Whose game is it now?

Well that took me longer than expected. I've been lazy and suffered of writer's block, but managed to write the eleventh chapter. I've decided that I still don't wanna finish the story just yet, but really would like to write another chapter or 3..

Chapter 11


A few hours have passed since the sun had risen, but he still couldn't quite open his eyes yet. Feeling rather exhausted and utterly satisfied with last night, the Saiyan rolled over unto his other side. Sleepy, yet with a pleasant sense of butterflies in this stomach and an over stimulated manhood he tightened his muscles and relaxed as his blue eyes lazily absorbed their surroundings. Unfocused, they perceived the figure lying next to him. The Android had spent the night in Trunks' bed, and now he was still relaxing in it. The blanket clumsily drooped over his lower half, revealing his bruised back and his arm supported his head. He was quiet and was facing the other side, so Trunks automatically assumed that he still was asleep.

Awakening slowly, Trunks caressed the slender yet muscular back with his eyes and felt absolutely happy at that particular moment. The mere thought of being together with somebody that one has been craving for with a lust so fierce, that only imagining it is a sin of the highest rank, just makes someone feel so damn victorious. Having that person's full attention and body for a moment is an incredible feeling that should continue into eternity and never ever stop. And what's more, he actually developed a sense of dependence for the Android. His intense eyes and his way with words were things that could shatter the Saiyan heart into a thousand little pieces. Trunks found himself being trapped in a stage where he absolutely couldn't hurt this artificial creation even if he'd wanted to. This form of love has defiantly brought him down to his knees.

Placing a hand on the Android's hip, the young Saiyan pulled the other man's body closer to his own and buried his face into raven black hair. Sensing the smell of his marked territory through his nostrils and every nerve in his body Trunks positioned his hips behind the Android's. 17's lower back fitted perfectly into Trunks' lap; like a perfect puzzle piece, as the smaller man's hips fitted exactly into the Saiyan lap. Trunks was far more muscular than the Android, as every muscle of his hard-cut thighs was covered with flawless skin revealing every curve or groove. The Android's muscles weren't like a body builder's, but more of an athlete. Long, slender muscles suited his flexible created body.

Trunks' hand gently moved around the flat, eight-packed, abdomen as he slowly pressed the artificial body against his own. With the sensation of having his naked body touching artificial skin again running through his veins, made the Saiyan aroused. He knew that in a matter of moments he would get erected and would beg to be stimulated. He couldn't help himself for being so attracted to 17, being in his presence slowly downgraded his rationality to an impulsive, emotional rollercoaster. His fingertips caressed the Android's chest, playfully moving around his nipples and his mouth already found its way to the Android's neck, carefully biting it. Trunks knew that he had to have him again, just as hard and raw as the previous night.

Little did Trunks know that the Android has been awake the entire time. He actually never slept, because he needn't due to his endless supply of energy. His pale eyes were fixated on absolutely nothing for hours, he just lay still, with a smirk on his face, waiting for the next step. But, because he had been awaken so properly this morning, he had a hard time pretending that he was sleeping. Feeling Trunks' breath on his neck really complicated things for him, because it became so difficult to resist temptation. He decided to keep still, until the time was right, but really couldn't do it anymore as he held a hand sliding down his lower stomach. As it reached his groin, he couldn't do anything except whimper, revealing that he was awake.

The Android turned his head towards the Saiyan and exhaled some air in the direction of Trunks' face. Blue eyes with a playful twinkle inside, never seemed more awake, as they examined 17's face.

"Is this all it takes, Seventeen?" whispered Trunks.

Moving his hand over the Android's manhood en feeling it swell up inside of his hand, amused the Saiyan. He lifted the corner of his mouth and buckled his hips slowly against the Android's back.

"So hard already.." he whispered again.

17 parted his lips, reached for Trunks' mouth and caressed his upper lip with a playful tongue, hinting him so that he'd kiss him. Trunks took this moment in and felt his heart beating faster, because he couldn't resist the Android's smell, how his fingernails sometimes would crawl up his spine and the way he would always thrill him and pull away. In his mind it became obvious that it was much more than lust alone, and how much this process would hurt him in the end.

17 tangled his slender digits in lavender hair and decided that pursuing the next step would be tricky, because despite of everything, Trunks was so damn attractive. Especially now, with his hand wrapped around his morning erection and moving slowly around the shaft. The Android moaned quietly into Trunks' mouth as lazy lips got pressed together. Responding to the kiss, Trunks tightened his grip and felt the Android's body shiver for a moment. He grinned during that kiss.

