

(Still like to give a shout out to my best friend for helping me put together this story!)



Konoha High

10:19 A.M



4th period

"Man! I'm glad 3rd periods over!" Naruto Uzumaki exclaimed, stretching his arms.

"I don't know how you can say that since you were asleep the whole time." Stated Sakura Haruno.

Both companions were walking down the hallway.

"Ahh! But Sakura chan! What Kakashi Sensei was going over was boring!" Naruto said, as they made it to their next class.

"It doesn't matter if it was boring you still need to pass his class in order to graduate!" She yelled.

They took their seats in the middle of the classroom. This always happens between the two. Naruto lazed around in his school work and Sakura gets on his hind for slacking in class.

"I know Sakura chan, but you know how lots of work give me headaches." Naruto said, rubbing his temples.

He acted like he had one.

"I don't know how I put up with you." She muttered.

"Cause you love me." Naruto stated.

He smirked when a blush appeared on her cheeks.

"W Whatever!" Sakura said, turning away from him.

It was a well-known secret around Konoha High that Naruto Uzumaki had a crush on Sakura Haruno. They basically grew up together since preschool. While in elementary they promised to always be there for each other, even through thick and thin. This ranged from him to protecting her from bullies and her standing up for him even though the problem could be totally his fault. Since they spent so much time growing up together he took a liking towards her, but never voiced his feelings in fear that it would ruin their friendship.

"You know I'm just playing Sakura chan." Naruto chided, playfully.

"Ha ha ha very funny, but anyways pay attention Naruto. Hetaku sensei is about to start." Sakura stated, taking out her notebook.

And like that it started another dreadful hour for Naruto with Hetaku sensei going on and on about animal species, how they lived and their body structures.

'Man! Can this day be any slower?' Naruto stated mentally, as his mind started to drift off.


Lab Facility

10:52 A.M



"What are the test results for subject A?" A voice said.

"Subject is showing some symptoms sporting a fever, coughing, and sweating." A doctor said, going through his clipboard.

"Interesting" It replied

"What are your orders?" The doctor asked.

"Just keep track of the subject's changes and we'll go from there." It replied.

"Yes sir" The doctor said, leaving his boss's office.


Konoha High

11:24 A.M



5th period.


"I can't believe you did that." Sakura said, irritated.

She stabbed her roasted chicken with her fork. Sakura along with Naruto, Hinata, and Kiba were having lunch at their usual spot outside near the school's water fountain. They were talking about the situation that occurred in 4th period.

"You've got to admit though, it was pretty funny." Naruto said, chuckling nervously.

She sent a death glare his way causing him to shut up.

"I don't see what's the big deal." He muttered.

"Dude, you caused biology class to be cancelled for the entire week." Kiba stated.

Flash Back

"Today class we will be learning how to dissect frogs." Hetaku sensei said, while scribbling on the board.

Stopping from what he was doing he casted his gaze upon his students. Seeing that he had their attention he continued.

"With this exercise we will learn where some of their important body organs are located like the heart, lungs, and liver." Hetaku said, stopping once again.

He was making sure that they were grasping the concept of their assignment.

"You are to list the organs you see inside the frog along with its function." Hetaku stated.

He heard a collective amount of groans from his students.

"You may begin!" Hetaku said.

He sat down in his chair and logged onto his computer. The students in the classroom grouped up into pairs of two and got to work on the assignment.

"Alright, let's get this over with." Sakura said, with a shaky voice.

She put her goggles and gloves on. Naruto watched her closely. He rolled his eyes at how hesitant she was on touching the dead amphibian.

"Pssst Naruto!" Somebody called him.

Looking up from what Sakura was doing, Naruto saw a boy with messy brown hair. He had red triangles on both cheeks.

"What is it Kiba?" Naruto asked, chuckling when he heard Sakura gasp.

He laughed a little once the amphibian fell from her hands and back into the container in front of them.

"I was wondering if everyone was hanging out at your house today." Kiba said.

"You bet! Are you coming too Hinata?" Naruto asked, making said girl squeak in surprise.

"Yea" She said, keeping her face towards the front of the class.

This did little to fool anyone since everybody knew she was blushing from embarrassment.

"Just making sure man since Shikamaru and Ino said they had other plans after school today." Kiba said, giving Naruto the know it all look.

Naruto rolled his eyes at the statement. Him and Kiba both knew what those two would be doing after school. Last time he texted Shikamaru he mentioned something about his parents going on a business trip to Kumo City and wouldn't be back until November. This was only 2 months away. So either (A) Ino forced Shikamaru into going shopping again, or (B) they were going to be doing some foreplay after school. Something told him that the latter was bound to happen.

"Sometimes I wonder where his lazy ass gets the energy from." Kiba said.

