The Shade Law

Chapter 29: The Best and the Worst

New Year's. When we make resolutions, decisions, choices, promises. When we choose which are worth keeping.

For the first time in years, Mom and dad aren't here to welcome the beginning of the New Year with me. You would think that the house would feel empty, or like the family's not complete without them. But, as Skye helps me clamber onto the roof to watch the first sunrise, I don't mind or notice the cold, vacant beds.

"I'm sorry I pried, Skye," I say, leaning against his shoulder, wincing from the pain from my gunshot. "I was being immature and I probably hurt you more than helped."

"No, don't be. It was about time I told someone that." Oddly, he doesn't have trouble lying back on the slanting roof, though I continuously slip. I have to constantly grip a shingle to avoid sliding off.

"We've been here before."

He looks at me, confused and probably wondering about my mental state. "You live here; of course you would have come here before."

I laugh at my poor wording. "No, I mean we've had this conversation before. We've been in the situation before."

"Oh, okay."

I glare good-naturally at him, huffing in mock hurt. "You thought I was losing it, didn't you?"

Skye raises his eyebrows, trying his best to look innocent. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, right, like I didn't see the look you just gave me," I say, trying not to fall off the roof.

"Whatever you say, Jill."

Finally getting a good grip on the roof, I say, staring at the fading stars, "Make a wish."


"Make a wish. When the sun comes up; that's what my family used to do every year." I shake the nostalgic feeling off, pointing at where the sky has already started to brighten. "See? Better think of your wish soon, because the sun's coming up."

He watches me for a few seconds before smiling crookedly. "Again, I never thought you were the type who does that. You're a very odd person, to say the least. Never expected that."

I grin back, crossing my ankles, slipping just slightly. "That's what you said before going out in the snow with me." Realizing what I just said, I stop with my mouth open. "Oops; sorry for bringing that up again."

He laughs, but I can't help but think that it must be forced. "It's okay. What's your wish?"

"You would like to know, wouldn't you?" I say, smiling stupidly at the horizon, happy for a change in subject. "I'm not telling. Yours?"

"Being a hypocrite, are we?"

I hit his arm playfully. "Shut up. I just thought that since you asked me, it's only fair to ask you." Crossing my arms dramatically, I say, "But whatever floats your boat."

Skye takes my hands and uncrosses my arms, chuckling at my theatrics. "Oh, don't be that way, Jill." He kisses me on the forehead, sending me into a blushing, light-headed feeling.

"I'll be that way if I want to," I say, poking him in the chest and pouting. "'Sides, we can tell each other our wishes afterwards, can't we?"

"Not if you want them to come true," he says in return, smiling.

"Psh. I don't believe in that sort of thing."

"Then why don't you tell me your wish?"

"Hey, no pointing fingers; you didn't want to tell me, either." Fingers of creamy light brush the edges of the sky, turning it a pale yellow. "And here comes the sun." I close my eyes. "Make your wish."

I hear him sigh in mock exasperation. Waiting for a few beats, I make my wish.

I wish things will turn out okay for Skye and me.

Opening my eyes, I wait patiently for him to do the same before saying, "What was your wish?"

He looks away, down at the streets. "That things work out. You?"

I nod, interlocking fingers with him. Oddly, though I hat mushy stuff, I don't find it weird to hold hands with him. "Same here."

A flash of black catches my attention. When I look, it's gone. Skye notices my change in focus. "What happened?"

I stare at the place for a few seconds before turning my gaze back to Skye. "I don't know. Thought I saw something, I guess."

"Do you know what it was?'

I shake my head, getting up, sitting on my haunches. "No."

"Where are you going?"

I crawl my way carefully to the edge of the roof, in the direction of where it disappeared. "Just checking to see what it was."

I hear him shift behind me. "Be careful."

Peeking over the edge, my hair falls over. "Yeah, yeah. It's not like I'm going to—" i nearly topple over when I see what—who—it is, losing my grip slightly. "Shit."

Skye sighs, coming up behind me. "See, I told you."

I would rub my eyes if I could move my arms. Skye pulls me up into a semi-sitting position by my shoulders. "No, that's not why I swore."