They would absolutely relive all of the things they did last night. The most fifthly, animalistic and raw form of physical contact in every position, from every angle, in every corner of that room..


The most annoying ring tone echoed through the room. The world's most bad timing ever, would change their understanding forever.

Trunks broke the kiss, cursed underneath his breath at first, but immediately jumped out of bed and ran towards his desk in order to answer that call. Leaving the Android full erected and unsatisfied in the bed, the Saiyan cleared his throat and quickly answered the phone.

"Mom? .." he spoke hastily.

He got disappointed instantly as the voice on the other side of the phone line wasn't his mothers.

"Mr. Brief? Mr. Brief? Am I speaking to Mr. Brief?" spoke the nervous male voice.

Cursing without sound, Trunks ran a hand through his hair and shook his head in disappointment.

"Yes, this is he.." he replied annoyed.

"I'm sorry to bother you sir, but I can't get in touch with Mrs. Bulma Brief, I've tried calling the office for days, but I can't seem to get a repl.."

"She's taking some personal time off.." Trunks interrupted him.

"What? Personal time.. but I.. we agreed that things would be settled.. like yesterday.." was the sound of the voice getting even more nervous.

"Look, I'm sorry.. I'm unaware of your business with my mother. I just got back from a.. trip myself."

"But.. that's goi" was the last thing the voice could say before Trunks pressed the red button on the phone and completely shut it off.

As the shock that Bulma hasn't called in days and the fact that he wasn't been aware of her whereabouts set in, Trunks lowered himself into his desk chair and shook his head in annoyance. He wasn't even sure if his mother was safe, where the hell she was and if she got the chance to put things in perspective. She was probably at Master Roshi's, but it was so unlike her to disappear like that.

17, immediately noticed Trunks' sad facial expression and knew from that point on that they wouldn't finish their little morning session after all. He sighed as he felt his erection softening, so he sat up in bed and stared at a naked Trunks, who was sitting in his desk chair.

"Expecting a call?" asked 17 to show some sort of interest.

"She hasn't even called yet. Is she really going to punish me like that?" answered Trunks.

Stretching his arms, 17 started scanning the floor in the hope of finding his boxers and pants. Feeling a bit bored by Trunks' need of approval from his mother, he pressed his lips into a thin line and shrugged his shoulders.

"Do not worry, she will show up eventually. It might make a long period of time, or a short one. Everything will turn out fine." said 17 with a sense of overconfidence in his voice.

"I just don't understand. All those years, each other is all we had. It's been just the two of use for about two decades. I can't believe that she's thrown it all away.." replied Trunks as he leaned back into his desk chair.

17 nodded in order to show that he was actually listening sincerely, but he actually was more interested in finding his clothes, that were scattered across the room. Trunks and his sad stories were actually becoming a bore as he thought about it, but acting as if he really cared was a necessary evil.

"I suggest that you do not worry so much.." was all that the Android managed to say after he spotted his boxers on the floor.

Trunks rubbed his eyes and a part of him agreed with 17 that he should give his mother some time, but on the other hand he felt that the Android didn't take the whole situation seriously. He probably never experienced what it feels like to have a close connection to a family member, if he even remembers his family from his human life, except for his sister of course. Trunks started feeling on edge, because waiting for that one phone call and not knowing when it might be, was a rather stressful endeavor.

17 started getting dressed without Trunks directly noticing it. He just began tying his shoelaces casually as if he was preparing to take a morning walk. Occasionally throwing glances at Trunks' naked body, he knew that he'd most defiantly miss that. He wasn't going be bent over, pinned down or slammed against walls any time soon. Knowing that these things were utmost entertaining he exactly knew what his priorities in life were; drifting around the earth like a free spirit and having as much as fun possible. The kind of fun that only he would consider as wonderful.

Completely dressed, 17 placed his hands in his sides and faced the balcony door. Taking in the colors of the clear, blue sky, he was more than ready to fly off again, until Trunks interrupted his little moment of Zen.

"What the hell? Are you going somewhere?" asked Trunks with a surprised look on his face.

"Well.. I am actually leaving, why?" said 17 with a perfectly calm voice.

Trunks jumped out of his chair and felt his heart beating fast as if he got slapped in the face by this announcement. Caught off guard completely, Trunks didn't even know how to react, except reach for his underwear, putting it on hastily and frowning at the Android.

"What.. why.. you're leaving where?" he asked as a waterfall of words came out of his mouth.