He turned back around to help Hinata with the assignment. Naruto only shrugged and got to work as well. It was only fifteen minutes later when he started to get bored. Since him and Sakura finished five minutes ago, he decided to have some fun.

"This is going to be hilarious." Naruto stated, getting up from his seat.

He made sure that Hetaku sensei didn't see him. Bending down behind the table and unzipping his backpack Naruto pulled out a small black and white looking animal. Sakura wondering what he was doing looked down. Her eyes widen at what she saw.

"N Naruto is that?" She stuttered.

A broaden smile appeared on his face.

"Yep, found the critter on my way to school this morning and I just couldn't help but have an idea pop inside my head." Naruto said.

"What are you going to do with that thing?" Sakura asked.

Naruto only smirked, got on all fours and crawled towards the head of the classroom. As he passed his classmates many were shocked to see what he was carrying. When he finally reached the teacher's desk he moved to the side of it and looked up. Seeing that Hetaku sensei was too absorbed in his work to notice him Naruto placed the animal under his desk and crawled back towards his seat. He made sure that he had opened up one of the classroom windows.

Since Hetaku sensei was so focused on his work he failed to realize that something was scratching at his feet. When he finally looked down to see what it was he was sprayed right in the eyes by a horrible smelling liquid and odor. The only thing he could do was scream in anguish, falling over his chair while rubbing his eyes. The whole class laughed at this, with the exception of a few who thought the joke was a little bit too cruel. The laughing died down once they saw the creature run towards them.

"Oh Snap! Run!" A male student yelled as everyone ran out the room.

End of Flash Back

"Now biology class is cancelled until they get that horrid smell out of there." Kiba said, making a face.

This only showed how horrible the classroom smelled now.

"Not to mention Hetaku sensei won't be back until that stench leaves him." Sakura said.

Her anger had subsided.

"It's not like they figured out who did it." Naruto stated.

There was a moment of silence as his friends stared in his direction. Their expressions could only tell a by stander that they knew this would happen.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Naruto kun." Hinata said.

"What do you mea. . ."

This was all he could say before being interrupted by a voice filled with fierce amounts of Malice.


Turning around Naruto found himself face to face with a woman with hazel brown eyes, blond hair, a large bust, and a blue diamond shape rhombus in the middle of her forehead. He gulped, preparing himself for the scolding that was sure to follow.

"W W What is it? Baa-chan?" Naruto stuttered out.

The school principle glared at him for calling her that pacific name, but waved it off. Sometimes she wondered how she puts up with his naivety.

"Don't play stupid with me you brat! What I want to know is why the hell you let loose a baby skunk in a classroom!" Tsunade yelled at him.

"Why do you expect it was me?" Naruto questioned.

He tried to play it off as if he didn't do it.

"It might have been somebody else." Naruto stated.

Tsunade took a deep breath. She tried to calm her anger down.

"Who else would do something so pompous just for the fun of it?" Tsunade asked, challenging him to make a point.

"Shin. . ." Naruto began, before being interrupted.

"You can't blame Shinji since he's been absent all day." She stated.

Naruto was having trouble stringing words together. He was trying his best to convince her that he didn't do it. Then he remembered what he did in the classroom that would be his free ticket out of this situation.

"I don't know Baa-chan. That animal could have crawled in through the window or something." Naruto said.

He smirked when Tsunade took on a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm, you do have a point." She said, tapping her index finger on her arm.

'Yes! I'm out of the red zone!' Naruto thought, cheerfully.

However, his smile faded away with what she said next.

"But how did you know that it crawled in through the window, and secondly if you saw it why didn't you say anything?" Tsunade asked.

"I. . ." Naruto started, but once again interrupted.

"Oh? And another thing Naruto." Tsunade said, making sure she had his attention.

"Even though your biology class is on the ground floor of the school, the window is at least 4 or 5 feet from the ground for a small animal like a skunk to get in." She said.

An evil smirk graced her lips.

"So it just begs the question in my mind on who did it." Tsunade said, with a quirked eyebrow.

Naruto's eyes were wide. He was shocked that she was able to pick up the key loop hole in his plan. He began to panic. Naruto was about to defend himself when she started talking again.

"Whatever Naruto! I'll let you off the hook, but next time think before you act!" Tsunade said, turning on her heels to leave.

Naruto could only nod his head in understanding as the principle left, leaving behind another moment of silence. Turning back around his friends was staring at him.

"Well, I got away with it." Naruto said, chuckling to himself.

"Just be grateful that you know Tsunade Sama so well that you can get away with stuff like that." Kiba said, finishing his lunch.

"Yea I guess" Naruto muttered, settling back down in his seat.

"But anyways, did you guys hear that Benshi fractured his leg at football practice the other day?" Kiba said, throwing his lunch tray away.

