A/N: Hey, guys. Thanks for all the people that reviewed my stories. For those of you waiting for an update on Mirror, I'm working on Chapter 2 and I'll probably post it sometime this week. In the meantime, some Santofsky to tide you over.


He looks up, faintly recognizing the familiar voice.


She shifts awkwardly in the doorway, one hand raised in greeting. The first thing that comes to Dave's mind is, I didn't know she rejoined the Cheerios. The second thing is that botanical monstrosity that her chin and torso is hiding behind.

"Uhm, hi. I-I brought you some flowers."

"Just leave it on the table."

She does as he says, slowly, as if dreading the moment she has nothing to pay attention to but him. She sets the bouquet down and turns, eyes immediately locking onto the angry purple bruises around his neck.

"God, what the hell did you do to yourself, Karofsky?"

"Why are you here, Santana?"

She ignores his question, settling down at the foot of his bed gingerly. They sit in silence, Santana looking around the room as if she couldn't feel his gaze on her. When she finally speaks, he starts a little before he fully registers her words.

"I was outed this year, you know?"

She takes in his wide eyes and slack jaw and seeing as he obviously did not know, she continues.

"Yeah, on a fucking statewide political campaign."

"I don't watch much television outside of football," he admits, almost sheepishly. She nods as if, of course. When she doesn't keep speaking, he fidgets a little before curiosity takes over. "What happened?"

She laughs mirthlessly.

"Finn fucking Hudson."

She wets her lips and clears her voice before going on, avoiding eye contact.

"I wanted to go see you. I knew you would understand. And even though, we weren't close or anything…I wanted to go see you."

She shakes her head a little, a sad half-smile on her lips.

"What happened?" he whispers again.

"Nothing." She shrugs. "I got teased at school, bullied by the other Cheerios, some rugby douche thought he could get with me. But I expected all that. What I didn't expect was for my abuelita to disown me and kick me out of her house. And after that, I-I wanted to hurt myself. I wanted to do the same thing you did."

"Why didn't you?" he couldn't help from blurting out.

She smiles and her eyes get that faraway dreamy look.


One of his eyebrows raise and disappears into his hairline.

"Brittany? As in Brittany S. Pierce the Cheerio?"

She nods and all of a sudden, so many things make sense. The longing, furtive looks. The scowl every time that wheelchair kid came into the room. The fingers that traced invisible hearts on tabletops.

"Yeah. We started dating, you know. And-"

Her voice gets lower and he has to lean forward to hear the rest of her sentence.

"-as much as I wanted everything- the pain and humiliation- to end, I also wanted to spend the rest of my life with the one I'm in love with."

She pauses and finally looks him in the eye.

"You'll get that one day, Dave. You'll fall in love with a guy and you'll want to spend the rest of your life with him, too. And you can't give up before you get to feel the way I do right now."

He stares at her for a moment, noticing the dark circles underneath her eyes, the way her lower lip is chapped from her anxiously biting it. Most of all, he notices a new twinkle in her eye, one he didn't see last year. She looks genuinely happy, like she had everything she could possibly need.

He chuckles.

"You've gone soft, Lopez," he rasps.

"Maybe. But it's the best feeling in the world."