Okay this is the final chapter. And I'm thrilled. The main things will be at the bottom this chapter so you can read faster, but there is one thing. To the anonymous reviewer 'Disapointedguest' thank you for reviewing. I'm sorry you dislike the story so much and that it has seemingly failed in your eyes. But I refuse to feel ashamed for it. Apologies, again. And now, on with the story!

A lone figure hiked up a hill passing names and dates and people known only in memories now. The grass was wet from the drizzle that fell from the Gotham sky, covering the land and making it all the darker. The past week had been quiet, villains either as yet to escape or plotting in their lairs. He knew it was likely the later.

This is where he had gone for years after something difficult or when he just needed someone to listen. He knelt before the elaborate marble grave.

"Hello," He greeted voice soft. "It's been a while hasn't it? A lot of things have happened. You probably both know I guess," He chuckled a bit. "You always knew. I guess it makes this pointless, but it never stopped me before. I've got a lot to tell you, Mom, Dad," And Dick Grayson raised his head, letting the rain fall on him before beginning his tale.

. . . . .

Barbara Gordon had been trying for so long to stop her future it was… odd to have accomplished it. The area within the Helmet was large and could be manipulated, Nabu was company enough, and she could rest. Perhaps not physically, but she had been fighting for so long, and now she didn't have to. Nabu did and she was more than content to leave him to it. After all, she had never liked magic all that much anyway.

. . . . .

It had been three months since Dick was freed and life had gone on. Dick had remained asleep in a comatose state for a week and it was touch-and-go for a while, but he came out. Future Barbara had been bonded to this time-line by Fate and was seemingly content with that. And Wally had his best friend back, the Team their brother, the League their nephew, and the Bats their family. All was well. Except the fact that Dick was being Dick and it was not cool.

"Dude! You could at least pretend to lose. To boost a bro's self-confidence, right?" Dick cackled.

"Face it, Walls, even if you did win, you would question if I let you win and then decide I did, which wouldn't help matters at all. You're doomed, I'm afraid." He said a look of mock sympathy on his face.

"Oh, sure. You're laughing on the inside, Pipsqueak."

"Most certainly am. And come on, Walls, would you change me?" He said, angelic innocence displayed on his features. It looked wrong. Because if there was any two things Dick Grayson was not it was angelic and innocent. And Wally wouldn't change a thing.

"Not in a million lifetimes." He answered voice serious despite the hand that ruffled the boys' hair.

And five years later that was the memory that played as Dick offered himself in Artemis' stead for their plan. And he knew he wasn't the only one. They all had one memory that would forever be associated with him and one promise that they strove to keep. They were a family after all and when things got hard and lines blurred, that was all that mattered.

Wow, that was cheesy. Sorry if it felt rushed, but it came out like this and I know better than to contradict that. But despite that, I hope you have all enjoyed it. Beyond this, there will be a single Alternate Ending and then I will go to my next plotline. I thank you all for the kind reviews and honest stating of how you felt. For the alerts and favorites. They meant a lot, I swear to you. I hope that this was enough. Have a fantastic week,