First of all I'd like to say sorry for those who got a notification of a new chapter just for this.

I wanted to say I haven't forgotten about these stories. But I have a huge exam coming up… it's on June 15th, but I have to cover 35 subjects by that time and I'm not even finished with 10 of those subjects, and I've just been stressing out.

I'm sorry. But after June 15th, just expect a lot of updates because I've been dying to write, but I haven't had the time, so I think after this test I'll be pulling all-nighters just writing and writing.

:3 And I know I've said this before (or I haven't on stories I never posted Author notes) but thank you all for the reviews! They're amazing. I read each one, and every time I read one I just grin like an idiot. XD Ask my friends. :3 So yes. Thank you! And keep them coming. =P

Oh, and guys, don't be afraid to shoot me a message if you want a fanfic written. I /might/ do some one-shots after I'm finished studying, so just send me pairings and I'll get to it. I love filling requests.

Thanks again. I love you all. 3