"I recall you telling me that I was free to go wherever I wanted, Trunks" said 17.

Still flabbergasted by the sudden announcement, Trunks' jaw dropped as he walked towards the balcony door.

"Well yeah but, I thought.." said Trunks.

"You thought that we were going to be some sort of hot couple? You do not want me to go?" asked the Android with a monotone voice.

Trunks felt himself getting more nervous as the conversation went along. Finally, he figured out his feelings towards the Android, but Vegeta's blood running through his veins would never allow him to admit to those feelings verbally in such a vulnerable state of mind. He convinced that he was in love with the Android and didn't want him to go, but somewhere deep inside he knew that him leaving would be the perfect opportunity to fix the mess he's created. He absolutely refused to be humiliated.

"I'm just.. curious" seemed like the perfect verbal solution at the moment.

17 looked up and met Trunks' bedazzled eyes.

"Surely, you are not in love with me, Trunks? Me, I do not even know what it means to be in love. And I am a free spirit at heart, you surely were not expecting that we would end up together? You told me yourself. And I think it is best that you set your priorities straight." said the Android.

Taking on an offensive body language, Trunks crossed his arms and tried not to lose face in front of the Android. Feeling rejected and rather humiliated, he desperately tried to keep his cool in for the sake of appearances.

"Don't flatter yourself, weren't you the one who insisted on getting in the shower with me?" he replied.

"Oh yes, I just wanted you to fuck me." said 17.

"And now that you have managed to bruise every single metallic bone in my body, I thought that I would take a little holiday" he spoke again.

Turning his face towards the sky and taking in the smell of fresh morning as soft sunrays caressed his face, made him seem angelic. He was everything but angelic, but Trunks was the only one who managed to see some form of humanity in this artificial being.

17 stretched his arms and yawned quietly. Turning his face towards Trunks' quasi-stoic facial expression he raised an eyebrow.

"Is this okay, Trunks?" he then asked.

Feeling deserted and sort of abandoned, Trunks didn't quite know what to do about the situation. He only knew that he didn't want him to go, because he just had admitted to himself that he had a crush on the Android. But, as the dating game rules state; never be too eager at the beginning as it might scare someone away. He actually really wanted 17 with an all-consuming craving that it started to ache. He already threw his morals out of the window for his lack of rationality and he just could not handle this rejection. But, he must play it cool and protect his heart from more agony.

"I'm a man of my word" was all that Trunks managed to say.

"I know" said 17 as he stepped out on the balcony getting ready to fly off into the blue sky.

Trunks prevented this motion from continuing by grabbing the Android's arm with a lightning speed.

"Wait.." he said.

17 looked over his shoulder to witness Trunks' hand grabbing his wrist tightly. As he looked into Saiyan eyes while turning around he had noticed a bit of sadness in those ocean blue pools.

"When will I see you again?" Trunks tried asking without revealing the despair in his voice.

Without blinking once, the Android shrugged his shoulders.

"Soon. Well, not if that Cell creature has anything to say about it, though.." was a reply that was stained with "fishing for conformation".

Shaking his head in annoyance, Trunks let go of 17's wrist.

"Look, I've already told you that Cell won't even get the chance to touch you. I'm going to destroy him with my own bare hands, I've got some score to settle with him."

After hearing that his future was secured 17 raised the corner of his mouth. Feeling absolutely invincible he nodded content. Trying hard not to smirk he thanked the young Saiyan.

"Look, where are you going, Seventeen?"

"I do not know yet."

"I suggest that you don't fall back in to your own lifestyle, because I won't stand for it.."

"I will not do anything mischievous, scout's honor.." said the Android as he showed Trunks a two-fingered peace-sign.

"Well.. I guess this is goodbye for now.." he said again.

"Wait.." said Trunks as he pulled the Android close. He placed his lips on the Android's while placing his arms around his waist. His tongue entered the other man's mouth lazily and began caressing 17's tongue. This kiss felt different this time as it didn't revolve around pure lust or power struggle, but contained a touch of melancholia. It was as if Trunks' strong Saiyan senses experienced a potential farewell. As much as his mind screamed that this should be over and done with his entire being desperately wanted to cling on this artificial being for whole eternity. His mind only acknowledged three facts at the moment; he actually was in love with the Android, he was worried sick about his mother's whereabouts and he knew that 17 would eventually come back for more.

17 pulled his mouth off Trunks' lips, leaned forwards to give the Saiyan a quick peck on the lips and smiled charmingly. After that, he climbed on the edge of the balcony, crossed his arms and slowly lifted himself up towards the sky. A quick look over his shoulder to make the Saiyan heart stop beating for a second was the last thing he did before he flew off in to air with an incredible speed. He left Trunks standing there on the balcony.

