Dean could feel Cas watching him, his eyes following every movement he made as he worked on his baby, usually he would feel creeped out by a guy watching him like this. Dean came to realise Cas wasn't watching him, but studying him. He could feel Cas's eyes trace the line his hands were making, study the movements of his topless back against the sun. But he didn't care. He wanted Cas to look; something inside of him begged him to look more, feel more, touch. He wanted to physically feel his hands run over his body, through his hair and wrap around him. Dean wanted Cas's lips on his, he wanted to kiss Cas's neck, see what was hiding beneath that trench coat which really shouldn't be worn in this weather, and he wanted Cas. He couldn't point out why, hell he didn't care anymore. He'd felt this way about the angel for far too long and Dean loved it when Castiel looked at him liked this; he loved to be taken in by those eyes.

Fuck it, Dean thought to himself, I have to tell him.

" Cas, I need to talk to..." but as he turned around, leaving his baby behind him he realised Cas was no longer where he was but directly behind Dean, not quite touching, but enough to send noticeable shivers through Deans body, like Cas wouldn't notice that.

"talk... oh. You're there, right ermm... do you remember the whole 'personal space' conversation we had? Take it into account" He felt regret as he verbally pushed Cas away, it wasn't what he wanted. They stopped for a moment, just looking at each other, Dean giving that half awkward smile and trying to look anyplace but at the man he wanted, Cas loved that smile, it's all it took for Cas to make his final decision. He was going to do it now; he was going to tell this mortal man what he thought of him.

"Yes Dean, but I understand that humans do not care for personal space when it is around a person that they... that they hold large amounts of feelings for." Cas could feel his vessels face heat up, he did not want this, he was a straight man, but Cas could not care for him, he was grateful for his use, but he cared only for the tall, rugged man stood before him.

Dean wasn't really sure how to respond to this, he knew this was the angels way of saying 'dean I love you, now let's make out'. But he wasn't sure if that's what was meant to happen, was he meant to admit he felt the same, or just pull the damn angel in for the kiss that he so longed for. He couldn't speak; he just chucked out garbage, syllables.

"Cas, I, ermm, you,... eh.. I garh..." He felt sorry for Cas after admitting how he felt and he couldn't even reciprocate it in words. He only had one other option, and this he knew he was good at, his he could get right.

" You know what Cas? Fuck it, come here" if the angel had time he would of looked shocked and absolutely confused but instead he felt Deans hands grab his coat and pull him in close, he felt his lips touch Deans and stiffened. Dean knew how to take care of this.

" relax Cas, I'm not going to bite you. Actually, I can't promise that" and with a wink he pulled the angel back in and kissed him, teased Cas's lips with his teeth prying his mouth open to slowly allow him to explore the angel more. Dean new this was all knew to the angel but he had to learn sooner or later and Dean had had enough of waiting for him. Cas finally gave in, and Dean could finally feel himself being studied the way he wanted, he let the angel kiss him back.

'damn he's good at this' he thought to himself as the angel pushed back against his baby. Deans hand took control of themselves taking familiar routes around another one's body to get what he wanted, although he what he wanted. The feeling inside hi grew as the kiss went on for longer, became more passionate, quick, more fierce. His trench coat thrown to the ground he was now working on that damn tie, he loosened it and took it off. Dean was about to throw it to the ground when he realised he could have more fun with this.

" Cas" dean managed to breathe out as he pulled away from the kiss. He hooked the tie around the back of the angels' neck.

" Cas, what, what's happening here?"

" I believe we are engaging in what is known as the activity of kissing yes?" Cas looked confused and slightly hurt. He wasn't sure if this was what was meant to be going on or if Dean was toying with him.

" No I mean... never mind." He pulled him back with the tie and this time Cas took no time in joining in. He'd relaxed fully now his hands exploring the pathways on Deans back that his eyes had mapped out only a few moments ago. Dean was ripping Cas's shirt of now, throwing it away eager to get his hands back on his angel.

His angel he thought to himself. He spun around so he was leaning into Cas with his angel against his baby. He pushed against him allowing Cas to understand what he wanted, he let himself be pushed into the angels leg, and Dean felt him back. The pace of the kiss quickened, teeth biting, tongues exploring, hands wandering. Wrapped around each other there was nowhere else in the world, no one else, only them. They had wanted this for so long. Ignorant to the world they didn't hear the warning.

"I really, really should have seen this coming, guys come on please. Break apart." That command they followed they broke apart instantly recognising the voice. Their faces flushed red, and in an instant Cas had vanished leaving his coat and shirt behind, tie still hanging in Deans hand.

His hand reached up behind his neck rubbing it awkwardly, that smile again, but for a different reason.

"ermm... heya Sammy." He replied, cautious of how this could end.