Me:Hi guys long...And I mean long time no see! *get's thrown by her own cellphone by Marina* Hey what was that for! *points to the date this story was last uptaded* Mhm...Sorry! I didn't mean to take so much time on the last chapter! I didn't know what do to really. I am really sorry I hope this chapter is quite enjoyable.

Marina:*rolls her eyes* Any ways why you took so long?

Me:College and know that I made the new schedule for my classes...I got to take one! On another college campus that is not really near! Gah! It's going to be a pain *frowns*

Marina:Like youy like to say! A new adventure a new beginning~

Me:Oh shut up don't repeat my dum quotes.

Marina:*chuckles* Just go listen to your damn radio.

Me: I am already...Well Any ways Disclamer time~ I don't own Yugioh GX~

Marina: Enjoy~

"This is really relaxing you know Lex?" I heard Marina say whilst looking at the beach in front of us.

"It sure is," I say with my eyes close.

Well you guys are asking where we are. Then I should answer it all of the graduate students from Terra High are having a party in the beach in which the principal approve of it since it will be the last time he will see us since we already graduated from his school. Talking about the principal he was fighting with the grill that didn't want to flare up.

"He looks ridiculous," I heard Marisol point out. I nod half listening to her and the other half the sound of the waves.

""er half the sound of the waves Mary, don't be mean! He was the one who plan this for his best class!" Marina says.

"I wonder how all of the Seniors got good grades…..Especially Jay," Marisol says to Marina. I grin remembering that I got him drunk before taking the finals in which he got the highest grade of all the Seniors.

"He study hard that's why," I tell them whilst opening my eyes to see them look at me surprised.

"Did you help him?" Marina asks curious whilst Marisol just gives me a smirk. I already knew what she was thinking and I blushed.

"Not that kind of help Marisol!" I exclaim flustered whilst Marina looks at us confused not getting the joke yet, but when she does she burst out laughing.

"Mary I didn't know you had that kind of mind!" Marina says whilst getting up. I look at her confused, but she points at a tall blunnete who was looking at the beach with a gentle smile.

"Figures," Marisol and I say at the same time.

"Which me good luck on pushing him in the water~" Marina says with a playfully wink. I chuckle whilst Marisol gives her a smirk.

"Just pray that the strings on your bathing suit don't 'accidently' untangle themselves," Marisol says with a sinister smirk. Marina epps and places her hands in front of her chest whilst walking away with a blush on her face.

"Marisol you are mean to your twin sister," I pointed out in which she causally shrugs like it is nothing at all.

"I'm the youngest, so I have to be mean to her like she is to me," Marisol says with a smirk.

"And yet here I thought you were the mature one," I say whilst shaking my head to the sides in a dismissing manner.

"Even grown-ups have an immature side look at Principal. Sheppard, he organized this event," Marisol says whilst jerking a thumb behind her to the principal who was grinning like crazy, because he finally got the grill to work.

"Yeah you are right," I tell her whilst pushing one of my dirty blonde locks behind my ear.

"Hello girls~" I heard Aster say in front of us. I look at him and give him a smile whilst Marisol a smirk.

"Hey Aster," I say whilst looking at the ocean.

"Alexis you don't mind if I steal your Emo friend?" Aster asks whilst grabbing her hands softly with his. I chuckle seeing Marisol's cheek have a hued of red on them.

"I don't mind at all. She is all yours," I tell him with a grin on my face.

"Thank you~" Aster says whilst pulling Marisol to her feet and taking her away from me. Marisol's face was something I should remember. Every time she is with Aster she shows her true self.

"She is more innocent in a relationship than Marina," I say quietly to myself. The gentle breeze of the beach relaxed me a lot today we might have graduated already, but not even the teachers were ready to say good bye to their favorite students. I tilt my head to the side and a sad smile spreads on my face when I see every one chatting happily with each other. Old friends having fun with each other knowing today are their last time together.

