Per virtus et sapientia nobis prospere
Chapter 7
Link was sitting at a table, across from Farore, and was feeling very uncomfortable. He didn't know how Zelda would feel about him having dinner with a girl she had never met, but he really didn't have much of a choice.
"So, tell me about your girlfriend," Farore said, looking into Link's eyes.
"Well," he said, tensing at the topic of conversation, "She's just about the sweetest girl you will ever meet in your life."
Her face slumped again, but she regained her composure, saying, "Well, what's her name, and what does she look like?"
"Her name is Zelda, and she looks like your friend Marin. And in answer to your next question," he added, as she was showing signs of interrupting him, "She is the princess of Hyrule."
Farore looked shocked as he said this, for she had indeed been about to ask what she did.
She looked at him shrewdly, but said, "Okay, I'm going to ignore the fact that you just read my mind. So, how serious are the two of you, cause I might know someone who is interested in you if you're not too serious."
He smiled sadly and said, "Well, I love her, she loves me, and we're engaged to be married in four years."
Her face dropped once again, and she stopped talking about Link's love life. They started talking about things like the temple where all of the townspeople prayed to the Windfish.
"So," Link said, finally relaxing, "I was wondering if you have ever heard of an oracle?"
She looked at him, her sadness evident in her eyes, and said, "Well, my mother did tell me stories about girls who were named after goddesses in ancient legend, but I never believed them."
Link looked at her, and said, "Well, I might know one of them." And when she looked at him questioningly, he said, "You're name is Farore, and Farore is the name of the goddess of courage in Hyrule. You are the oracle of secrets, and I need your help to save my girlfriend."
Farore looked at him as he pulled out stuff from his bag. One of them was a harp, and the other was a rod. And then everything made sense to her. A wave of memories from a past life came back to her. She saw herself kneeling at the temple in the north of the town, praying to the spirits of nature to empower the rod of seasons, and she fainted.
Farore woke up and found herself in her bed. She looked around and saw Marin looking at her in worry, and saw Link in a chair at her desk, reading a book. She stood up and turned to Marin, who embraced her tightly.
"When Link came back," she said in between her sobs, "I thought something horrible must have happened." Farore looked over at Link, who stood up and walked up to her.
"Are you alright," he asked, looking at her, "You passed out at the restaurant, and I brought you back here."
She nodded at him, and turned to Marin, "I need to go to the temple in Tal-Tal Range, to awaken the Windfish. Link, I need you to help me."
Link nodded and walked out the door, with Farore following, after giving Marin another hug.
Link and Farore started walking towards the north of the city, to where the shrine was located. When they reached it, they walked inside and Farore kneeled down and began praying to the goddesses and to the Windfish. Link also kneeled and prayed to the goddesses;
"Please Farore, let Zelda be returned to me and her family safely. Please Din, let Zelda come to no harm while she is gone. Please Nayru, let Zelda be kept happy and safe."
When he finished his prayer, he stood up and walked to the entrance and waited. When Farore walked up to him, he nodded at her and they walked outside. She led him up to the mountain range on the island. He jumped over a hole in the ground and hooked an arrow up to some rope. He shot the arrow into a tree, and she walked on it like a tight rope to where Link was. They continued up the path and reached the temple without any confrontation. Link looked into the temple, turned to Farore, and said;
"Are you ready to go?"
She looked into the temple, and nodded.
"Please, goddess Farore, bless Link with the power to save the one he loves,"
Farore looked at Link, who was smiling. Then, he was encased in a green crystal and Farore smiled. When the crystal dissipated, he looked at her and said;
"Thank you, Farore. I promise to come back and introduce you to Zelda, after I save her. I have a feeling you two will become good friends."
She smiled at him and nodded.
"By the way," she asked, "What did the goddess bless you with?"
He smiled and drew his sword. It was sharper than ever before, and it was glittering with the mark of the Triforce of courage. After she had examined it, he sheathed it, and walked away.
"Marin," Link called as he reached her house, "I need to talk to you."
She walked out to him, looked around and asked, "Where's Farore."
When Link looked away, she gasped. The two of them walked inside and Link started to explain. Twenty minutes later, they emerged from the house, and Link turned and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
"It was great to meet you," he said, turning and walking away, "I just hope I can come back soon." With that, he walked away.
When he reached the shore, he pulled on his Zora mask, and swam away, thinking about what had happened in the temple.
The instant Link and Farore entered the temple, a baby Dodongo attacked Link, who just managed to get his shield up in time, and the Dodongo bounced off harmlessly. Link pulled Farore over to some pots, told her stay put, and pulled out his sword. He ran out from the hiding place, and swung his sword at the Dodongo's head, but it only dazed it for a second. It fired a fireball at Link, who rolled out of the way and swung at its tail. The tail exploded, and the creature fell to the ground. Link waved her to come over, and led her to a staircase.