Trunks' heart sank for a moment as he watched 17 flying off into the sky like that. Insecurity started hanging over him like a shadow as he didn't know when he'd see him again, and what's more, it hurt like hell. The one thing that kept him preoccupied for days now, the thing that had turned his whole life upside down, the one thing he knew he wanted desperately; he just let him go.

As he kept convincing himself that he'd see the Android in a matter of days, Trunks entered his room and kept in mind that he had to make an important phone call.


In the mean time, feeling absolutely content with himself, Android 17 flew over a deserted highway. The cold air ran through his dark, raven hair, his clothes fluttered along with the speed he was flying in. Golden earrings were sparkling in the sun and blue aquamarine eyes didn't even blink once during that incredible rocket speed.

Feeling free like a bird and clever like a fox, the Android's face could only hold one expression at the moment; a smirk so conniving. He praised himself over and over again for his genius and charm until he couldn't anymore. He had entertained himself so brilliantly once again that he experienced a superiority complex more than ever before. Perfection, that was what he was, a perfect being with the superb technology to outsmart every single soul on this miserable planet.

He cut off his flight suddenly and landed elegantly in the middle of the deserted road. Crossed armed, he just stood there looking in the distance. As the wind caressed his skin gently he couldn't help himself but think out loud.

"A get-out-of-capsule free card, protection from Cell, heartbreak as revenge and I had a fantastic fuck. Really Trunks, whose game was it again? You really played with the wrong guy, you naïve son of a bitch.." said the Android with a stinginess in his calm voice.

His brilliance overwhelmed him. He felt exited and his hands itched desperately to do something to stimulate his senses even more. He just couldn't comprehend how somebody could be so naïve to actually fall so deep for the enemy. He couldn't even calculate the chances of someone doing something so stupid. How the doctor programmed him brilliantly, giving him the ability to adapt to every situation, no matter the risk. If he couldn't pull if off physically he would sure do it mentally. And now, he had found a way to keep his number one enemy closer.

Sure he had a great time with Trunks, but he absolutely couldn't forgive him for locking him up in that capsule. That damn Saiyan, with the most attractive face he has ever seen and the most irresistible body in the whole universe. 17 actually never intended to end up in bed with him, but the ways things played out were perfect. Pretending to be a whole different being worked out perfectly.

His thoughts got interrupted by a noise in the distance. A smooth running engine sounded closer. Finally, a nice looking car made it his way. 17, with his fondness for wheels, immediately spotted the red sports car and decided that he wanted to take it for a spin. With that in mind he lifted himself in the sky for a couple of meters and waited for the perfect timing.

As the red convertible raced along the lonely road, a young man was sitting behind the wheel. He looked urban with his short sleeved tanktop and dark sunglasses. With his bedroom hairdo and laidback position by driving the car with one hand he got the surprise of a lifetime as two feet landed on his hood out of nowhere.

Completely in shock by the impact, the young man headed for the breaks and got slammed into his backseat. He was shaking like a leaf for a moment until he looked up to see a strange guy standing on the hood. Judging by the way the figure was dressed he immediately felt his blood boiling and filling his face.

"What the hell are you doing! Are you fucking insane! Get the hell off my car you crazy bastard!" he shouted in a rage as he stepped out of his car and slammed his door shut.

17 kept his arms crossed and jumped off the hood. Shaking his head slightly he focused his stoic gaze on the man.

"What a language, how can someone so rude have such a nice ride?" he asked.

"It was a nice ride until you decided to fucking jump on my hood! You're so gonna pay for this asshole!" he shouted again.

"Interesting, but I am not going to pay you anything, friend" replied the Android calmly.

The guy felt a huge vein swell up on his forehead. Consumed by a blinding rage he grabbed the Android by his shirt and tried intimidating him with his bloodshot eyes.

"What?! Not gonna pay! You'll pay with your faggy face! I'll rearrange it so much that you'll be eating from a straw, friend!" he spoke again as he bald his fists in the Android's shirt.

Remaining perfectly calm, 17 raised an eyebrow and looked the annoying man in the eye.

"I really do not appreciate you wrinkling my shirt, but have you been living in a cave for the last decade there friend? You do not recognize me in the slightest bit?" he asked.

Grinding his teeth in pure anger the man couldn't appreciate the Android's behavior in the least.

