Okay guys, I'm back! Sorry for the delay I have recently been very busy with everything. So this is the last chapter of this story. Two-shot. Thank you very much.

I am not very good with looking into the mind of anyone except for Robin and Batman, so I will not be doing a story for Coldhearted. Sorry to you Kid Flash fans.

For the Image episode I don't really want to do it on M'gann. Sorry to all of you Miss Martian fans. So I think I'm going to be doing a two-shot on that. One on Garfield and his transformation to Beast Boy and the next on what Robin was thinking when KF said something about Bruce Wayne and Robin said,"Don't you have a souvenir to get or something?"

Disclaimer: Its a lil' obvious.

It was a very quiet ride back to the BatCave. Both had been contemplating what Captain Marvel said. You guys do know this is the part where you're supposed to hug, right?

Now that he thought about it, Bruce had never hugged his adoptive son since he was 11 and he broke his leg.

He looked over at the silent boy, and found Robin lost in his own thoughts, staring out the window. The late night lights were all a blur as the Batmobile rushed by at high speeds. It was actually quite entrancing...

NO. Snap out of it. You have to drive the car. (1)

They soon pulled into the Batcave, slowing down upon entrance. They both got out and went to their normal late night work. Batman watching news feeds and security cameras constantly while Robin hung around in case the need for hacking arose.

"Do you... want to hug?" Batman asked hesitantly.

Robin looked up with a surprised look on his face. "I don't really know..."

They sat in an uncomfortable silence for a couple of minutes before they awkwardly wrapped their arms around each other. After about 10 seconds, Bruce pulled away.

"Goodnight Dick."

"Goodnight Bruce."

Okay, I hated that ending. Like, full on despised it. I couldn't really think of very colorful adjectives for this chapter, so I'm sorry if its bland. Review?

Fluffy enough? Not fluffy enough? Not enough of Captain Marvel trollin'?