They walked down a winding staircase, and came out into a small square room. A single chest waited in the middle of the room. Link walked up to it and kicked it open, pulling out a key, map and compass.
"Let's go," he said, "we have a whole temple to explore." Farore nodded, and took Link's hand.
They walked out a wooden door, and were attacked by several bats, some on fire and others covered in what seemed to be ice. Link pulled out his sword and swung madly into the flock. Once they were all gone Link and Farore found another door and walked through it. When they were through it, bars slid down over the door, and a strange figure materialized at the far wall.
"Get down on the ground," Link shouted at Farore, and he pulled out his sword and shield.
He blocked several fireballs shot at him by the strange figure, and then pulled out his bow. He fired an arrow at it. It disappeared, and Link notched another arrow, and fired it into the corner of the room. It pierced the monster just as it re-materialized. It fell to the ground, and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
"What was that?" Farore asked as Link helped her up.
"A Wizzrobe," he replied, checking her for any injuries.
Just as the door opened again, a chest appeared in the middle of the room. Link kicked it open, and pulled out small bag. He opened it, and several large seeds fell out onto the floor.
"Magic Beans," he said, and he put the bag in his pouch.
After several hours of pointless exploring, they reached a door with a large lock on a chain keeping it closed. Link inserted the key he had picked up earlier in the lock and turned it. The lock fell off the door and Link opened it. When they walked inside, they saw a pit of sand below them. Link jumped down into it, and a large wormlike creature stuck its head out of the sand. Farore heard Navi say:
"That's Molgera, a sandworm. It lives in the sand, waiting for prey to walk over its mouth, and then strikes. Its tongue is its weak point."
Link pulled out his hookshot and aimed it at the worms tongue. A moment later, Link was slashing his sword at Molgera. Link continued on with this pattern several times, but then something happened. Several creatures that looked like Molgera flew out of the sand and attacked Link. Then Molgera flew out of the sand and circled the arena, before plunging into the sand once more. Link waited it the corner of the arena, and put on a mask.
The next thing Farore saw was a giant Link with white hair, and a new sword, that seemed to be twisting around its self. Link fired a beam of magic at Molgera. It hit its tongue. Molgera then exploded. The sand started draining out of the room, and Farore jumped down to where Link was. He took off his mask and grinned at her.
As Link had been thinking about the temple, he had been approaching Termina. When he reached the sand, he took off his mask and pulled out his ocarina. He played a couple of notes, and Epona galloped up to him. He swung his leg up and rode off to Clock Town.
When he reached the outskirts, he dismounted his horse and walked to the inn.
"Link!" he heard when he opened the door, and he was tackled by a very excited Jamie.
"Give him a break, Jamie," Link heard a voice say from the couch, and he saw Kafei and Anju.
Jamie leapt off of Link and he stood up, brushing dust off of his clothes. Anju stood and gave him a hug, and they all sat down, Jamie next to Link.
"So," Kafei asked after Anju had gotten them drinks, "how long are you going to be here this time?"
"Only for an hour or so," Link replied, sighing. "I have to go back to Hyrule and then to a place called Holodrum." Beside him, Jamie sighed and sipped on her glass of milk.
"Well, we might as well enjoy you while we have you," Kafei said, and Anju nodded. Link grinned and turned to Jamie.
"So, have you been practicing your shooting?"
She nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him outside.
"Show me how well you can shoot," he said, and she nodded. He threw one of the Magic Beans from the recent temple into the air. She shot an arrow at it, and the bean fell to the ground, speared by the arrow.
"Bet you can't do better than that," she said, and Link grinned.
"Shoot an arrow on my mark," he said, and she nodded. He pulled out his own bow and notched it. He nodded at her, and she shot an arrow into the sky. He followed it for a moment, and then let go of the bowstring. His arrow sailed through the air and the two arrows tumbled out of the air.
"Wow," Jamie said. "How did you hit that?"
"I've shot more than you ever will," he said, walking to the door.
Anju and Kafei looked at Link and Jamie as they walked inside, but Jamie dragged him upstairs too fast for them to say anything.
She pulled him to her room and opened the door. The first thing he saw when the door was opened was pink. Her walls were painted pink, the bedspread was pink, and everywhere he looked he saw pink stuffed animals.
"You like it?" Jamie asked, sitting on the bed. He nodded and sat at her desk. The two of them sat there and talked for half-an-hour, and then Link stood up, stretched and moved towards the door. He opened it, and saw Anju wheeling her grandmother into her room.
"Anju," he said, and she started, "Let me do that. You should be resting in your condition."
She looked at him questioningly, and he grinned. "Jamie told me you were pregnant."
