Chapter 5: Hospital Visits, Flying Types And Strange Situations

"Be more Careful next time children." The man said patting Ash on the head with one hand and placing pokeballs he just got back from nurse Joy into his pocket. He patted Ash's head once before heading out the doors.

"Have a nice day Giovanni! " Nurse Joy called out to the man as he left. Giovanni raised his hand up but didn't turn around or stop walking.

"Well that was interesting. Who was that?" Ash wondered out load.

"Oh, that was Giovanni, the strongest gym leader here in Kanto. Is there something I could help you two with?" Nurse Joy said.

"Um rooms for tonight and having our Pokemon checked? Which ever one allows us to take a nap soon." Ash said the sleepiness slowly coming back to her. It seemed her friend was already asleep behind her, and using her chair as support.

Nurse Joy chuckled.

Giovanni looked over the files of the two trainers he had saw at the center. The boy's files didn't hold much interest to him except for some holes that he would have to have his employees look into. The girl's file however was... interesting.

"Send in Jessie, James and Meowth." He said sternly to his secretary through the intercom. He waited only a short while before the three mentioned came into the room.

"Um you call for us boss?" Jessie said nervously. The other two fidgeted at slight bit.

Giovanni picked up the file he had been looking at before and handed it to the blue haired male. "This person is Ash Ketchum. I am assigning your group to watch her growth. You are to report what you find out every two weeks. Do not reveal your connection to team rocket or steal any pokemon. Do you understand? " He asked looking pointedly at them. They all nodded.

"Meowth if possible I want you to be that girl's pokemon.

The three looked at him shocked and with a bit of dread. "Don't give me that look. Nothing I do is not without reason." Giovanni said sternly.

"Right boss." Meowth said with a wince.

"Good go down and speak to agent Remy, he has your back stories and information. "

"Yes boss." the three said before leaving.

Giovanni turned toward the window and looked at the sky. "Ash... Let's see what the world has in store for someone like you."

"Ah what a great nap." Ash said as she rolled up to the front of Viridian Hospital. Pikachu was with Harvey since the last time he went to the hospital with Ash some kids pulled his tail and squished him. Harvey wanted to catch a flying type before trying to make their way to the next town. Lady however wanted to go with her so she was currently snuggling next to clip on her lap. Ash soon rolled up to the front desk and pulled out soon papers and a badge. She did however put glasses on and double check to see if they were the right ones however.

"Can I help you miss?" The male receptionist at the desk ask kindly.

Nodding Ash handed the man the papers. "Yep, I'm Ash and I am here with two registered therapy pokemon. I was hoping we could go around and meet some patients? "

The man looked at the papers and then nodded. He asked her to wait as he spoke with a doctor and made copies of the papers. Ash wheeled herself over to the magazines to wait. It was a while after she got the original paperwork back that a doctor that told her to call him Dil came up to her. " Some other doctors are gathering together a group of the older patients for you to visit but it will take a bit of time. So I will be taking you to see a couple first, the husband will be released tomorrow and that should give us enough time to get the children's wing ready for a visit. Then the adults will be ready. Sorry if it's a little much but therapy pokemon don't visit often."

"Its ok by me. I like meeting new people. " Ash said. Clip and Lady gave agreements to that statement as Ash trailed behind the doctor. They soon followed the man into a open room. "Mr and Mrs Anderson a couple of guests are here to visit for a sort while."

Ash saw a small elderly women sitting on a chair making paper flowers. The taller but thinner man on the bed waved at them to come in since his wife had her hands full. Lady went straight to climbing up the bed and nestling herself between the man's torso and his arm. Clip waited until Ash wheeled herself close to Mrs Anderson's chair and jumped into the older females lap as soon as the paper flower stuff was on the night stand. The elderly couple chuckled at their actions.

It didn't take much effort to get Clip and Lady to go up and try to comfort people. The ability to comfort people when they were hurt, sad or in need of a happy little furball or two to make the day better suited the two just fine. It took a while to get them to learn the signs of how they should approach a person based on body language though. They were real cuddly pokemon though. Ash ended up trying to make a few paper flowers, mostly because Mrs Anderson was very determined to teach the girl. By the time that the doctor came back Ash left the room with nine very...unique looking paper flower things. One she had left with Mrs ANderson.

"That women's a force of nature." Ash mumbled.

