
I really should be slapped because of the long wait shouldn't I?

The only excuse I have is that I never have time to write this. The good news is I've planned out the whole story, the bad news is I don't think many of you will like it.

I've also changed the whole story line which means it won't be the happy idea I was aiming for in the beginning.

Things that are going to be in the future are: Angst, drama, character death, Hurt/comfort, tiny hints of shounen-ai (If you don't know what that is, it's boy/boy, but I guess you can sort of call it a bromance.). You have been warned.

I lost all my readers, didn't I?

Oh well, reviews are greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, good thing too. It would be completely screwed.


A sigh was emitted from the disguised blonde.

The Academy seemed humongous to the young girl, -must be because it's so empty, she thought, where is everyone anyway? - on her left side a seemingly huge amount of stairs were there.

Yellow groaned, "Please don't tell me my homeroom is going to be on the top floor."

She looked over to her right, noticing a large door - How did I not see that? - which had the words Chairman printed on the door top.

I'm guessing I have to go in there, She thought. Dammit! Why didn't Chris or Blue tell me anything. Ugh, whatever, I'll go inside. I feel like a creeper just standing here anyway.

She hurriedly entered the room and noticed, well, how perfect everything looked. The leather chairs - which looked very expensive - were lined up neatly against one side of the room, and there were pictures hanging from very clean walls. There were no cracks at all, and to Yellow it seemed as if there wasn't even a speck of dust on them . Since the young blonde's family was poor, they never even dreamed of seeing something as magnificent as this.

The only thing that left out of Yellow's mouth was, "Holy shit.."

"You should know that we don't take that kind of language." Yellow jumped and gave out a quiet yelp at the deep voice. She turned around and saw a man who looked like he was in his late twenties. His short blonde hair was combed in a professional like way and wore thick framed glasses. The girl couldn't see his eyes - For her right now that's a good thing.- and stuttered an apology.

"Erm, sorry, I was just.." She looked around and muttered, "This room is just so... Awesome.." Awesome? Seriously Yellow, what the hell was that?

A look of confusion first appeared on his face which soon turned into realization,"Oh! You're the transfer student Miss Satou, if I'm not mistaken."

Miss Satou? Oh yeah, my name's Yuki Satou.. Can't forget that."Y-yes.." The girl whispered, this man was creeping her out.

"You should have told me sooner!" The man smiled,"I'm Mr. Grayson, the chairman of this academy, but I think you've already figured that out."

The girl mentally sighed, Actually I didn't I'm such an idiot! This is the chairman's room, of course he was going to be here! "Pleasure to meet you too." Yellow replied back.

"Good, at least some students have manners, unlike others.." He silently groaned on the last word, which Yellow gave an amused smile at. "Since it's homeroom for you right now, I'll just send a student down to get you.

He went back to his desk and sat on his leather chair, - It's...It's a sp-spinny chair.. Yellow started to use her self control so she wouldn't push off the man, jump on the chair, and spin in it. - picked up the wired phone, pressed a button and said, "Mr. Oak, the transfer student has arrived, please send a student down to my room to pick her up." The man put the phone away afterwards.

Mr. Grayson looked up at Yellow and smiled, "Please, have a seat. This won't take very long, his room is just right up the stairs."

Yellow gave back an awkward smile, At least it's not on the top floor.

"You heard Mr. Grayson, I need a student willing to go pick up the transfer student from his room."

Many hands were raised after Mr. Oak's sentence, most likely because they wanted to ditch the old man's lecture. There was one boy who wasn't raising his hand, actually.. The only reason he wasn't was because he was sleeping in the back of the room.


"Wah!" The sudden call of his name made the boy jump and fall on his rear, causing the students around him to snicker.

"I want you to go pick up the transfer student in Mr. Grayson's room, now hurry! I want you two to come back quickly so you don't miss anything important."

Gold sluggishly stood up and used his desk for support. "Transfer student?" He asked, still drowsy from being woken up so suddenly, "I didn't hear anything about that."

The teacher sighed, "Great, so you're stupid and deaf," he took out a piece of paper which made Gold stiffen. "If you decide to sleep again, it will be detention for you."

The snickers from the other students gradually started to turn into laughter from the older man's previous comment. Gold put his cap down his face, embarrassed, and walked slowly out, giving a "Yes sir," to the teacher before leaving.

