So, this is my first Blue Exorcist fic. I'm really nervous. Up until now, I've only done Sasunaru fics...

Well, if this fic continues... It MAY contain slight MephistoXRin, abuse, rape, and other things. It WILL contain Okumuracest, self mutilation, potty mouths, and angst. Lots of angst.

Disclaimer: No ownie, that honor belongs to Kazue Kato-sensei... :C

FYI, the prologue takes place in the future, in the last chapter... Just to be clear. Also the background of this fic is the same up until chapter fifteen. The events of this fic happen instead of the Kyoto mission.


"No! Don't do it!"

The figure paused. It slowly turned around to face the person who dared call after him. Though it was dark, the exorcist could see the figure's eyes clearly; they seemed to glow in the darkness. They were cold, like he had never seen before.

"I have to." The figure clothed in black, to blend in with the night, said, with his voice as icy as his eyes were. Then he turned once more and continued towards the gate.

"Please don't do this! Please! There's another way! This can't be the only answer!" The exorcist's voice shook, practically begging now.

The figure didn't even turn around. It just walked straight into the gate.

But not before locking eyes with the other boy and, the boy could have sworn, mouthing "I'm sorry."

The gate closed, and there was silence.

"Are you ready?"

Okumura Rin nodded, his eyes blazing with determination, and the heat of battle. Rin knew he shouldn't, but he loved missions like these. Everyone else in the circle followed suit, and nodded, their eyes determined as well.

"Then let's go!" Suguro Ryuji, AKA Bon, yelled in a way that was meant to be motivational, and stood up from his crouching position.

Rin, Shima, Konekomaru, Shiemi, and Izumo followed suit.

The group of exwires were on a mission much harder than they'd anticipated. Demons of all types were running rampant throughout the world right now, as if a switch has turned on, and exorcists were quickly becoming few and far between. Many of them had fallen in the line of duty lately, especially in the last couple of months. Things had gotten so bad that the Knights of the True Cross had to rely on exwires, the lowest of the low. That explained why Rin and company were currently out on assignment far away from True Cross Academy. It didn't explain, however, why they were surrounded on all sides by hordes of demons so thick none of them could see past the bushes they were hiding in. And not just low level demons, either. Some of them were pretty high level, and really shouldn't be left to those that technically weren't exorcists yet.

They had no choice but to fight for their lives. The one seasoned exorcist that had been assigned to watch over them had died hours ago, eaten by a demon.

The six exwires dashed out of their hiding spot. The plan?

There was none.

The exwires were so hopelessly outnumbered that chances were low they'd all survive this. There were no reinforcements nearby that could get here in time. After a quick strategy meeting, and realizing their odds, the six of them had just decided to do their best and take as many down as possible.

Rin unsheathed Kurikara as he charged at the demons, brilliant blue flame spurted all around him. His fangs grew longer and sharper, his ears grew long and pointy like an elf's, his nails grew into claws, and his tail popped out, just like it always did.

Rin loved the feeling. It was such a rush, to have all this power at your fingertips. But Rin knew where all this power came from, and that kept him from fully giving himself over to it.

Much as Rin hated anything to do with his "father", he knew he needed his flames to fight. So, faced with an army of demons intent on killing him and his friends, Rin did the only thing he could think of.

He gave his flames control. He let loose, burning anything he didn't immediately recognize as a comrade.

Before long the whole forest was on fire. Just this one time, it worked to their advantage as it spread, killing demons without Rin having to lift a finger. But already, it was hard to stay in control. To maintain his sanity.

Fight it! You gotta fight it! Show those flames whose boss! Rin repeated this over and over in his mind, like a mantra. You control your flames! Don't let them control you! Don't fear them! As if he said it enough, it might be true.

Demon after demon met its end at the point of Rin's sword, but they still kept coming. Dammit, they're fucking never-ending! I cut down two, and like five more show up! Aren't there any more exorcists left in this part of Japan?

Rin slashed Kurikara through a particularly nasty smelling, large demon before feeling secure enough to take a glance around to look for his friends.

Suguro was across the clearing, crouching down in a defensive position, while chanting the death verse of the demons around him, who were thankfully all the same species, so they'd all die at the same time. His right arm was bleeding heavily, so Rin guessed that was why he wasn't physically fighting. Shima and Konekomaru were a few feet in front of Suguro, warding off the demons trying to get their friend. Shima used his staff, while Konekomaru chanted and threw holy water grenades.

Izumo was behind Rin, throwing grenades as well. Her two foxes faithfully destroyed any demons coming near her.

They all looked so exhausted. Being half demon, of Satan no less, Rin had a lot more energy than the rest of his team. They were sweaty and panting; their clothes stained with gore and dirt. Konekomaru swayed, and looked about ready to pass out.