"Lexie," I heard Jaden's voice call me. I quickly snap my gaze out of my old classmates to look at Jaden who was giving me a worried look. "Lexie, why aren't you having fun like the others are having? Why are you sitting here alone?" Jaden asks whilst sitting next to me.

"I am having fun….Just enjoying the sea breeze that's all," I tell him sincerely.

"Well for me it looks like you're not having fun! Is it because of the bathing suit?" Jaden asks whilst eyeing me. I blush and place my hands on both of his cheeks making him stop. I knew I was wearing a two piece bikini and it wasn't my first time wearing. Family vacation in the beach, but first time wearing it with my friends and at the same time Marina and Marisol didn't let me pull my hair to even a damn pony tail! My hair was down and made people look at me like I was easy target.

"Is not, because of the bathing suit Jay," I tell him whilst standing up and walking out of underneath the umbrella. "It's because this might be our last time seeing our old classmates and friends," I tell him sincerely whilst placing my hands behind my back enjoy the sea breeze as I told him.

"I see, but Lexie don't worry you might see them again in the future," Jaden says happily whilst standing next to me in which I turn to look at him and his toned chest. He was wearing a sleeves hoodie and red swimming trunks with sunglasses placed neatly on top of his head.

"I hope so, but what about you Jay?" I ask him whilst he takes one of my hands and starts dragging me away from the old classmates and the principal who was a having a good laugh with his old students. "Where are you taking me?" I ask him curious to have him give me a side smile in which I sigh, but give him a secretive smile.

We both walk away from them and end up in the deep part of the beach in which it was beautiful the rocks with green moss were being cleaned by the small waves that came back and forth in a rhythm. This place was a little dangerous due that a little kid drowns in this place when he was unattained by his parents in which I close my eyes and give him a small prayer in which Jaden does the same.

"Jay, why did you bring me here?" I ask him when we finish praying for the little kid.

"Because we know each other for so long right, and we have being dating since that day and we are still strong…But know you are leaving to study abroad right?" Jaden asks whilst looking at the small waves with a thoughtful look. I look at him and wrap my arms around his waist making him look at me.

"That is all correct, but what are you trying to say?" I ask him in a whisper whilst nuzzling my nose into his neck.

"What I am trying to say is," Jaden stops himself and untangles me, but grabs one of my hands and knees in front of me making me blush crimson red and my heart beats sing that song it sang when I confess to him.

"Jay," I say his name lovingly. Jaden takes out a black box from his pocket that was in his sleeves hoodies and puts it in front of me.

"Will you marry me Lexie? I know we are young, but I can wait until you graduate from University and obtaining your master degree in teaching….So what do you say?" Jaden asks me whilst I look at the ring that must of cost him a lot of money in which I forgot to tell that he loves his work on the casino. I continue to look at it; the ring simply had a small sapphire and ruby merge together in which it implies our favorite colors.

"Of course Jay," I say with tears on my eyes in which Jaden slips the ring on my ring finger indicating I was his Fiancée. He stands up and I decided it was time to tackle hug him and force him back to the ground with me on top of him hugging him tightly.

"I love you Asuryn," Jaden says whilst nuzzling his nose into my neck whilst I lay my chin on top of his head closing my eyes and forcing the tears to stay in their place.

"I love you to Jay," I say with a huge grin on my face. We brake the hug to kiss passionately not caring if we accidently land inside the cold waters. I break the kiss to make him look at me confused in which I kiss him on the forehead lovingly making him nuzzle to my chest like a small child.

"Asuryn," He says lovingly in which that is the nickname he uses in secrecy not wanting his cousins to learn about it in which if Marina knows…..Hell will be set loose again just like the nickname Jiji in which Seika told them about in which they tormented his poor soul every day in school. Well that is family after all.

"Shouldn't we head back?" I ask him whilst playing with his spikes lovingly making him sigh in content in which makes him nuzzle deeper into my chest making me blush.

"No, let's just stay with each other longer, because tomorrow you are leaving," Jaden says in a sad tone. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight in which it would be painful to be separated for such a long time when we are really close since middle school. I look at the sky and smile sadly at it.

