Chapter 2

After Amber's harsh comment, Jerome felt a bit depressed. Did his so-called friends really think of him this way? Jerome sighed, and walked into his and Alfie's room. It was a pigsty. He rummaged through his stuff, until he found a picture of him and Fabian. Two years ago, things were so different. Fabian and Jerome were actually pretty good friends. Now, Fabian only spends time with Nina, Amber, Patricia, and Alfie.

Did Fabian also think of him as a traitor? He wanted to explain everything to each and every one of them, but he couldn't. He was constantly getting into trouble. He has had problems with Rufus; some identify finder, and even Mara. Maybe he was a traitor after all.

Alfie walked into the room, holding a banjo. Jerome looked at it questionably, and Alfie laughed.

"This is my banjo. My grandpa gave it to me, though I hate the banjo." Alfie said, strumming the guitar. Jerome rolled his eyes, and decided to pop a question.

"Alfie, do you think I'm, like, a traitor?" Jerome asked, and Alfie stared at him. He looked down, not responding to his best friend. Wow, even his best friend Alfie thought of him as a traitor. Jerome rushed out of the room, while Alfie sadly strummed his banjo.

Not paying attention to where he was going, he bumped into Amber. Her eyes were puffy-red again, and she quickly tried to pass him. Jerome kept getting in the way, but not even purposely. He was confused at what the blonde was.

"Move Jerome!" Amber yelled, trying to get out of his way. He sheepishly moved to the side, looking down. Amber looked at him, and gave a sympatric smile.

"Look, if it's about what I said Jerome, I'm sorry." Amber said, walking back to her room. Jerome smiled a bit himself, and went into the kitchen.

Fabian was still not acting like himself. His anger would flare at random times, and nobody could stop it. He would usually leave the room before his anger got the best of him. Sometimes, Patricia would follow behind him, and stay unnoticed. She could hear him throwing things, yelling, and sometimes even crying. He still didn't know if Nina was alive.

Fabian walked to English, with Patricia and Amber on both sides of him. They almost never left him alone. They trusted him, just not now.

Patricia sat down next to Eddie, and Amber and Fabian sat together. Patricia smiled at him, and Eddie smiled back.

"Hey Yacker." Eddie said, and this time Patricia could get a word out.


Eddie suspiciously looked at her, thinking that she was awfully quiet. He shrugged, and went back to staring off into space, which including daydreaming of that ghost.

Fabian took out one of his Egyptian books, and flipped through the pages. Amber watched him, but she couldn't see anything on the pages. He was flipping through them extremely quickly.

"Could you slow down, geez Fabian!" Amber said, putting her hand on the current page he was on. Fabian moved her hand a bit harshly, giving Amber a paper cut. She gave a small scream, but she wasn't in any sort of major pain. Fabian quickly apologized, and Amber accepted it.

But maybe it was smart of her to put her hand there. The page was on the game. She pointed at it gleefully, and Fabian started to read it. It sadly didn't tell you how to play. Only that the directions were unknown. Another sigh was given, and Fabian put the book away. Class was starting.

In about middle of class, Mrs. Valentine brought up a new subject. Tragedies. Fabian wanted to cover his ears, and so did Amber. Patricia was hardly paying attention to start with. She was daydreaming about Eddie, which was pretty unusual for her.

"So, a tragedy usually has hero, or heroine. But sadly, the hero/heroine usually fails at the end, resulting in death." Mrs. Valentine said, asking the class.

"No, not this time!" Fabian blurted, and Mrs. Valentine looked at him strangely. Nina was not going to die this time. It wasn't going to end this way. She was going to be fine. But Fabian just couldn't convince himself that.

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Valentine said, a bit confused. Who wasn't going to fail this time? And what time? Mrs. Valentine watched him, as he started to stand up.

"I-I'm sorry." Fabian said, running out of the room. Mrs. Valentine stared at him in disbelief, and then looked back at the rest of the class.