"Then why?"

"Go look for yourself," I say, because I know he'll see the same thing as I did. When he peers over, I hear him mutter under his breath, and it doesn't sound too nice.

Because it's Leith I saw.

From what I can see, he's as tall as Skye now, maybe even taller. He looks about eighteen, with spiky black hair that comes to past his ears and sweeps in front of his blazing red eyes. My eyes are drawn to a necklace he wears around his neck.

The pendant resembles a shard of crystal, attached by gold wire. The crystal is different, but it takes me a few seconds to realize why. When I do, my eyes widen.

It's multicolored, like a liquid rainbow.

And Leith's talking to a Government soldier, whose hand rests on the handle of the gun in his holster. The man's nodding, agreeing with whatever it is Leith's saying. The shard changes to a light gold color, with hints of charcoal black.

"Why's the crystal changing colors?" I ask, staring along with Skye.

My voice seems to shake him out of his trance. "Huh?"

"Why's the crystal shard around his neck changing colors?"

Skye swallows nervously, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. "The crystal in the ring reacted to feelings. Maybe it's the same with it?"

"Maybe," I say, pressing closer to the roof. "What does gold mean? And black?"

"I know gold means pride or satisfaction," he says, studying Leith. "But I have no clue about black."

Our conversation is cut when Leith and the soldier shake hands. Like they're sealing a deal. The shard returns to it's original color; a dark orange color, flickering like a dying ember.

"How about that orange?" I ask, watching as the two leave, each in different directions.

"Anger. It means anger, though I don't know why it is flickering." He looks at me. "Maybe it means he's not completely set on being angry?"

"I don't know, but there's no use trying to figure it out now." Sitting back, I rake my brain for a change of subject. I'll ask Leith about it later. "What do you think's going to happen in the future?"

He shrugs, not as eager to let the matter drop. "All we can hope for is the best, right?"

"Yeah." Hope for the best.

But prepare for the worst.

Tempest Bound: 'TIS COMPLETE! :D (Sorry the chapter's so short.)

My first ever completed multi-chapter fic is done! I'm feeling sort of proud of myself, but I couldn't have done it without many people. Thanks go to:

Pelkasauras-Cherry345 for your reviews, which I always look forward to. And, your questions, whether you did this intentionally or not, kicked the writer's block bunny to the curb many a time.

HarvestDragon for your reviews (again) and PMs, which always seemed to make me smile. And, yes, you make like Leith more than Skye.

HorseGirl784 for your interest in this story. Thank you for the compliments, and, most of all, the constructive criticism. It's helped me improve, but whether or not it's noticeable is another matter.

HersheyChocolates101 for your help as a beta-reader. I know I've thanked you multiple times, but I have to thank you again for your insightful comments and grammar help.

The Original Ice Queen

The Rune Reverend

MorWolfMor (FlamingIceWolfGirl)




Rosy the Spazz







Hidden by the Sun

Moon Eclipse Shadows




Etoile of the twilight

It's funny to think that this entire story (well, mostly the fact that I chose JillxSkye, anyways) started because I wanted some new, quality Skye fics in the archive. When I didn't see any for a long time, I gave it a shot. Writing one, that is, however bad it is. I wanted a story where he wasn't just a smooth-talking thief, or a broken soul. I wanted something that gave reasons to as to why he did what he did: stealing (which will be addressed in The Goddess Crystal), not appearing when it was raining or snowing, why he would be attracted to a plain farmer (which, again, will be addressed in The Goddess Crystal), etc.

I wanted a different view and opinion on one of my all-time favorite bachelors from Harvest Moon. The reason why? His character is so different, so unique from others that there's so much you can do with it, and no one was taking the opportunity. I hope I achieved that goal, however poor or bad the end result may be.

So here's my fanfiction. Here's my take. Here's the story that took me one night to think up and more than half a year to execute.

And to leave you off, I'll put up a fun fact and a few story stats.

Fun Fact: Every chapter, whether entirely or in part, was written on memo pads on my phone before being typed up.

Completed: 29/07/2012

Number of Reviews Right Now: 95

Thank you all.