Love is Pain: A Sequel to Pain is Bitter

Chapter Nine- [Letting Go]

AN: The song used in this chapter is 'Letting Go' by Sozzi. I know the lyrics aren't actually too well matched to the chapter, but I couldn't find a better song. Besides, the melody is perfect for the melancholy tone of this chapter… very well suited tune. So, get it if you can, it's a good song. (Btw, to my Goddess sister Dea Draco: I lied. Oops. But I DO have a friend Missy, or Melizard, if that makes it any better).

Last Time:

Hermione backed up to the wall like a caged animal, but a bolt of orange light struck her in the forehead, knocking her unconscious and sending her straight up into the air with the sheer power. The man flew confidently and caught her as she came down, her lifeless body hanging over the broom uselessly. The man behind the mask chuckled and flew into the night, towards the light of a giant pillaging fire in the distance. He did not hear the moan from under the rubble. Or the rumble as the rocks rolled down their pile and over the floor. And he did not notice as a bloodied Malfoy watched helplessly from the ground the silhouette of a man on a broomstick with a girl hanging over it flew into the moon.



He never did know how he did it. It seemed impossible. Was it just craziness? The will to survive? Or his love for Hermione? But somehow, Draco Malfoy climbed out of that tower, walked 5 miles to the nearest town, stood in the town square, and screamed: "Are there any non-Muggles here?"

Luckily for him, there had been one. She had cast memory charms over the stunned Muggles and taken Draco back to her house, tutting as she dragged him. Not wanting to cast another memory charm, she did not use her wand in front of the curious towns-people. Once in the safety of her house she had apperated with him to St. Mungo's.

4 broken ribs, 1 broken arm, 3 large leg wounds, 1 serious wound to the mid-section, 2 head injuries, and almost 3 liters of blood lost. The nurses and doctors at St. Mungo's were in awe. Who was this guy? Superman?

He had yet to wake up, so they couldn't ask.

Not that they had time to speculate.


Hogwarts was a bloodbath. The worst hit since Voldemort had died, some said. Worse, said Dumbledore. There had been 994 students and staff at Hogwarts… now there were only 443. Half of an entire generation of British wizards wiped out.

The enemy had gotten into the bunkers. Albus, Ronan and Aberforth had guarding… yet even they couldn't hold the army back. Nobody had ever gotten past the three Dumbledores together. McGonagall and Flitwick had been captured. Snape, Aberforth, Trelawney, and Sinistra were all in the hospital wing. Binns had somehow… died? Well, his ghost was no more, he must've found his redemption amidst the fighting. Vector and Pince were dead. Poppy was run off her feet even with help from Hooch, Sprout's greenhouses were running low on virtually everything, Filch and Mrs. Norris were working with Hagrid in the forbidden forest, and Lupin had left on "official Hogwarts business".

One third of the entire Ministry army was dead. Another third was injured. No wizard had ever seen this much destruction in a single attack. This was not Voldemort, with his pomp and his ritual. This was a bloody force, an entire fleet of men fueled by pure hatred.

This was an army like no other.


Hermione woke slowly, her mind surfacing from the depths of dreams, not connecting with her body.

"Draco? Dumbledore? Stephen?" She called softly, rubbing her eyes. There was no answer. She heard a faint rustling and a door opening, and tried unsuccessfully to open her eyes.

"Sorry to disappoint you, it's only me," said a voice that sent chills down her spine. With the sound of that cold, slippery voice her body seemed to finally connect to her mind. The sensations hit her like a bucket of cold water, making her gasp and jerk. Cold, chains, floor, pain, rocks, head, pain…

"Wh-who?" She choked out, writhing slightly and forcing her eyes to open. Everything swam into focus, from the swirl of gray, black and red to dungeon, chains, blood, robes, two smiling faces…

"My name is Yamin…" That horrible voice saying that horrible name was even worse. Her entire body felt as thought it was gripped tightly in ice before it was suddenly released, making her jerk again and back into the wall, cringing. She was so confused… and then it became crystal clear.

"We apparated… you… you killed Draco!" Hermione said, horror spreading over her dirty face as she looked up at the man clearly for the first time.

"He's not dead, unfortunately. I'd lie to you, but I think it would be better just to tell you the truth… lots of truths about everything, Hermione."