"No way! He's like our best quarterback here!" Naruto stated, with a look of disbelief.

"Well believe it my friend and now our team just lost a huge aspect of winning this year's championships." Kiba stated.

He started to grumble about how such a thing could happen.

"Is he going to be ok?" Hinata asked.

Worry was etched in her voice.

"Yea, the doctor stated that he had a small fracture and should be up and running again in a matter of 4 weeks." Kiba said.

"I hope nothing else bad happens." Naruto said, turning towards Sakura.

He was trying to get her to talk to him again after the incident in the classroom. However, what none of these four friends knew was that something bad was just brewing to happen.


Lab Facility

11:42 A.M



"Sir! The subject is gaining incredible feats that are dangerous! Should we stop the operation!?" A doctor asked, in panic.

Blood was covered all over his lab coat.

"No, this experiment will be beneficial to my plan." A voice replied.

"But Sir!" The doctor began.

"Continue as plan!" The voice said, with a hint of anger.

"Y Yes sir" The doctor stuttered out.

He took hesitant steps out of the office. Left alone a tall, slender, sickly pale figure moved about until it reached the window. Glancing outside for a few seconds a wicked smile shown on what appeared to be a male's face.

"Things are about to change in this world." The man said.

He laughed maniacally before disappearing from the window.


Konoha High

2:38 P.M.



7th period

Naruto was sweating up bullets at the end of gym class today. Apparently Gai sensei thought that his students needed to gain more stamina and exercise since some of them were lazy. Not that Naruto was lazy or anything, but where the hell did Gai buy a military training/exercise video from? Also, how did the military keep up with most of these exercises anyway?

"Remind me to never show up for gym again." A voice stated.

Turning towards his right from seating on the bleachers Naruto saw Shikamaru. He was sweating as well from the work out today.

"If I knew this was going to happen then I would've told you." Naruto said, making his friend roll his eyes at him.

"Yea, yea, so Kiba said that everyone is hanging out at your place today?" Shikamaru questioned.

"Yea, but you don't have to come if you don't want to." Naruto stated, smirking.

He knew what Shikamaru would be doing after school other than going to his place to chill. If it had anything to do with a slender, blond haired girl, then your guess was right.

"Yea, but we're not doing anything inappropriate though." Shikamaru stated, knowing what Naruto was thinking.

"Ino actually wanted me to accompany her on a shopping spree." Shikamaru said.

He groaned. The mere thought of it made him feel weird. Naruto shrugged.

"That was my second guess." He said, seeing his other friends walk up to them.

"So where were you guys during lunch today?" Naruto asked.

He glanced between Shikamaru, Neji, and Ino.

"I was called to do some paperwork as the school president." Shikamaru stated, as everyone settled in at the bleachers.

"But it just turned out to be a meeting about writing disciplinary rules for the student body." He finished.

Shikamaru took a deep breath and shoved his hands inside his pockets.

"I was going over important exercises with the dance crew." Ino said.

She looked at Sakura and Hinata questionably.

"Why weren't you guys there?" Ino asked.

Unlike the males of the group the females were exceptionally clean due to their shower stalls still working.

"Well unlike you Ino pig, who starves herself close to death, Hinata and I will like to keep some meat on our bones." Sakura stated.

Ino glared at her. She read in a magazine on how to achieve the perfect body figure and if it meant losing some weight then damn it! She'll lose weight!

"Whatever forehead." Ino said, smirking when Sakura glared back at her.

Taking a water bottle out of her duffle bag Ino took a huge gulp out of it.

"I decided to take my history test early, since I'll be gone next week." Neji said, making his friends stare at him.

That was until a look of recognition came across Hinata's face.

"We're supposed to go on our annual family vacation." She stated, completely shocked.

The bell rung signaling the end of the day for the students. Neji nodded.

"I advise you to get everything out of the way while you still can, so you don't worry about it later when we come back." He said, getting up from the bleachers.

Neji headed straight for the gym exit.

"Alright let's get out of here. I don't know about you guys, but sitting around here looking at Gai sensei do his afternoon stretches isn't what I find a pleasant sight." Shikamaru stated, with a queer look on his face.

Everyone looked the general direction he was staring at and winced. What they saw caused chills to run down their spines. Gai sensei was bending down so far that his rear end was peeping at them. They didn't stay for long though since all of them sprinted out of the gym. The group made sure they grabbed their belongings on the way out the door.


Konoha City

2:58 P.M



After departing from school Naruto made his way home. His mind was reeling about the day's events. He still couldn't believe his plan with the skunk failed. Well, if you really thought about how the skunk crawled in through the window then you really can't be surprised. He sighed.

