Huehuehue. Thought you would get rid of me that easy, did ya? :D BUT, NOPE, I'M BACK, LIKE A-
*shot multiple times*
… TTwTT Alright, alright, I know. I am super duper sorry for disappearing for like, a year? Two years? Six months? I have absolutely no clue as to how long it's been. But, one random day I decide to log on back, and I re-read all the reviews all of you beautiful people have left me, and… I am honestly touched, once again. Yes, I get that feeling each time I read the reviews.
It's been busy, I can tell you that. And yes, I am now, also addicted to this anime called Hetalia. And Pewdiepie. If you know both of them, you're mah bro. 8D
If you don't, don't worry. You're still mah bro for reading this. xD
Anyway, I shall not be taking up your time and making this a boring, long note of some sort! As mentioned above, I am really, hooked on to Hetalia, and I shall be writing fanfics for that as well. If I can. It's something like a big step seeing as I couldn't write fanfics for any other anime either than Prince of Tennis before. So, therefore, I shall try. owo
Annnnnd moving on to the poll result, apparently everyone has voted 'Yes'. SO THAT MEANS I SHALL BE CONTINUING THE STORY—After watching a few new episodes and re-hooking myself into PoT. Ahahaha-
So, I'd like everyone (who'd like me to continue the story, that is) to drop a review, or PM, or just anything, actually—Just tell me which character to write on! I have repeated requests for Kisarazu Ryou, and once again, I am SO SORRY for such a late reply, but I shall be working on it nevertheless. And, I also intend to complete 'Madly in Love' series soon, so… I'll be accepting around 13 more characters..? After this series has reached up to 30 chapters, it shall gain the status of being complete. I won't be doing one-shots anytime soon. So, please review/PM me your favorite characters, and I will do my part. XD
That's pretty much it. xD Thank you for reading! 3
P.S: I'd like to think my writing style has.. improved a little, at least. Therefore, I'll do my best to make my stories all the more better, so that my dear readers can enjoy!