"What… what are you talking about? I know the truth about things… you attacked Hogwarts didn't you?"

"Ah, you are smart. Yes, I did attack Hogwarts. Lots of people died… it was nice." He said, eyes faraway for a second before snapping back to her. They were so cold and empty, everything about him seemed so cold and empty. The man behind him… there was something so familiar about him… "You will learn the truth Hermione, I will show you many things, but now you must rest." He said, raising his wand.

Hermione shielded her face with her arms in fear, but the orange light that hit her felt almost warm, comforting… She fell into it, relaxing into a sleep, until at the last moment she sensed the coldness and emptiness behind it and struggled… but she was already too deep… she succumbed.


The families were arriving, hopeful and miserable. The Dumbledore brothers sat at the head table, looking mournful. The sea of faces spread before them, waiting. Albus began.

"Stewart Ackerly," A wail was heard from the back of the hall, and the other parents turned away embarrassedly, hiding their sympathy for the forlorn woman, not knowing how to respond. At least it wasn't them… "Owen Cauldwell, Colin Creevy, Emma Dobbs, Laura Madley, Natalie McDonald, Graham Pritchard, Orla Quirke,…" The list went on. The weeping got louder. The hopeless had no shame and the hopeful were ashamed of their hope.


When he woke, he had been almost fully healed. He had a scar on his stomach from the gash there, and he hadn't shaved in a month. Other than that, the boy was in perfect condition. He got out of his hospital bed one day, walked up to the counter, and demanded he be released. He got his papers, he read the Daily Prophet, he got the Knights Bus to Hogwarts. He walked through the rubble and the wreckage, he walked past the mourners and the searchers still looking for bodies, he walked straight to Dumbledore's office and demanded to be let in.

"Why haven't you begun searching for Hermione?" He asked, hands firmly planted in the center of the desk.

"Ah Mr. Malfoy, I see you're back."


Hermione stared at the stars from her velvet window seat, smiling slightly, thinking about the recent events. Over the month that she had been prisoner, she had been moved to nicer rooms as she began to accept the truth.

That Yamin was her friend.

He'd told her so, back when she'd been unsure… she remembered…

"If I wasn't your friend, would you be treated so well? I have given you nothing but comfort." He said, brown eyes pleading.

At first she was hostile, but then she began to think that she was being foolish, he had done nothing after all. Nobody's eyes could be cold and empty, especially not Yamin's! He was warm and witty and charming, not cold and empty. She had just been scared and confused that day. He was only keeping her here until she recovered from her wounds and her fever, which was still not diminishing. He had been kind, not cruel. He had revealed to her the truths of life.

He had admitted things to her, like how he had attacked Hogwarts… for the greater good. She realized that now. He had been trying to save the children from that evil man, Dumbledore. Dumbledore… he had told her about how Dumbledore had been in league with Tom Riddle, how he had wanted to keep the Philosopher's stone for himself. How Dumbledore trained Death Eaters in their very midst, the shunned and mislead Slytherins.

She believed him, why would he lie?

He had taught her lots of things. The Ministry was a hoax, a cover for a dictatorship headed by Fudge, a sick organization with Gestapo-like methods and Nazi-imitation training and thinking. And he had taught her about Draco, her very own Fiancé. Whom she had known so very little about. Looking back, she wondered how she had fallen for him, his stupid little jokes and the way he followed her around like a love-sick fool, when he was obviously smarter than that… no, she was smart, Draco, like Yamin, was intelligent. Those icy grey eyes were so bright… always thinking. But Yamin used his intelligence for the greater good. He led a French Resistance styled army of men, all ready to fight to the death for him and his cause.

The masks…

"The masks symbolize many things, Hermione." He had replied, as they walked around a small, sunny pond together, enjoying the light breeze. "The White of the mask symbolizes purity, innocence, and thus, knowledge of the truth, and of the way things should be. The red blood symbolizes the perversion, the corruption, of Dumbledore, Voldemort, and the Ministry, as it seeps into the innocent and unsuspecting Wizarding World.

Draco, he was helping Dumbledore.

"Would you like to see Draco, Hermione?"

That had been right after she had first woken up. She remembered nodding eagerly, like a child being asked if they wanted to see the circus when it came to town… of course! She could hardly believe that Yamin was being so kind…

He waved his wand and the air seemed to sparkle for a moment before an image appeared.