Shit. We gotta end this quickly. But these fucking demons keep coming! Everyone looks so tired… Wait, where's Shiemi?

As Rin scanned the area, all the while slashing demons, seeing his friends fighting for their lives, his flames subconsciously were brought closer to the clearing, tightening their ring around the forest.

Suguro, Shima, and especially Konekomaru flinched at the close proximity, visibly uncomfortable. It brought back painful memories of what those same blue flames had caused them to lose. Of what they could still lose. But now wasn't the time for that, so the three did their best to ignore the brilliant blue lighting up the forest.

Izumo didn't even give any indication that she had noticed them, though they were impossible to miss. The flames were bright enough to illuminate everything in sight, making it easy to see their adversaries, and working to their advantage once again. The forest would be very dark otherwise.

Finally, Rin spots Shiemi just outside the clearing with her little greenman, nee, at her side. She was walking further away, with her familiar following,

That idiot! Why didn't she stay with Izumo?

A group of at least twenty demons was surrounding Shiemi, ready to pounce. Seeing this, Rin gave up on clearing his own area of the clearing and ran for Shiemi.

Abruptly, Shiemi darts underneath the legs of a tall demon with a speed no one knew she possessed. She appeared to have no direction, darting back from left to right as she dodged demon after demon.

As Rin ran after Shiemi, slashing demons in his path, he saw what she must be running towards as he drew nearer. A little boy, no older than five or so, was pinned against a tree trunk by a demon squeezing his throat. There was no way he could breathe, and it appeared the demon intended to suffocate the little guy slowly.

Rin ran faster, trying to catch up with Shiemi. There was no way she could save the little boy alone.

Out of nowhere, a gigantic demon appears behind Shiemi, with its skin rotting off, giving a horrible stench. It heads for Shiemi, unbeknownst to the blonde. She doesn't even sense it because the demon nearly blends into the surroundings; Rin's fire hadn't reached there yet. Its grotesque, huge hand reaches out for Shiemi's hair, missing her by a mere centimeter. Because of its size, it must be a little slower than your average demon. It tries again, misses by half a centimeter. But it won't get another chance.

"Shiemi!" Rin yells, causing both Shiemi and the demon to turn around. Thankfully, Shiemi doesn't stop running, unlike the demon. The demon doesn't fail to notice, and with a leap, finally succeeds in grabbing Shiemi's shoulder.

"Shiemi!" Rin yells again, and flames burst out everywhere. Hotter than ever before, they latch onto everything in sight. Even Shiemi.

It's like an electric shock, straight through Rin's veins. The shock flows throughout his body, like a livewire. It was better than any high, Rin was sure. The pure, raw strength flowing through him… It was unimaginable. Rapidly, Rin felt himself slipping; losing to that shock flowing through him like a poison.

No. No. No. Stay calm. Control your flames! Control your flames! Don't lose to them! Slowly, ever so slowly, the flames began to die down where they were not wanted. Rin stood in place for a minute, staring at the spot where the demon had been before being burned alive. Shiemi!

Frantically, Rin ran to Shiemi several feet ahead, who was lying face down in the ground. Rin shook her, but she didn't move. No. she couldn't be. She just couldn't be. There were no burns on her, only a scratch or two. Even in his half-crazed state, Rin had thought of Shiemi enough to know not to burn her. So why… why wasn't she moving?

"Shiemi! Wake up! You have to wake up!" Rin shook her and shook her, but to no avail. He felt a pulse, and her breathing was normal, so Rin surmised that Shiemi must have just passed out from shock. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Sensing a presence behind him, Rin turns around to see the little boy Shiemi had been trying to save. The demon must have been killed by Rin's flame. It's a miracle that the boy hadn't been burnt himself.

The little boy had short, light brown hair that fell over his chocolate brown eyes on his cherubic face. Pink lips trembled, trying to hold back more tears and screams. There was obvious fear in his eyes, but the way his little body was shaking violently made the fear more visible.

The boy stood there, holding an arm that had a bloody gash; his shirt was ripped in a few places, and there were red markings that would turn into bruises on his throat where the demon had strangled him, but other than that, he seemed fine. After a few seconds the boy gave in and started to cry.

Oh. Of course. Of course he was scared of Rin. Standing over Shiemi, with his fangs bared and flames floating around, not to mention that fact that it was obvious the flames were under his control. He must look really scary, with blood on his shirt from the multiple scratches and lacerations that he had gotten from demons as he'd charged through the forest. He must look… Like a demon. And a demon had just tried to kill that little boy.


"I'm not going to hurt you." Rin said softly, trying to calm the child down. "It's okay. I'm here to help you. Please don't cry."