"But we are going to see each other again Jay," I tell him softly.

Me:And that's how it ends~



Marina:Don't tease the readers!

Me:*gasp* I am not!

Marina:*K.O BRR23* Enjoy the Epilogue my peeps~


5 years passed by.

I sigh in content whilst playing with the two rings on my ring finger the one he gave me that day in the beach and know the one that marks me as his wife with my other hand I rub the bump on my stomach. I was 5 months pregnant and back home. Married and at the same time with the same person who was my best friend in which turn out to be a really loyal lover. I hear a bark beside me and look at the puppy German Sheppard that was looking at me with a worried look on his puppy face.

"Don't worry Kuriboh I am alright," I tell him whilst petting him on the head lovingly. He was a gift from Jesse and Marina in which he needed a good home and they thought why not Jaden and mines. Kuriboh barks happily and lies next to the rocking chair I was sited. I was forbidden to do things I normally do by my husband slash best friend.

I close my eyes and start remembering the old times and the times I spend in the University in which they were quite painful to beginning with no having him near me at all, but we kept our communication strong in which it was worth the wait to become his wife. I open my eyes to see the flower garden that I worked so hard to see some of the flowers dyeing due that he doesn't even let me do my favorite hobby only thing that he will let me do is my work as a teacher in high school. I puff my cheeks angrily, but then smile remembering that he changed a little and became over-protective of me thanks to the small child that was growing inside me.

I hear the door that leads to the backyard open in which Kuriboh and I are just watching the clouds pass by. I hear it close and feel to arm wrap themselves around my neck in a loving way. I didn't need to know who it was, because he kisses me softly on the cheeks.

"Asuryn, why are you outside? You're supposed to be taking nap inside," I hear Jaden says in a disapproving manner of me being outside. I giggle and place my hands on his arms that were hugging my neck softly.

"I was just looking at the clouds with Kuriboh," I tell him softly whilst nuzzling to his arms as if they were a scarf. It was summer, but it was a little bit chilly in which it was weird for this time of season.

"Are you sure? Not working on your garden?" Jaden asks in a suspicious manner.

"No, you told me to take it easy didn't you?" I pointed out with a warm smile. Jaden lets go of me and walks in front of me being careful he doesn't step on poor Kuriboh who yawn cutely in the floor.

"I sure did, but sometimes you break the rules," Jaden says sounding like a parent in which made me give him a short laugh. He stops in front of me and gently places his hands on my cheeks cradling my face in the progress making me look at him curious into what he was going to do.

"I do?" I ask him whilst blinking my eyes innocently.

"You sure do! I hope our kid doesn't do that!" Jaden says with a pout on his face. I should explain a little why I am acting so out of character, when a women is pregnant her hormones messes up with their emotions so apparently I was strict person…..Know I act childishly in which scared Jaden in so many ways when I started to act this way when he didn't know I was pregnant. Hence forth that he is the one acting mature for the both of us in which sometimes fail, because he lets' his childishly ways come out and then we both act that way together.

"I think he or she will come out that way," I pointed out with my eyes closed. In which Jaden grunts in disapproving manner. "Don't worry Jay, we will be good that child," I say whilst opening my eyes to look at his chocolate brown orbs that were looking at me intensively.

"Yeah, but you should really go inside and take a nap," Jaden says in a commanding manner making me sigh and grab his arms with my hands.

"No," I say stubbornly making him squint his eyes as if he was glaring at me.

"Asuryn, it's time to rest," Jaden says sounding like a parent already.

"I hate you," I told him making him look at me shock and hurt in which he let's go of my face and places his hands on my legs looking at them shock not even looking at me. That was the only way to stop him, but it will always come out with a flaw. You guys want to know the flaw? Well I am trying to hold my tears back, but burst out crying like a baby cradling his head into my body. "I'm so sorry Jay!" I say whilst crying like a baby. Yup that was my flaw due to my stupid hormones that controlled my damn emotions.