Draco! Her heart had skipped a beat as she saw him walking through the halls of Hogwarts, smirk firmly in place as he sauntered towards the dungeons. She watched entranced, a slow smile spreading over her face as he stopped to check his hair in the glass of a trophy cabinet… funny, he hasn't done that in a while…and then entered an empty classroom. Wait, it wasn't empty… Pansy was there. Looking beautiful as always, leaning over a magazine, reading a colorful article, absorbed and not even noticing Draco. Until he leant over her and gave her a peck in the cheek. Hermione leaned closer to the screen, confused. Her smile faded as they kissed more passionately, her mind racing to rationalize… but it couldn't. Tears stung her eyes and she looked away.

"Turn it off." She said, and the picture flickered and disappeared. She knew she wasn't beautiful like Pansy was, she was cute… in a quaint sort of way. But she had thought…

…. He had stopped to check his hair in the glass…

"He was younger…"

"Yes, what you saw was from Second Year." Hermione's heart leapt for a moment, before it came crashing down into reality.

"…I just… need to know. Please?" She asked, with a faint underlying tone of desperation.

…"No. Pansy and I have never gone out."… Draco had told her once….

"You're a smart girl, Hermione. But naïve… you just accept things as they are, you have to see the corruption behind things. Think about it…"

He was a Slytherin. He was Head Boy. He was going to marry her so he and Dumbledore could bring her round to their way of thinking, the way of thinking that promoted the old ways, domination by force, dictatorship. He didn't really love her, he had lied to her. He was probably in love with Pansy, that was why he was so upset about her and Blaise…

"He hasn't come for you Hermione. Don't you think, that if he really loved you, he would rescue you?"

Hermione hung her head in shame. "Yes," she whispered.

"When I captured you, he thought I would do you harm, but he didn't try very hard to stop me, did he?"


How could someone's image of another change so much? How was her hero breaking into bits before her very eyes? His pedestal was gone, his legs were broken and he was lying on the ground… soon he would be dust, free to blow away.

Her gaze turned to the stars once more, tears stinging her eyes yet again. For a brief moment, she felt such a strong desire… rescue me Draco… before she snapped back to reality… Draco isn't going to rescue you, and you don't need to be rescued.


"Newfoundland is where his headquarters are, right?"

"Well, yes, but…"

"Why aren't we in Newfoundland?"

"We can't just jump into things. You know that."

"Maybe you can't, but your fi… the love of your life isn't half-dead at the hands of a wanted murderer."

"Draco, don't get dramatic."

"I'm not being dramatic! It's the truth. I don't care if you don't plan on jumping into things, because I do."

And with that he stormed out of the office. The seven adults in the room looked at each other.

"The broom shed?" suggested Snape, before they all nodded and set after him.

Albus, Snape, Remus, Sirius, Hagrid, Aberforth, and Ronan walked to the broom shed in silence. Seven grim men watched the tiny figure of their now-respected comrade fade into the azure sky.

"He's got determination. I'll give him that," Sirius said, eyeing the figure.

"But he's headstrong and reckless," Remus pointed out, ever sensible.

"He loves Hermione a lot," Sirius defended.

"At what cost?" Remus parried.

"That depends on whether or not we can catch him or not," Snape said with determination, heading toward the nearest broom.

"So, promoted yourself to the rescue party, have you?" Sirius sneered.

Snape scowled back.

"Snape has close friends that need to be rescued as well," Albus reminded Sirius.

"McGonagall and Flitwick? Severus Snape cares for nobody…" Sirius began smugly, to be cut off by a glare from five of the other men.

Snape had turned back to picking a broom.

"Well who's coming?" Remus said, exasperated. "We're wasting time."

Aberforth was eyeing the goat that Hagrid kept behind his hut and fingering his wand, so Albus hastily cleared his throat.

"Aberforth, Ronan, Hagrid and I will hold the fort." He said, nodding to the castle.

"We might need you Albus...," Remus protested.

"You flatter me. You can handle this on your own. The parents are still coming and the school is in shambles, they need me here," Dumbledore said emphatically. The others nodded in agreement, and the two groups separated.

Sirius, Remus and Snape were going through the brooms when Snape looked up.