When Rin took one step forward, the little boy backed up, and started sobbing.

"Hey! Calm down! It's okay!" Rin couldn't help raising his voice as he grew more panicked. He took another step, but stopped when the boy's sobs grew louder, and put his hands up in the air to show he meant no harm. It didn't seem to help thought, as the boy kept sobbing.

"See, look, I'm not going to hurt you, okay? Can you calm down?" Rin worked on keeping his voice steady, low, and calm, but it was kind of hard when your friends could possibly be dying all around you. It does something to a guy.

The boy whimpered and sunk to the ground. He put his head between his knees and sobbed some more. He was sure he was going to die by this demon now.

"I told you, I'm not the bad guy here! Why are you so scared of me?" Rin almost yelled, getting irritated, even though he already knew the answer. But time was a luxury he couldn't afford right now.

"You're gonna eat me, aren't you? You saved me from that other demon to eat me yourself, didn't you? You're gonna eat me!" The boy wailed, his shoulder shaking violently from the sobs.

Suddenly, or not so suddenly, Rin was pissed. Here he went to all this trouble to save the little brat and Shiemi, and what thanks did he get? Some boy telling him he was a cannibal!

"I don't think you'd taste good." Rin growled, and he couldn't help but glare.

"But you went after that lady! You hurt her! That's why she's on the ground, not moving! You're a monster!" The boy wailed again.

He did not just say that. That word was a big no-no in Rin's book. He was pissed now.

"Listen here, you little sh-" Rin yelled back, but was cut off by Suguro, Shima, and Konekomaru running in front of the little boy and yelling.

"Don't touch him, Okumura! What have you done?"

Rin froze. Why… Why were they looking the boy over, as if to be sure Rin hadn't hurt him? Why were they looking at Rin as he were the monster here?

"What the hell? I didn't do anything but save his ass!" Rin glared at the three exwires in front of the little boy. He took a step forward.

"Don't come any closer, Okumura! You set the forest on fire, attacked Shiemi, and were coming for this little boy! What are we supposed to think?" Suguro glared, and Shima nodded, agreeing.

Rin's expression remained that of fury, but inside it felt like his heart was being torn to pieces. How could they think he'd ever attack Shiemi or an innocent little boy? They hadn't been on the best of terms as of late, since it hadn't been too long since they'd found out about his demonic heritage, but didn't they know him better than that?

"Look, I saved all your sorry asses! I made sure the fire didn't spread too much, and I did my best to not burn down too many trees! It killed more demons than any of your little spells did! And Shiemi's fine, she just fainted!"

Rin took a step forward, despite what Suguro had said a minute ago, but when Shima grabbed his staff defensively and aimed it at Rin, he froze. The way they looked at him like he was a wild animal. The fear in their eyes they were trying so hard not to show, but he still saw it. The little boy's cowering. The way they stood in front of the boy protectively, but their stances offensive. Ready to defend from Rin and to attack Rin. Even Izumo, from her stance several feet away, throwing grenades at any left-over demons that came too close to the other exwires, seemed to be eying Rin warily.

It was all too much. Rin's blood boiled, and his flames shot up all around. They surrounded the group, with each second drawing closer to the four. They backed up, fear written all over their faces. The little boy screamed.

Calm down! Calm down! Calm down! Don't let those flames get any closer! Make them go away! They're too hot! Cool them down! Rin worked on steadying his breathing, and slowly, oh so slowly, he felt the heat and adrenaline in his veins start to fade. The flames died out just as slowly, leaving bare patches of dirt on the forest floor. Rin panted slightly with the effort it took to force the flames and the raw energy away. He would sheathe his sword, but he needed to be ready at a moment's notice in case any demons came back or more appeared.

Suguro stepped forward this time, his fists clenched angrily, and spoke heatedly "You're losing control, Okumura. Keep it up and you'll kill us all." With that, he stalked off to pick up Shiemi, Shima, Konekomaru (who had been cowering almost as much as the little boy throughout the exchange), and the boy following closely behind, leaving a shocked and frozen Rin standing rigidly with his bowed.

Okumura Yukio walked through the ornately decorated hallway of the Knights of the True Cross Japan Branch HQ with the quick, deliberate steps of someone with a purpose. A purpose, to be specific, that they didn't' exactly enjoy.

Yukio knew the calm mask he had on didn't betray the anxiousness he was feeling. Even though his heart was beating faster than it should, his impassive expression betrayed nothing. When he reached his destination he opened the door to the office and strode in with confidence. But not too much to appear impolite, of course. Even though he was pretty sure that he could take on the one that sat in the huge desk, if it came down to it.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Yukio asked politely.

"Yes," The man replied just as polite, but with a haughty tone "It's about Okumura Rin."