Patricia looked at Amber, and she mouthed "He is having a meltdown." She quickly got up herself, and started out of the room.

"He is just worried about Nina's Gran. She's not doing well. That's why Nina isn't here." Amber said, and then left the room, slamming the door (unintentionally) behind her. Fabian had slit on the ground, with his head in his knees. Amber rushed over to him, and sat down next to him.

"Fabian…." She started out, but Fabian cut her off."

"How could have Nina survived to this point? Without food or water, she…" Fabian said, and then started crying next to Amber. He missed Nina so much. He wished there was a way to hear her sweet voice again. Amber was speechless and not sure what to say next.

Last time she said the wrong thing, Fabian had (once again) freaked out.

"And I will never get the chance to see her again. She's is my best friend, Amber. And she's yours too. I have known her for what seems like forever, and now she is gone. And she may never come back." Fabian said, feeling sick from his own words. How could he be so negative?

"Maybe we should look around, to see if there is some way to talk to her down there. We haven't tried that." Amber said, trying to act optimistic.

"Not now Amber. Because if I don't find some way when we look, I don't know what I would do." Fabian said, still crying. Amber offered to look herself, and Fabian shooed her away to go look. Amber literally skipped while looking at the school. Maybe there was a vent somewhere.

Nina sat on the cold, cemented floor. She munched on a granola bar, as she felt time tick away. How long had she been down here? She wanted to go home. Back to all her friends, who were literally just upstairs. They were so close to her, but so far.

"I want to go home!" Nina yelled, throwing one of her empty water bottles. It bounced off the wall, and ended up falling by the corner. She walked over to grab it, when she noticed a vent was on the ceiling above it. She moved over some of the boxes, so she could climb up on them. She looked through the vents, and saw the empty living room.

It was like those things on a submarine, so you could see above water when you were underwater! She smiled at the room, only wishing Fabian was sitting at the couch. She could only see one of the couches, and the coffee table.

She heard the front door slam, and shut her mouth. Somebody walked into the living room, but Nina couldn't tell who it was. She could only see a pair of feet, walking upstairs. School must have be over. The door opens again, and this time the person walks into the living room, and sits on the couch. It was Fabian, and Amber. Fabian didn't look like himself.

His eyes were all red; he was shaking terribly, and crying. Was this because of her? She felt as if she was killing her friends, and she didn't even have to be there. Amber sat him down, and Patricia also rushed over. She sat on the other couch though, and watched Amber and Fabian.

"Fabian, please calm down. Victor is going to get suspicious. I'm sorry I couldn't find a way to talk to Nins. We will though." Amber said quietly. Fabian looked away from her, and Nina had enough. She couldn't take it.

"Fabian! Please stop!" Nina yelled, and Amber jumped from the noise. Fabian looked up from his crying. "I'm okay! Really! There is a vent somewhere where you are!" Nina yelled, and Nina saw Fabian immediately get up, and walking towards the vent I was in. He peeked in, and saw her, and Nina saw him.

"Nina?" Fabian asked, and she smiled.

"I can see you, Fabian. Why are you so upset?" Nina asked worriedly.

"I-I thought you were dead." Fabian said, wiping his eyes. Nina's own anger flared, and she banged her hand against the wall. "Nina?"

"Ah! Stupid…" Nina said, and one of the boxes in the tower fell out of place. She fell to the ground, and screamed in pain. She was still conscious and very awake luckily.

"Are you okay? Nina?" Fabian yelled, getting worked up once more. This was too much on him. All of it was. He wished the mask would just disappear. Then, she could be happy again. But now, she was stuck in some stupid cell.

"Mmmm…." She moaned, rolling to her side. She fell right onto her hand, which she previously hit the wall out. She couldn't take it anymore either.

"I want out Fabian, please get me out!" Nina yelled. But Fabian couldn't do anything.

Remember to follow me on Twitter, JessIsTheBestFF.