"Why don't we just apparate?" He asked, looking at the other two. Sirius smacked his forehead.

"Why didn't I think of that?" He said, shaking his head. Snape bit his tongue. They started towards Hogsmeade when Sirius suddenly asked, "Why didn't Draco think of that?"

"Only expert Apparaters with experience can Apparate over such large spaces, the Atlantic Ocean is formidable. He might get splinched. He's only had his license for a few months, he remembers these things," Severus said snidely, quickening the pace.

Once they were outside of the Hogwarts gates, they disappeared, almost in perfect unison. Rescue Mission underway… Sirius thought to himself, grinning.


They met for breakfast as they usually did, in the little nook next to Hermione's room. Bright morning sun shone through the window, though the temperature did not match. The heat was on though, and they sat down to their luxurious breakfast at the small, white iron Victorian style table, smiling and greeting each other as usual.

"What is the name of the Manor again?" Hermione asked, looking out over the sprawling grounds.

"Abhinatha Manor." Yamin replied, still sipping his Jasmine tea. "Do you like the tea?"

"Yes, very much." Hermione smiled vaguely, still staring out the window.

The rest of the meal was spent in contemplative silence, until they were both finished and Yamin asked Hermione to walk with him in the gardens. She accepted delightedly, the gardens of Abhinatha Manor were beautiful, lush and exotic, even in the chilly climate, they thrived due to magic. Hermione loved the brilliant fuschias, pinks, purples, yellows, oranges and blues that shone brightly and diffused a sweet and heady fragrance. They stopped briefly, arms linked, to watch a cheery parrot.

"Hermione is a beautiful lady!" it cawed, making Hermione blush.

"Is Aakav hiding in the bushes then?" She asked, smiling slightly.

"No, the parrot simply knows when he sees a beautiful lady!" Yamin exclaimed, smiling.

The moment crashed when Hermione said wryly, "What would he say if he saw Pansy?"

And felt her eyes moisten again. Yamin touched her shoulder gently, smiling softly, and their eyes locked. Hermione was breathless…. Captivated, as his hand slid down to her waist and drew her closer; enraptured as his head lowered and his mouth met hers. In that instant, the tangible power that flew between them, tingling through her lips, down her throat and soaring painfully through her entire body, and Hermione's eyes opened, making her sway slightly. The entire world was tinted orange and she gripped Yamin's shoulder for support. The last thing she saw was his unconcerned visage, and in that moment, before she fainted, she knew she had made a grave mistake in trusting this man.


The three men stared at the Manor from a distance.

"It has to be him. What other Indians have rich manors with flowers that only bloom in India live in Newfoundland?" Snape said, starting towards the gates.

"None, but we should wait for Draco."

"Where is he, do you reckon?"

"Almost here, I would bet. Ten minutes, tops." Sirius said just as Draco popped into view a few feet from them, broom over shoulder. He scowled at them.

"Thanks for waiting." He said as he walked past, heading straight towards the gates, only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He turned, ready for a confrontation, and was shocked when he was hit by a muting curse.

"Listen Draco, we have all been in love, well except for maybe…" Sirius noted Snape's narrowed eyes and decided against it. "All three of us know what it's like to be in love. It makes you reckless. We have three lives to save in there. You'll know this is for the best in the end. Sorry," Sirius said, and before anyone could blink, Draco was unconscious on the ground.

Sirius caught Remus' eye and they made a silent agreement. Remus bent next to the boy and Disapparated.

In a few minutes, he reappeared next to them, rubbing his hands together.

"Let's get this over with."


She awoke comfortable in her bed, she could not say how many hours, if any, later. All she knew was the heavy sense of dread that filled her could not be. There was a lump in her throat and her eyes felt moist, so she sat up in her bed and got the glass of orange juice that always stood on her bedside table, taking a long sip of the cool, relaxing drink. The lump did not go away.

She had spent a lifetime building up her morals, her black and white sense of what was wrong and what was right. In one month at Abhinatha, all of that had vanished. She didn't know what to believe any more. All she knew was that her chest felt tight and she wanted to see Stephen, and Charmian and Crookshanks. She just wanted to get away from all this confusion, so she could sort out her blurry convictions and fuzzy morals.