She smiled and nodded, saying, "Jamie, I said not to tell people I was pregnant." Link heard a muffled, "Sorry mom!", but pushed the old woman in her room.
Jamie stepped out of her room, and the three of them walked downstairs. Link walked in back, and saw Kafei stirring a large pot.
Link," he said when he saw him, "Will you stay for dinner at least?"
Link nodded, and helped Kafei finish the food, and set a table for dinner. When everyone was sitting sown, Link suggested a silent prayer. In his mind he prayed:
"Holy three Goddesses, please let me have the power to save Zelda from Ganondorf. I need to save her. Please, goddesses, let no harm befall her wherever she is."
When everyone looked up from their respective payers, Kafei started passing the food around. An hour later, Kafei, Anju and Jamie were all giving Link a hug as he prepared to depart.
"Please visit more often," Anju said as Link squeezed her lightly, "We love having you around. Maybe next time you can bring Zelda with you?" Link nodded, and turned to Kafei, who hugged him tightly.
"I guess you'll be back in another two years, huh?" he said, and Link grinned. He turned to Jamie.
He knelt down, and she wrapped him in a tight hug, saying, "Can't you stay for just a little longer? Please?" He smiled and shook his head.
"I have to save Zelda," he said, giving her a little kiss on the cheek as he stood up, "But as soon as she's safe, I promise we'll come visit, okay."
She nodded and waved as he walked away. A moment later, Kafei, Anju and Jamie walked back inside.
He rode Epona through the Lost Woods and came out in the Kokiri Forest. Saria ran up to him, tears in her eyes.
"Link, you have to come quick," she said, and she sounded urgent.
"What's wrong?" he asked, hopping off his horse.
"It's Mido," she said, "he walked into the Deku Tree's glade, and he's threatening to light him on fire!"
The two of them ran through the forest, and came on the clearing with the Great Deku Tree.
"Mido," Link shouted around, "What's this about?"
"I have something to say," a voice said from the shadows, and a figure garbed in a blue and white skin tight outfit stepped into view.
Link gaped at the figure standing before him. He had blonde hair covering half of his face. His outfit had an eye with a single tear on the front. The lower half of his face was covered in white wrap, as was the top of his head.
"Sheik," Link said.
"Hello Link," Sheik said, standing before Link as if they had known each other their whole lives. "I'm afraid we don't have time to exchange pleasantries," at this he snapped, and Mido fell to the ground. Saria rushed over to see if he was okay. "Link, I have a favor to ask of you."
Link looked at him, and silently nodded.
"Link, I know Zelda has been kidnapped by Ganondorf, and I know that you are doing everything in your power to save her, but you need to save her faster." Link was about to object, but sheik cut him off, "I'm afraid, as long as he holds her captive, my connection to this world grows weaker. If you don't rescue her soon, I will disappear completely."
Link looked at him, and said, "I have a question." Sheik nodded and he continued, "How are you even here? I thought you were Zelda's alter-ego."
Sheik looked approvingly at Link, and said, "It is true that I was once a part of Zelda, but before she sent you back in time, she used a spell to give me my own body, and I came back in time with the two of you, so as to protect the princess."
Link stared at him, and asked, "What did you do to Mido?"
"I simply placed him under a spell. I knew Saria would try and find you." Link was about to object, but Sheik continued, "As I already said, I need you to rescue the princess faster. I cannot remain here much longer without her."
Link looked at him, and turned to Saria, saying, "Is Mido okay?" she nodded her head, but didn't say anything. Link then walked up to sheik, and punched him in the mouth.
"I guess I deserved that," Sheik said, after wiping blood from his mouth. "I can help you, but we need to move faster."
Link nodded and said, "Okay, but if you ever touch my friends again, I will kill you. You got it?"
Sheik nodded and turned to Mido. "Please forgive my actions," he said with a small bow, "I required to speak to Link, but he moves too fast to get at." Mido nodded, but didn't say anything.
Saria ran up to link, gave him a tight hug, and said, "Please be careful Link. You're my best friend. I don't know what I'd do if you went and got yourself killed."
Link grinned down at her, and said, "You know me Saria, always being careful." She giggled and released him.
Link and sheik walked to the edge of the forest, and towards the castle.
Sorry it's been so long since the last update.
I'm running low on inspiration. Send me a Private Message with an idea, and I might incorporate it into my story
So, if you look at my profile, you'll see quotes. I've decides to put a quote from whatever I'm working on, (Whether it be Zelda, digimon or yugioh) at the end of every chapter now, so here's one I really like:
The rising sun will eventually set
A newborn's life will fade.
From sun to moon, moon to sun...
Give peaceful rest to the living dead
On the tombstone where you get the Sun's Song. Just epic.