Crossing the street that was two blocks away from his house a smile slowly graced Naruto's features. He was thinking about his best friend. Naruto knew that he should stop goofing off in school, but he couldn't help it. This was his last year at Konoha High and he wanted to have some fun memories. Sakura didn't seem too thrilled about his acts and reprimands him greatly whenever he gets into trouble. However, he knew she did it for his well-being.

Naruto's mind wondered more, thinking about his pink haired friend. A blush appeared on his cheeks. Everyone knew he had a crush on Sakura, seeing how defensive he got whenever other males asked her out. Since she never showed any interest in him Naruto never made a move on her. He was afraid that if their relationship as a couple didn't work out then they wouldn't know how to act around each other. Quite frankly he didn't want that to happen, so he preferred to keep all his feelings bottled up. He sighed again as he finally made it home. Upon entering his house, he noticed it was quiet than usual.

"Mom! Dad!" Naruto hollered.

He put his backpack on the couch. When he didn't receive a reply he began to investigate. Once Naruto searched every place in the house including the movie arcade and pool room he decided that his parents weren't home. (Did I mention that his family was wealthy?) Due to his father being one of the most successful business owners in the world he pretty much had everything he wanted since he was a little boy. However, Naruto wasn't very materialistic.

After taking a much needed shower he made his way towards the kitchen. He was hoping to grab a mid-day snack. Upon entering the kitchen Naruto saw a note hanging from the refrigerator door. Quickly walking towards it he was shocked at what he read.

Dear Naruto:

I know that this will come as a shock to you, but me and your father have gone on a weeklong cruise. Now before you go on a rampage your father and I wanted some time to ourselves, which we can't receive at home. So for the next week you will be defending yourself. I stock piled the refrigerator, pantry, and cabinets with food so you won't get hungry. I've also bought more ramen for you. (Don't know why you're obsessed with it) Until we return have fun!



P.S. - Also NO WILD PARTIES! Your father is still fuming about his golden track record being broken-

He couldn't believe it. His parents left him behind to go on some cruise? Naruto's been on a cruise liner before, but they could have asked if he wanted to go. His phone started to vibrate in his pocket, drawing his attention away from the note.

Sakura Chan-

"Everyone will be at your place around 5 or 6 o'clock." She texted.

"Alright, what are you guys doing?" Naruto texted back.

He grabbed a small bag of Doritos from the pantry. It wasn't long until his phone vibrated again.

Sakura Chan-

"Well everyone's getting some things done before coming to your house." She replied.

Sitting down on the couch in the living room Naruto turned on the T.V. He texted back.

"Ok" Naruto replied, while eating his chips.

He began to browse the channels.

Sakura Chan-

"Is it ok with your parents if we come over?" she asked.

Naruto rolled his eyes at the mention of his parents. He texted back.

"Yea, but apparently they decided to go on some cruise and left without me knowing." Naruto replied.

He was still quite mad at the ordeal.

Sakura Chan-

"Oh? Why didn't they tell you?" She asked.

"Something to do with them wanting some alone time with each other. Can you believe it?" Naruto texted back.

He finally found something good to watch while eating his half empty bag of Doritos.

Sakura Chan-

"I kind of can, since they work hectic hours due to your family's company." She replied.

"But Sakura Chaaaaan! You're supposed to be on my side!" Naruto replied back.

He added a yellow face with tears in its eyes.

Sakura Chan-

"Stop complaining and see you later on tonight." She texted.

Naruto sighed. He put away his phone and continued watching whatever he was looking at on T.V.

"Stupid cat" He muttered, watching a cat chase around a mouse.


Uzumaki Household

9:14 P.M



Naruto walked out of the living room and towards his bedroom. He made sure that every door in the house was locked. When his friends arrived (With the exception of Shikamaru and Ino of course) they headed straight for the movie arcade, carrying huge bowls of popcorn, snacks, and drinks. So then on out they watched movies.

Naruto was grateful that they didn't find a movie that was stupid. Like one of the movies they watched last week. Seriously the main character kills his son along with everybody else in the car was a stupid ending for him, even if the car ran out of gas inside the mist. However, he had to give it a thumps up due to its gruesome scenes for having Sakura grasp his arm tight. When he made it to his room he stripped down to only his boxers, cut the light off, and got into bed. Upon feeling the soft material of his sheets he zoomed off to sleep.


Lab Facility

9:18 P.M



A pale man in a white suit looked through a window used for testing things. What he saw made him smile. To anybody else who might have saw the scene before them surely would have puked. Another figure inside the testing room was crouched down eating something with a white lab coat on. If this wasn't horrible enough the walls in the testing room were covered in blood. Two lifeless bodies laid near the exit door.

"These results are most satisfying." The man said, before leaving.

His stride had purpose as he moved to go put his plan in motion.


Thanks for reading. Please review.
