got a girlfriend finally. "Okay Beck, you start... GO!" Sikowitz yelled.
"Apples are nasty." He stated. Then Cat was next, "But apples are red and shiny!". Then it was my turn, "Cat aren't you suppose to stop talking?" I said in a mean tone. Tori was after me, "Don't you be mean to Cat like that Jade." she said. "Eve ate a fruit she wasn't to suppose to eat.' Beck stated like a moron. "Hamburgers! Yum!" Cat yelled excitedly. "Cat, you're out!" Sitowitz said. "Oh pooey." she said as she walked off. "Finally she's gone." I went. Tori said "Have you ever met a bitch like youself?".
The three of us went on and on, until Beck messed up and had to go sit down. "Dammit Jade! Why do you hate me?" Tori asked. "Even a monkey can figure this one out." "Fine, don't tell me." "Gank" " I am not a gank Jade, you are." "OKAY OKAY OKAY JADE AND TORI THE BELL IS ABOUT TO RING! JUST... EVERYONE GO ON!" Sikowitz screamed. Okay, maybe it was pretty intense up there, and it was so long. I understand the he feels. I feel that about Tori all the time.
Lunch came around and Beck was no where in sight, So I decided to go look for him. I was roaming the halls for a good ten minutes, until I heard a moan from the Black Box. I opened the door and snuck in to see who it was. I'm not person to go snooping... Okay only that one time when I needed stuff about Vega.
When I was in a good enough hiding spot, I looked over where the nosies are coming from. And I see the most shocking thing ever. Beck... And Robbie... Making out... Intense... I couldn't stop watching them. I mean Beck is my bestfriend, so I think he should have told me that he was gay. What the hell. So I decided to make myself noticed. I stepped out of the darkness...
"Beck?" is all I could say. They stoped doing what they were doing and just stared. Silence filled the room. The tension could be cut with a knife. "Jade..." Beck said. "I'm sorry."
A/N: I'm sorry if this story isn't good. It's my first. Leave me reviews and tell me if I should continue. And there will be more Jori soon. :)