"My brother?" Oh, this could not be good.

"Yes. We have decided that he needs to be dealt with. Permanently."

Rin lay on his bed, flat on his back, just staring at the ceiling. Kuro lay on his stomach, and he just stroked him, keeping a peaceful rhythm. It felt good to see the demon cat again. Rin hadn't seen the little guy in over a week, due to the mission, which he had just got back from last night. He had been instructed to leave Kuro behind, since the academy had requested Kuro's services again to guard it. The demons were greatly increasing around the Academy too.

The cat had been even clingier than normal ever since Rin got back. When he'd walked through the door it had jumped on him with such force he'd been knocked back a few feet, Kuro's cries of "Rin! Rin! I missed you, Rin!" drowning out anything else. It hadn't left his side since. For that, Rin was grateful. Yukio hadn't been home last night, and he didn't feel like being alone.

So there Rin lay, pondering how to fix the latest mess he'd gotten into, when the door burst open. The other occupant of the dorm, Yukio, stormed in, throwing his bag on his bed angrily. He didn't even look at Rin, although the older twin could practically see the dark aura radiating off the younger one.

That was not a good sign. Rin had only seen Yukio like this a handful of times, and each time Rin had secretly been a little scared for his life. He had no idea what made Yukio that mad this time, but at times like these, it was best to just shut up, suck it up, and put up. Making no sudden movements and no eye contact helped too.

That's why Rin said nothing back; he just lay and stroked Kuro, like had been for about a half hour. It wasn't like him to stay still this long, but even he had his moments.

Yukio was even more still, just standing there tensely, his back to Rin and the dark aura growing. Rin was startled when Yukio finally spoke.

"What are you doing?" it was said almost blankly, but knowing Yukio as well as he did, Rin sensed the hidden malice behind the words. It made him shiver ever so slightly.

"Nothing." Rin said quickly, trying not to run out of the room as fast as he could. He had no idea what was going on to make Yuko act like this, but he knew it couldn't be something good.

"Nothing? So you're doing nothing?" Rin nodded reluctantly. He didn't like where this was going.

"So you have nothing else you could be doing right now?" Rin shrugged. Yeah, he could be training with his flames right now, but he just didn't' feel like seeing all that blue again.


Yukio breathed heavily, finally taking a breath. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. It felt good. Until he looked at Rin's face.

Rin looked like he'd been slapped. There was no other way to describe it. His eyes were wide with shock. Ever so slightly more watery than normal. For a brief second, Yukio could see the aspects of the slap that weren't physical: the pain. The raw pain.

Whenever a person is slapped, even if the act itself didn't' hurt that much, it still caused pain, pain that you could see in a person's eyes. And right now, Yukio could see that pain in Rin's eyes, even though he hadn't actually been slapped.

When Rin noticed Yukio was staring at him he jumped off the bed and ran out the door, slamming it behind him. It left cracks in the wall.

Kuro sat on the bed, disgruntled from being thrown off his favorite resting place, and shocked from the words that had been exchanged. He had never heard Yukio yell like that. He hissed at Yukio for yelling at his master, for hurting him like that, and then ran off after Rin.

Yukio stood there, stunned. He honestly hadn't even realized how angry he was until he was yelling. But that wasn't the reason why he was frozen in shock. No, it was because of how Rin had reacted to it. If he thought about it, he would have expected Rin to yell right back, to get angry right back. It was what he had always done.

But not to look like that. Not to look so pained. Ht had never seen his brother like that. And to know that he was the cause of it… Yukio ran his hands through his brunette hair and sighed. Maybe he had taken things too far. He had just been so angry after his meeting…

Yukio sighed again. That was no excuse. He never should have taken it out on Rin, no matter how angry he was. He was doing everything to protect Rin, not hurt him.

A few minutes later, when Yukio was out of his exorcist gear, he walked over to Rin's desk to look for the envelope that had month's food allowance. He'd get go get some groceries before looking for Rin, so that they'd both have time to cool off. Maybe he'd even make dinner tonight, something he'd never done before, to cheer Rin up.

As Yukio moved various things around on top of Rin's cluttered desk, ranging from candy to pencils to manga, he finally found the envelope under a piece of paper. As he grabbed for it, the paper fluttered to the floor. After grabbing the envelope Yuko bent down to pick up the paper. He glanced at it before putting it back on the desk. Yukio did a double take, he was so surprised by what the piece of paper held.

It was the homework, completely done, and mostly correct, by the looks of it.

So, should this continue? I have a couple chapters prewritten, if y'all think I should. Please let me know what you think of this. I accept CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I would love you forever if you reviewed. So, please, please do! Lemme know if you have any questions or suggestions too. Please review! :D I ALWAYS reply to reviewers!