I was hugging him tight making him grip my legs tightly making me stop giving him the bone crushing hug, but I was still shedding tears. Jaden stands up and forces me to stand with him to have him steal my chair. I pout and give him my back whilst wiping away some tears to gasp in surprise when I was pull to him and I was using his lap as my new chair making me look at him confused as he stole a kiss from me.

"Asuryn, you are really acting different," Jaden points out whilst I cuddle up to him with a warm smile. He was rubbing my stomach lovingly whilst I was using him as my pillow.

"I'm just acting different for now, but when I'll give birth I'll be back to my normal self," I tell him sincerely and at the same time hoping it is true. Jaden stops rubbing my stomach and places that hand that was rubbing my stomach on to my face making me look at him. He leans over and kisses me gently whilst holding me tight. I pray open one eye to notice that his eyes are half open making me close mines again and smile into the kiss. Even kissing he keeps a close eye on me.

We break the kiss to replenish our lungs to have Kuriboh bark at us playfully. I look at the pup who was in front of us and pat my lap making him get the message and jump into my lap making Jaden glare at me in which I ignore it when I notice Kuriboh was sniffling my stomach to lay his head on top of it.

"You 2 are really my babies," Jaden says whilst sighing in which I look at him whilst running my fingers through Kuribohs fur.

"What makes you say that? I am a women know, not a baby," I tell him whilst puffing my cheeks.

"The way you both act," Jaden says whilst yawning making me look at him concerned. He has being taking care of me and watched me every night in case something bad happens to me and he gets little sleep due for his job. In which he needs to wake up early to go there, because it's a little far from the house.

"Jay, you should get some sleep," I tell him with a warm smile in which Kuriboh barks in agreement. "See even Kuriboh agrees with me," I tell him innocently making him grunt and pull me closer to him.

"If I go take a nap you're coming with me," Jaden says with a smirk making me look at him shock.

"Why! I'm not sleepy!" I say childishly making him chuckle and kiss my cheek.

"Really? Then go prove me wrong," Jaden says in a teasing way. I cross my arms and nudge Kuriboh making him jump off my lap in which people see this puppy they will take him away from us….You wonder why? He is to smart and obedient with us! I'm happy that Jess and Mar gave him to us.

"Then I will!" I say whilst getting off him and walking to the door having him and Kuriboh follow close behind me when I open the door and walk inside the house making me tilt my head happily due that I was the one that decorated by myself it makes me kind of proud on how it looks. The walls were painted white for a reason in which it was, so the black couches will fight perfectly with it and some frames that were placed in the walls of our families and us together with our friends the old and new ones. There were some vases here and there making it look like the inside of the house was like a small museum.

"Asuryn you're stalling," Jaden says behind me making me 'humph' and him angrily whilst walking up stairs due that the house was 2 floors in which at first Jaden didn't like it when I got pregnant, but it is good exercise for me. It really doesn't bother me at all. When I reach the second floor I got to the room that is the biggest one in which it is mines and Jaden's room whilst the other 2 rooms one is painted red inside and already have a baby crib inside, but no toys yet due that we don't know the sex of the baby yet. The other room was empty due that we don't know if we want another kid or not.

I walk up to the last door in which it was my room in which it was near to the baby's room just in case when he or she is brought to this world I could be there quickly when he or she cries. I open the door to walk inside a room that like the down stair the walls were painted white, but the drapes were black in which darken our room even in the sunniest of days, but that's when they are closed. Right know they are open making see that the room I shared with Jaden has so many dark colors. The bed sheets were crimson red whilst the pillow covers were light red. I tilt my head seeing in that Jaden was beside me.

"Okay time for you to prove yourself," Jaden says with a smirk as he casually walks up to the closet whilst Kuriboh lies in front of the bed glaring at the door just in case any one comes to disturb us in our nap. I scratch the top of my head thinking that person needs the house key to open the door to get inside. I hear a fake cough coming from Jaden and I look at him, and blush a little seeing that he was half naked. He points to the bed and I pout, but comply with his wishes. I take my shoes off and open the bed covers making me see what was underneath them in which it was the reddish bed sheets.