When a creak from the door was heard, Yellow turned around to see who it was. A boy, who looked about her age, had raven hair which was tucked into a golden and black cap. His eyes - which would have been the same color as Yellow's if she wasn't wearing these goddamn colored contacts. They're green dammit, why couldn't they be some awesome color like blue or something. - were glassy, to Yellow it looked like he's been woken up recently. Her hypothesis was correct when she saw his uniform, it was completely messed up. Some buttons were undone and his tie wasn't made correctly, He looks like a juvenile delinquent, Yellow thought.

"Yo, Ecnal!" The boy gave a smirk when he saw 'Ecnal' groan. Yellow turned back to Mr. Grayson giving a glare at the raven haired boy.

"Gold," Mr. Grayson gave an obviously fake smile and gestured at Yellow, "this is Miss Yuki Satou, your new classmate."

The boy turned to look at the blonde, his golden eyes going up and down her body. He's so checking me out, creep. "Heh, cute, but not my type, sorry." He looked back at Mr. Grayson ignoring the piercing glare the girl was giving him. "Alright Ecnal," The boy emphasized Mr. Grayson's name to piss him even more, "we're going to leave you alone, so now you can finally read your porn in peace." Gold started to eye the man's desktop with interest.

"Detention," said smoothly, but Yellow could see the chairman's patience wearing thin. She also saw the man's hands were clenched up and shaking in rage. He doesn't seem like the type to have so little patience, but then again same with, she shivered, him...

The boy groaned, "Again? C'mon Encal, it's been the third time this week!" He slammed his hand on the chairman's desk and decided to get into Mr. Grayson's personal space. "I mean, it's pretty obvious you hate me, why keep me here any longer then the school day?" Gold then gave an overly dramatic gasp, "Is it because you want to sexually assault me? I'm definitely going to tell on you Encal!"

The chairman lost his patience then and there, "OUT!" His command caused Gold to slightly shake in fear, he grabbed the girl's wrist and pulled her out of the room.

"Ha ha! That was classic!" Gold used his free hand to smack his knee, "The almighty Gold strikes again!"

Yellow whimpered silently, "my wrist..." She had a feeling that a bruise was going to form there from the iron grip the taller boy was giving.

"O-oh yeah," Gold let go of Yellow's wrist, "sorry, I guess I'm excited. It's been awhile since I got to tease Ecnal like that."

Yellow rubbed her wrist and noticed the forming bruise, Great, She thought. "Why do you call him Ecnal?" She asked, the name was strange, she never heard someone with a name like that. Then again, she hasn't seen or heard many things because Blue and Crystal would homeschool her.

Gold shrugged, "Just to tease him, I mean, I get bored easily." He smirked, "you can say he's the highlight of my day."

Yellow gave a smirk of her own, "You must have some boring life if a chairman is the highlight of your day."

A flash of shock passed through his face before he gave his comeback, "Who knew someone as shy as you could be so cocky."

The girl put her hands to her hips and her smirk grew wider, "Did you just call me shy? I am the complete opposite of shy, my friend."

"You can't call me a friend yet," Gold put out his fist, "until we introduce ourselves, my name's Gold Hibiki."

Yellow put out her fist and fist bumped the other male, "Yuki, Yuki Satou."

Gold gave a smile and Yellow swore it looked like he was going to split his face open. "Great- and," A look of fear was plastered on his face soon after, "Oh shit!"

Yellow tilted her head to the side and frowned a bit, "What's the matter?" She asked.

"I completely forgot about Mr. Oak's class!"

"I think we just wasted half of it," Yellow grinned, "You make great first impressions Gold."

Laughter from the two students echoed through the empty hallways.

The two both started walking back to their homeroom, giving Yellow sometime to think. I've finally made a friend, but... She looked at Gold sadly, I might never tell him who I really am.

"Alright! Here it is!" Gold's excited voice rang through her thoughts. She smiled back at the happy expression that Gold was giving her, but she still couldn't shake the empty feeling in her heart.

It's really unfair.

Aww the sadness, poor Yellow..

For the people who are wondering, This is NOT an Ambershipping story. It's Specialshipping. =P

Here's Gold! One of the main characters of the story after Yellow! I love writing him.

I'm sorry if you thought Red was going to be in this chapter. He's only going to have a cameo in the next...

I love slow moving relationships. XD