She lay back on the bed, closed her eyes, and wished fervently that she was in Hogwarts, that she and Draco were still enemies, and that she was happily ignorant. She heard a tapping noise on the window and blearily opened her eyes, expecting to see Yamin in his sparrow Animagi form, but what she saw made her heart leap.

A hand reaching through the window, beckoning to her. She ran to the window, the helpless thought of, "Draco!" running through her head unbiddably, until the window had been pushed open and the chilly air brushed over her and she realized it was Remus, sitting on a broom and smiling at her. Her smile faded only slightly before coming back in almost full radiance.

She took his outstretched hand and climbed onto the sill, stepping into thin air trustingly and falling into a sitting position in front of Remus. In the skies ahead she could see Snape and McGonagall and Sirius and Flitwick, circling to make their landing outside the gates of Abhinatha. They took a moment to readjust themselves and Hermione looked back at the Manor almost wistfully, only to find her eyes meeting with Yamin's. He stood in her window, looking at her helplessly, a question in his gaze.

'Never,' she felt herself mouthing, though she didn't know why, and saw his lips curving into his beguiling smile.

She felt the jolt of intense pleasure and swayed slightly as the azure sky flicked orange for a second, before looking away and signaling to Lupin that she was ready to leave. She didn't look back, but she knew that the vision of him standing there, smiling so enchantingly, would always be burned into her brain. The broom soared off towards the others of the group, and she braced herself for the ordeal that lay ahead.


The group of six made their way slowly from Hogsmeade, the beaten and bloodied McGonagall and Flitwick holding them up. Hermione hadn't known they were at Abhinatha…while she had been touring the Manor and gardens, petting Yamin's prize horses, and forming a semi-relationship with the Dark Lord himself, they had been languishing in the dungeons, being interrogated by members of the Dark Army.

Now is a good time to flick on Sozzi, for maximum benefits

The sun was setting. The Forbidden Forest and the school were cast in a golden glow, seeming ethereal, like a school for the angels. A soft breeze dawdled over the grasses in the fields, causing them to sway slightly. The golden tint reminded Hermione of the tint of orange that had colored everything around her and the heady surge of power that swept through her after the kiss… was that even a kiss? It seemed like some sort of ritual instead of a kiss… like something secret and perverse that made people giggle shamefully and blush. Dark Magic at its height.

They were at the gates now, she could make out silhouettes in the distance. Her heart was in her throat as she instinctively looked for Draco. He was there, she could make him out between Dumbledore and was that… Ronan. Aberforth was slightly away, facing Hagrid's hut, where a goat grazed peacefully, and Hagrid stood stoically next to Dumbledore. Madam Pomfrey completed the welcome party, even from here Hermione could see her wringing her hands and imagine her tutting worriedly about her new patients. Snape was carrying an unconscious McGonagall, Sirius had Flitwick over one shoulder, and she was limping slightly from the jump out the window… her ankle had twisted on the window sill at Abhinatha.

They stumbled through the gate, Hermione walking ahead of the rest. Her messed hair whipped into her eyes for a moment, but she kept walking, and when the wind cleared her vision, she was in front of the group. Everyone started talking at once, Ronan, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Aberforth... the only ones who remained silent were Draco and Poppy, who had briefly checked over her and then ran on to Minerva and Filius. Draco was simply staring at her, smiling. She looked different to him, somehow… more mature… that might've been because he hadn't seen her for so long… a whole month! The rest of the Professors and "elders" had cleared away in a bit of a separate group respectfully, knowing the young couple needed to be alone.

Draco took a step forward and Hermione remained still, expressionless, as she watched his confused face.

"Hermione, I'm so happy to see you! I was so worried! I missed you, and I didn't know what that guy… Yamin wanted with you, I thought he might hurt you, or… I was frightened to death! It's so good to see that you aren't hurt or changed in any way."

"Happy to see me? Really? I didn't expect you to be." Hermione said, hurt flickering across her face before it was well disguised. The pain in her throat was unbearable, her eyes were stinging and her face was burning. You hate him, Hermione. You're in love with what you think he is. Thought he was. The pain increased and a hand flew on its own accord to her throat. Draco noted this and looked even more confused and hurt than before. He watched her blink rapidly and look at the ground, before she looked up, determined, and swept past him, her robe just brushing his. She walked in quickly, uneven strides towards the castle, one hand still at her throat and the other clutching a handful of her robe so tightly that her knuckles hurt.