I lie down on the bed putting the covers on top of me to yawn and feel tired….Must be the bed that gets me tired every time I touch it. I nuzzle my cheek into my soft pillow and close my eyes to open them back up when I was caged on the bed by Jaden who was grinning like crazy.

"I knew it," Jaden says with the same grin on his face. I continue to stare at him, but then my eyes trail down to his neck in which he notices it and his grin turns into a smirk "Not today Asuryn," Jaden says play fully whilst getting away from me and siting on the other side of the bed. I sit up and tug on his black shirt that he was wearing now.

"Pwease," I say to him with my puppies' eyes. Jaden gulps and lie's down without putting the covers on top of him.

"To tired," Jaden says with one arm on top of his eyes. I growl menacingly at him and cuddle up to him making him tense up and take a small peek at my direction. "Asuryn, relax and sleep," Jaden says to me whilst producing a small yawn. I tilt my head a little making my lips touch his neck giving him a small kiss there, before nuzzling my cheek into his chest making him wrap one arm around my waist.

"Okay, but your my teddy bear for the nap," I say with a warm smile noticing he change the hand he was using to cover his eyes and placing it on his stomach making me see the ring that was neatly placed on his ring finger.

"I'm your teddy bear every night, in which one day it is going to change," Jaden states happily in which I giggle and close my eyes remembering that time on the beach what I told him even if it was faint and that it was just one word it kept me positive every day when I was away from him.

"We are going to see each other again Jay," I say quietly to myself.

"Mhm?" Jaden says making me blush crimson red thinking he was fast asleep before me. I cuddle more to him, but having my stomach prevent me for furthering my goals to get really close to him.

"Nothing Jay," I say whilst producing a loud yawn making him chuckle.

"Okay, night Asuryn," Jaden says happily.

"Night Jiji!" I tell him playfully making him groan in annoyance remembering those days.

I was really glad this happened to my life. You know why? Because my best friend turned into my lover and then the finishing touch my husband who is very over-protected of me due of the pregnancny in which I only fainted once and he got extremely worried over me, but I don't blame him at all.

"I love you," I say to him.

"I love you too, now sleep," Jaden says with a soft tone in his voice making me have tears on the corner of my eyes.

Thinking if I didn't confess to him or that night he would of giving himself up to Clarissa that if you guys are asking how is she. Well she is a young single mom with 3 kids leaving on a rundown apartment. Her first child was from Alejandro who left her due that she cheated on him with another man in the school in which didn't surprise me at all, but always came after Jaden whom in which ignore her and got close to me.

Well if it wasn't for her that opened my eyes to that feeling for Jaden we will still be friends not husband and wife, and he will be married with her. I growl mentally, but a warm smile spreads on my lips even so I love my life with him. He brightens my day every day and at the same time his mom is waiting like a hawk for the birth of the baby same with my mom. Well life couldn't get better right? A new light is coming to our world in a few months.

Me;And the new light ish~ A baby girl~ *covers mouth* Woops sorry didn't mean to tell you the sex of the baby!

Marina:*sweatdrops* Okay? Any ways why are you so damn hyper?

Me: My classes ended and I had a wonderful day yesterday~ Althought I saw the boxing match...I sooo knewwww that Mayweather was going to win, but he lost all respect from me due that seriously! He couldn't choose another singer than Justin Bieber! Selena Gomez would of being better, but Triple H was there...That's all that matters~

Marina: Did you bet some money?

Me: I'm broke, but next time I will~ That's for sure 50 bucks is something!

Marina:*sweatdrops* What about a 100 bucks?

Me: No! 50 bucks ish still better!

Marina: Whatever. Time to say does 3 words due that BRR23 is not that smart.

Me:Why you!




Marina:Peace out~

Me:Adios I que regresen pronto~

Me:P.S. Might do a sequel to this, but it is a short one X3 It's on their daughter's perspective X3 Bye guys! :D