"I know, at least it wasn't sowing patterns in cloth though. I can still feel the needle pricks sometimes." Dill said in calm agreement.

"My mom tried to teach me to sow once but I kept messing up. I sowed my pants legs together."

"Hahaha ah, At least its not only me."

Clip and Lady enjoyed the groups of people they got to interact with. Most of the kids were a little shy a first except a girl in a double arm castes with a big grin who was a bit loud and loved it when Lady wrapped herself around the girls neck for a bit. Also a boy just a bit younger then Ash herself that was quite but his eyes lit up when Clip jumped into his lap. The adults found a more subdued comfort with Clip and Lady. Soon they were making their way to the pokemon center but stopped just a bit short to see Harvey sitting on a Dodrio with two Pidgey and four Spearow sitting all over him. Pikachu ran over and jumped onto. Ash's shoulder.

"Ok what the hell?"

"Um well Dodrio got hurt from a Gyarados and stumbled into a tree, knocking these little ones from their nests. One of the Spearow landed on a trainers Pokemon a the guy had his pokemon try to attack them and Dodrio but I couldn't just stand by and watch that happen. So I battled him to make him go away...and well this happened after a while." Harvey said sheepishly.

Ash shock her head and quickly took a picture and titled it 'Harvey Flying Type Knight' and sent it through a email to the people that she knew with the note 'See I am not the only person weird stuff happens to! I leave him alone for a few hours and I come back to find this.'

After Ash convinced the Flying types except on shy Spear to go back to their nesting grounds and the two humans went into the center she got a reply ping. She looked at the email and her eyes twitched.

'Your forgetting that he's traveling with you, of course your luck is rubbing of on him. Troublesome Trainer.'

'Dang you Katrina. Dang you.'

"Well should we wait till tomorrow to travel through the forest or just head out as soon as our pokemon are healed?" Harvey asked.

"Huh? It's almost dark out. We'll stay here for the night before we test the reaction the forest has with your breathing issues." Ash said. Not paying attention to the stares a red and blue haired pair and their Meowth were giving her.


Harvey quickly turned around to see three men in similar black outfits. One had Raticate near him. The other two had a Zubat and a Pinsir. "Alright listen up we're hear to take all the pokemon in this Center!"

"This is a place to heal hurt pokemon! Some of them could be in very bad condition!" Harvey yelled at them. Trying to distract them from seeing Nurse Joy edging words the back."

"Yeah so get lost Sludge Was!" Ash yelled angrily.

The three looked at the two briefly then started to laugh. "Ha a couple of weak cripples and their pathetic Pokemon are trying to tell us what to do that's CUTE Hahaha!" One laughed out.

Harvey winced then scooted over a bit as the Volcano of Ash's temper started to boil.

"Pikachu." ASh whispered to her pokemon in pure anger.

Pikachu nodded before frying the Zubat with a strong Thunder Shock before the men recovered from their laughing fit.

"Wha- Alright brat you asked for it! Raticate Bite!"

"Pinsir use Vice Grip!"

Both of said pokemon lunged at Pikachu. "Lady use Brick Break on Raticate! Erron use Ember on Pinsir!" Harvey said quickly releasing his Flareon into the fight." Both reacted quickly and protected their yellow friend.

"Hey Jessie should we step in and help?" James asked.

"No, we watch. We'll only step in if the two kids start to lose." Jessie said as the three stood in a doorway by the battle.

"Pinsir Seismic Toss on that brown Pokemon! "

"Raticate Pursuit on that Flareon!"

"Lady Defense Curl, Erron use Helping Hand on Pikachu! " Harvey called out.

"Pikachu Thunder Wave on all five of the ones still wake!"

"What!" came the questioning shout from the boys. Lady took a painful hit. Pikachu jumped in front of Erron and zapped the two pokemon and the three wannabe pokemon thief's. It wasn't a small zap either. It seemed Pikachu was just as insulted by these guys as his trainer.

"Well that should hold them until Officer Jenny gets her. Hopefully. " Harvey said with a wince. "Really Ash using that on humans?"

"They were trying to steal the pokemon. I say that my idea is completely reasonable, though if the move their going to get a Thunder Shock instead of a Thunder Wave." Ash said with a wicked grin that told Harvey that she wanted to do more harm then that. He winced but decided to help Lady feel better instead.

End chapter. Don't own pokemon and if I had I would have to be a hell of a lot better then I really am. So thank you to the real creator's of pokemon.