"Hermione, you should go to the hospital wing!" Poppy called after her, but Albus quieted her with a look.

Draco ran after his fiancé, catching up with her easily.

"Hermione, wait!" She kept walking, not daring to glance at him. "Hermione stop!" He said again, grabbing her upper arm with more force than he had intended so that she swung around to face him. "What's wrong?"

"You're hurting my arm."

He hastily let go. "I didn't mean to…"

"Don't you ever…." Here she had to pause to take a deep, shaky breath, clutching her throat with both hands now and blinking rapidly. She continued scathingly in her shaking voice, with as much hate, fury, and passion as she could muster, "Don't you ever touch me again, Draco Malfoy."

Draco watched helplessly as she walked off again, this time he didn't bother to follow. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he watched his stony faced love stagger into the castle, leaving him behind. "Fuck," He whispered under his breath, before he covered his face with his hands and began to cry truly for the first time in years.

Don't call me, don't write,

Don't show up in the middle of the night

you know that we need it,

Some time and space to breathe in

I still recall the words you said to me

It's what you did, not say that sets me free

Now how can I, find peace of mind

when you keep coming back again

It's not okay, for you to play,

This game of see-saw with my head

Now it hurts too much, and it hits too hard

And I won't play this part

Don't call me, don't write,

Don't show up in the middle of the night

you know that we need it,

Some time and space to breathe in

So now I say the things I want to say

Sometimes it's better letting go this way

I'll always know, down in my soul

We really had so far to go

I've given all I had to give and now

it's time for me to live, and I won't look back

and I won't regret,

Though it hurts like hell

Someday I will forget

Don't call me, don't write,

Don't show up in the middle of the night

you know that we need it,

Some time and space to breathe in

Don't call me, don't write,

Don't show up in the middle of the night

to say that you've been thinking

'Cause I know it's just the drink in you

It's funny how we seem to mend up here

I never thought I'd see this soul disappear

Don't call me, don't write,

Don't show up in the middle of the night

you know that, we needed

Some time and space to breathe in

and this is letting go, this is letting go, and this is letting go, this is letting go

Don't call me, Don't write,

Don't show up in the middle of the night

you know that we need it

Some time and space to breathe in

Don't call me, don't write,

Don't show up in the middle of the night

to say that, you've been thinking,

'Cause I know it's just the drink in you

The End.

AN: So? So so so so so? *jumps up and down and laughs hysterically* Was that angst or was that angst??? That was such a good high. I'm hyperventilating. I'm such an addict! Eheeheehee! No more Love is Pain! And, do you want a sequel? Do you? Go do the polls, young monkeys! Do them now!

OK, there is strong evidence that there is only 300 students at Hogwarts… ten students in each year per house, 40 students in one year, 40 times 7… if you look through the book, you will come upon countless pieces of evidence to this theory, but I'm too lazy to list them all. If you want the argument, go to:

However, in an interview with JKR, she stated clearly that there were approximately 1000 students at Hogwarts, and since she is the author, I'll trust her. Myself, I think there's 300 and JKR just hadn't thought it out carefully, then spouted out the first number that came into her head, lol. Sounds like something I'd do. 1000 was simply the better choice for this story to show the devastation on large scale that Yamin and his army caused. Now don't you see how hard I work for you people? All the students on the list that Dumbledore began to read were students mentioned in the books (also taken from the student list at the HP Lexicon). See? I told you I work devastatingly hard.

Spanks to reviewers (God I'm just endlessly cheerful today! Joy!):

The Lady-Saint Veronica- Umm, nothing to say really. Didn't I say it all in my email?

I trust you are all going to review all my chapters when gets up and running again? Thanks.

There will be a last sequel (this is a trilogy), called simply, "Love" and I'm going to go make some polls right now for what you want to happen. You are the audience after all! So, go vote if you want to have a say in the goings-on of "Love" (which will be another 9 chapters). I don't know if it'll be out in a few days, or at the end of the summer, because I'm majorly scheduled right now, I'll just have to see when the inspiration hits and how much inspiration there is. See you soon, hopefully! I'm leaving for NYC at 3AM this… well, tomorrow morning… Eek!