"I recognize a boy scout fairy when I see one! You've messed with the wrong guy fellow!"

"Is that a fact?" asked 17 by slightly raising an eyebrow.

With that said the guy pulled his arm back and punched the Android in the face. Feeling absolutely nothing, 17 stood still and enjoying hearing the fracturing of bones in the man's knuckle. Facing the human with his cold look he witnessed his pupils shrinking and his jaw dropping.

"My turn?" asked 17 again.

After saying that, he balled his fist and pounded that surprised man in the face so hard that he got slammed into the concrete road. Being struck by a force so powerful made him land hard on the back of his head against the rock hard floor. The force of the hit was so tremendous that it shattered his skull from two sides. An impact like that was equal to instant death..

The Android has killed again.

Observing the hole in the road that he had just created he shrugged his shoulders. Looking at his balled fist after he pressed his lips into a thin line he noted to himself that he didn't know his own strength. He, on the other hand, thought about breaking his promise to Trunks and the fact that it hasn't even been a day. Knowing that the body would become a nuisance and would increase the chance of Trunks finding out about this made him slightly nervous. In need of disposing the body, 17 blasted a powerful ki-wave into the hole, making sure that there wouldn't be any remains left.

Dusting his hands off after the blast the Android glanced over at the car. He just couldn't resist getting into that sweet ride and give it a spin. Driving vehicles was one of the most fun things in this world and it so much better than flying.

Jumping in the car, 17 turned on the engine and stepped on the gas peddle a couple of times. Enjoying the sound of the roaring engine the Android removed himself from the crime scene and continued his journey into world. Looking absolutely cool inside of the red car he hung an arm rather nonchalantly out of the window and enjoyed the wind racing through his hair.


After standing a couple of minutes on the balcony, Trunks decided to stop testing his own patience. Even though he was just sort of left behind and was used like a fucktoy he never stopped worrying about his mother. Why the hell couldn't she even call once? He couldn't take the tension anymore, she was a reasonable woman and has been through so much in her life, so that would probably make her a woman who could put things into prospective quickly.

He desperately needed to hear something from her, even if it meant being resented or scowled at for weeks. He knew he had betrayed her trust and disrespected everything she believed in, but he was her only son. What's more, even though he was a grown man he still was her child and children tend to make mistakes, right?

They've been through everything together, Trunks and Bulma. Ever since Gohan got killed by the Android's terror he really stepped up. Training like crazy and swearing that he would protect her no matter what in order to fulfill the role of great warriors like his father Vegeta and the great Goku about who he's heard so much about.

Living on his anger and fear of losing his mother for years Trunks even thought that he was strong enough to face the Android all by himself. Having every bone in his body broken after that rendez-vous she calmly nursed him and told him that everything was going to be all right. They would come up with a solution together to salvage this world of the darkness. So, she, with her brilliance, created a Time Machine and decided to change the future in another time where everyone was still breathing. She knew it was too late for this world, but desperately wanted to give a ray of hope to another world. So she fought back her tears as her only son stepped into that experimental Time Machine. Her heart ached so much that day and she broke down in tears as soon as he Machine disappeared from her sight. But her love for him made her the strong woman she is today. A woman that would rebuild her own future.

Thinking about all of those things really made Trunks realize how much she meant for him. She is such a big part of his world and he needed to talk things out and explain himself. Explain that his love for her is stronger than his lust for him. He needed to fix this mess.

With that in mind he entered his room, picked up the phone and started dialing.

She just had to be there.

The phone line got connected.

"Hello?" answered the voice on the other line.

"Master Roshi? Hi, it's me.. Trunks.."

"Trunks my boy! It's been such a long time! You never come by anymore. At least let this old man see the hero who's saved our future!" spoke the old man enthusiastically.

"No.. well.. I don't know about that.. " he replied humbly.

"You really remind me of Goku. I guess training with him and your father in the past really did you good."

"Yeah, I guess.. but look.." he tried to something.

"And you've seen your mother in the past too! Hehehe, I remember those good old days. The day we met and she wanted my dragonball, hehehe! So, how is that beautiful mother of yours doing anyway? Is she going to visit this lonely old man?" spoke the dirty old man.

"Wait! What do you mean how is she doing? Isn't she with you?" he said with a nervous voice.

"Bulma? What, no, I wish ehehe.. I"

"She never made it to the Kame House, is that what you're saying?"

"What.. I didn't even know she was coming here. I haven't seen her in years, is something wro.. " he got cut off.

"Trunks? Hello? Is everything okay?"

To be continued