MP: Well this is a challenge response fic, as said in the summary laid by a good friend of MR's.

But she worded it wrongly so I found a loop hole. It was probably meant to be a 100 themes challenge but seeing as I am in the middle of BOotB, that was a NO. So my loop hole was the fact in her challenge she said we had to use all 100 words, not themes but words. So, with that my devious plan was hatached and now here's the fic. It's rough in places but that's to be expect from using all of the words.

BTW to AkizaShadow, you had 'Alone' on that list twice.


Erol walked into his apartment after a long day on duty of trying to capture that eco freak. He was expecting his woman to be there only to find a small holoprojector sitting on top of a pile of boxes marked 'Keira Hagai.' The captain pressed play and a small holo form of Keira appeared. He and his woman had been on the rocks even before the eco freak had escaped. It had only been accelerated. Then she caught him with his other woman. The stupid girl should have realized he needed more than just her. Her recording started.

"I suppose I deserve this. You left me with wishes of eternity of you and I together, but you deceived me and left me hurt, alone with your broken words and a beautiful lie. This only led to tears and betrayal once I saw your true reflection in the mirrors. It made me uneasy to see how twisted, scarred, and hollow you really were, in fact you were unrecognizable. I can't… I can't begin to get your toxic shadows out of my heart. It's like poison in my veins, these remnants of our forbidden love sealed in blood. I don't know how I will deal with the hardship of the aftermath of my heartbreak. It's just not the same."

"When we first met, I thought to myself, 'Am I dreaming?' Are you 'Too good to be true?' In the secret alley where your dark kiss had me addicted. Don't you remember? I was so caught up in you I was drowning in you. I'm in a storm, no a tempest of emotion because of the fact that you are a vile backstabber. My friends tried to warn me about your masquerade, but when I was in your arms, surrounded by your illusion, I believed every promise you made. Then it was you who cause this, our broken destiny with your dark oath to never be true to anyone, even in death."

"You are always running away from emotions and into confrontation with enemies and allies alike. We are at a breaking point and it's too late, though it's not over yet, we are hardly at a stalemate. We are both hunter and hunted with this game of chance where it is double or nothing as we are toying with fate. I don't go, and I won't go, in for the kill yet because the dying fire is still burning in my heart after your massacre of it, and I am slightly disturbed by how relentless you were, you really are the devil in disguise."

"If V is for Vendetta, I suppose R is for Revenge. No, don't speak or scream at me. You're more of a riddle than a mysterious man. That is in no way a compliment. The world is not as black and white as we are led to believe but you are not on the side of Light. We are on two roads, two diverging paths. You should give up on trying getting me back. Your desperation is rather unbecoming."

"You wasted your last chance with me when I saw you dancing with that other woman and you tried to school your features into some sort of remorse and failed. Don't you dare try to hold my hand when next we meet, or so help me, I will make you pay, I swear I'll do it. "I'll never do it again" were your famous last words. By the Precursors, I was like a moron with only 50% of my intellect for falling for that. All your golden tricks turned to lead, falling into nothing as you turned my world upside down. If you even try to say "Don't Walk Away" when I pick up my stuff from your apartment, I will fly at you with an unstoppable rage. Reaching out to me will only lead to me leaving you stuck in the rain. I don't have the energy to do so right now, but I would advise against approaching me for at least three months, if not more.

Your legacy is that you will haunt my dreams until I learn to breathe again and find my way back to my secret garden of wildflowers under the stars. Where true love waits.

Yours Never Again,

Keira Hagai,"

The message ended.

"Erol! He's been spotted in Dead Town!"

"Don't just contact me, after him!" Erol said as he went after the escapee. The mechanic would just have to wait.

When he got back the second time, her stuff was gone.